Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Cut CEO pay to raise the minimum wage...
Sure. Are you going to cut CEO hours and increase minimum wage hours (salaried - no OT) to make it "fair"? Or as usual, do you expect one person to do all of the work while the other person gets all of their money for no reason?
Sure. Are you going to cut CEO hours and increase minimum wage hours (salaried - no OT) to make it "fair"? Or as usual, do you expect one person to do all of the work while the other person gets all of their money for no reason?

I'm going to keep asking you this, Poodle, and you'll never answer it.

Do you really think that the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth did 43% of the labor that actually CREATED that wealth?

Or that the bottom 40% of the population that only has .6% of the wealth is only doing .6% of the work.
Sure. Are you going to cut CEO hours and increase minimum wage hours (salaried - no OT) to make it "fair"? Or as usual, do you expect one person to do all of the work while the other person gets all of their money for no reason?

I'm going to keep asking you this, Poodle, and you'll never answer it.

Do you really think that the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth did 43% of the labor that actually CREATED that wealth?

Or that the bottom 40% of the population that only has .6% of the wealth is only doing .6% of the work.
Hey Joey, did you know that under your beloved Obama income inequality has gotten worse and the middle class continues it's decline? Yeah...thought so.

Obama like the Shrub believes in socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for all others.
Hey Joey, did you know that under your beloved Obama income inequality has gotten worse and the middle class continues it's decline? Yeah...thought so.

Obama like the Shrub believes in socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for all others.

why do you thin, "but, but but Obama" is an argument?

How about answering my question, if you can.

Do you really think that the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth did 43% of the labor that actually CREATED that wealth?

Or that the bottom 40% of the population that only has .6% of the wealth is only doing .6% of the work.

Let me know if you can answer that question without saying the word "Obama".
What do you know, more left-wing policy collapsing yet another country. You have to say this much for liberalism - it is unquestionably the most consistent of all concepts. You can say with 100% certainty that it will end in collapse before you implement it. At least you know what you're getting (failure, poverty, misery). There is no unknown. Perfect choice for any power hungry dictators that want to create chaos before their coup.

Incidentally, Venezuela chillingly mimics the first few minutes of Atlas Shrugged in every capacity. Thank God America has just enough conservatism left to delay the inevitable collapse that liberal policy delivers...

Low Water Levels Mean Lights May Go Out in Caracas
Incidentally, Venezuela chillingly mimics the first few minutes of Atlas Shrugged in every capacity. Thank God America has just enough conservatism left to delay the inevitable collapse that liberal policy delivers...

Wow, guy, you read Atlas Shrugged and think it actually had a message? What are you, fucking 14?
So liberal policy generates unemployment. Yet, when Bush was leaving office we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month, and the market was going straight down. Went clear to 6500 before the policies that President Obama put into place helped turn it around. And here we are in the last year of President Obama's terms, and the market is headed for 18,000, and unemployment is under 5%.

Maybe you are just a little retarded?
Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy
Zero net increase in employment during 8 years of Bush The Lesser.

How many millions employed under Clinton and Obama? Is it over 20,000,000 yet? 30,000,000?

Thread FAIL
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
This is known as a statistics of small numbers fallacy – and the thread premise fails as a consequence.

The story doesn't mention any statistics, so you're an idiot, as always.

Every time you accuse someone of resorting to a logical fallacy you always end up looking stupid, so why do you keep doing it? Face it: you are incapable of committing logic.
So liberal policy generates unemployment. Yet, when Bush was leaving office we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month, and the market was going straight down. Went clear to 6500 before the policies that President Obama put into place helped turn it around. And here we are in the last year of President Obama's terms, and the market is headed for 18,000, and unemployment is under 5%.

Maybe you are just a little retarded?

Obama's policies had a negative affect on the economy, not a positive one. Economies always turn around after recessions. That's why they are called "recessions" and not cliffs. Recessions are temporary reductions in economic growth. "Temporary" means there's a recovery after the decline. Obama simply cashed in by becoming president at the right time.
LOL. A negative affect is growth from 6500 to 18,000? Reduction in unemployment from over 10% to under 5%? Were this a Republican President you would be singing hosannas to him.
LOL. A negative affect is growth from 6500 to 18,000? Reduction in unemployment from over 10% to under 5%? Were this a Republican President you would be singing hosannas to him.

Under Obama we have had the slowest most anemic recovery since the Great Depression. The economy recovered despite Obama's programs. That's all you proved.

The "growth" you mentioned is phony growth the federal reserve produced by debasing the currency. The DJIA doesn't measure "growth." It measures the amount of cash being diverted into stocks.
Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy
Zero net increase in employment during 8 years of Bush The Lesser.

How many millions employed under Clinton and Obama? Is it over 20,000,000 yet? 30,000,000?

Thread FAIL
Now that you mention it....

Since Carter, Democrat presidents (Carter, Clinton, Obama) have been in office 19 years and 2 months compared to Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush41, Bush43) 20 years.

Over those years, twice as many jobs were added under Democrat leadership...

Republican .... 20,116,000
Democrat ...... 42,966,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Carter .... 10,345,000
Reagan .... 16,131,000
Bush ....... 2,637,000
Clinton ... 22,900,000
Bush ....... 1,348,000
Obama ...... 9,721,000

Next time a Bush voter criticizes job growth under Obama -- just laugh at 'em. :thup:
So liberal policy generates unemployment. Yet, when Bush was leaving office we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month, and the market was going straight down. Went clear to 6500 before the policies that President Obama put into place helped turn it around. And here we are in the last year of President Obama's terms, and the market is headed for 18,000, and unemployment is under 5%.

Maybe you are just a little retarded?

Obama's policies had a negative affect on the economy, not a positive one. Economies always turn around after recessions. That's why they are called "recessions" and not cliffs. Recessions are temporary reductions in economic growth. "Temporary" means there's a recovery after the decline. Obama simply cashed in by becoming president at the right time.
So did Reagan, yet we never hear the end of it..
Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy
Zero net increase in employment during 8 years of Bush The Lesser.

How many millions employed under Clinton and Obama? Is it over 20,000,000 yet? 30,000,000?

Thread FAIL
Now that you mention it....

Since Carter, Democrat presidents (Carter, Clinton, Obama) have been in office 19 years and 2 months compared to Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush41, Bush43) 20 years.

Over those years, twice as many jobs were added under Democrat leadership...

Republican .... 20,116,000
Democrat ...... 42,966,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Carter .... 10,345,000
Reagan .... 16,131,000
Bush ....... 2,637,000
Clinton ... 22,900,000
Bush ....... 1,348,000
Obama ...... 9,721,000

Next time a Bush voter criticizes job growth under Obama -- just laugh at 'em. :thup:
The people bitchin' just can't keep a job...

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