Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Nice thread title... :clap2:

I'm from Michigan, so I'll give example from around here.

From WWII all the way to sixties, Detroit was thriving city with highest per capita income of any cities in the US. Car factories were starving for workers, Motown was producing finest music of that era, and Detroit schools system was called one of the best in the world that produces large and prosperous middle class regardless of race. The 1960 was also the last year that city had republican mayor, and then it happened... not just in Detroit, but all around the nation, the push called "Great Society" and war on poverty came from Washington DC and whole country, not just Detroit, went downward. By nineties, Detroit lost 63% of its population, some 40% of Detroit citizens were on welfare and in 2009 Detroit children had math scores lowest the any ever recorded and reading level 73% below national average...

"The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family." - Walter E. Williams.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

1.) They cut back the hours significantly to reduce labor costs

2.) They eliminate labor costs completely through automation (so instead of a low wage job, thanks to liberals these people now have a no wage job)

3.) They raise prices to cover the labor costs. So now, a pair of socks at Walmart costs $60 per pair and the person making minimum wage is no further ahead.

Unfortunately, since liberals have zero concept of basic economics, their policies are built using views of a 5-year old. They don't understand that actions do not occur in a vacuum and that businesses don't eat cost.

And lastly - walmart or any other company is not going to forgo profit or surrender market share simply to make a political statement. Again - because liberals have zero concept of basic business practices, they just don't comprehend that a business is not run based on what happens a decade ago. It's run based on a decade from now. It's run based on strategic planning and financial projections. It's run based on new regulations and laws and what they will cost and how they will impact the businesses financial statements. Sadly, these are matters for the educated while liberals forgo facts and reason in favor of ideology.

Here is the bottom line: even if we were to pretend for a moment that walmart closed their doors "to make a political statement" the results are still the same. Those low wage jobs are now no wage jobs. Either way - liberal policy creates more unemployment, more failure, more poverty, and more misery.
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
But it doesn't go into effect until 2017.

You're trying to make an argument that raising the minimum wage costs jobs and as evidence, you're citing the closure of a Walmart -- which didn't actually close because of a rate hike to the minimum wage since the minimum wage hasn't gone up.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
But it doesn't go into effect until 2017.

You're trying to make an argument that raising the minimum wage costs jobs and as evidence, you're citing the closure of a Walmart -- which didn't actually close because of a rate hike to the minimum wage since the minimum wage hasn't gone up.
Yeah - and walmart has to account for 2017 today. You may live your life without planning for tomorrow but a business can't. They have to plan not only for tomorrow, but for next year and next decade. My corporation puts together a 10 year plan every decade on top of the yearly and monthly plans.

I'm sorry - but you'll never understand this because you don't understand business and economics and you prefer ideology over reality (all liberals do). So here's what we'll do to both appease you and let your own argument defeat itself: you're right - the evil, blood thirsty, demon that is walmart closed their doors to make some "big political statement". Guess what? Those people are still out of jobs today just as we predicted when that idiotic minimum wage went into effect. The results are the same - liberal policy creating more unemployment (which, if you would wake up and stop being so naive, you would realize is the intent of liberal policy because the more people on the government plantation, beholden to the government for even their most basic needs, the more power, money, and control people like power-hungry Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have over you).
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

1.) They cut back the hours significantly to reduce labor costs

2.) They eliminate labor costs completely through automation (so instead of a low wage job, thanks to liberals these people now have a no wage job)

3.) They raise prices to cover the labor costs. So now, a pair of socks at Walmart costs $60 per pair and the person making minimum wage is no further ahead.

Unfortunately, since liberals have zero concept of basic economics, their policies are built using views of a 5-year old. They don't understand that action do not occur in a vacuum and that businesses don't eat cost.

And lastly - walmart or any other company is not going to forgo profit or surrender market share simply to make a political statement. Again - because liberals have zero concept of basic business practices, they just don't comprehend that a business is not run based on what happens a decade ago. It's run based on a decade from now. It's run based on strategic planning and financial projections. It's run based on new regulations and laws and what they will cost and how they will impact the businesses financial statements. Sadly, these are matters for the educated while liberals forgo facts and reason in favor of ideology.

Here is the bottom line: even if we were to pretend for a moment that walmart closed their doors "to make a political statement" the results are still the same. Those low wage jobs are now no wage jobs. Either way - liberal policy creates more unemployment, more failure, more poverty, and more misery.
1. Companies typically can't reduce the number of employees because they need them for their business to operate. If they cut employees, they also cut production and/or services.

2. Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

3. That called inflation and also occurs even when the minimum wage doesn't go up.

4. (An option you didn't even think of) they lower the raises and bonuses to their executives to compensate for the increase to the minimum wage. No jobs cut. No production cut. No services cut. No prices raised.

As far as your idiocy that Liberals have zero concept how to run a successful company, I look forward to you proving that with verifiable statistics to show no successful businesses are run by Liberals...

... and again, you cited the closure of a Walmart as evidence of the negative impact of increasing the minimum wage when the minimum wage didn't actually increase.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.
I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
But it doesn't go into effect until 2017.

You're trying to make an argument that raising the minimum wage costs jobs and as evidence, you're citing the closure of a Walmart -- which didn't actually close because of a rate hike to the minimum wage since the minimum wage hasn't gone up.
Yeah - and walmart has to account for 2017 today. You may live your life without planning for tomorrow but a business can't. They have to plan not only for tomorrow, but for next year and next decade. My corporation puts together a 10 year plan every decade on top of the yearly and monthly plans.

I'm sorry - but you'll never understand this because you don't understand business and economics and you prefer ideology over reality (all liberals do). So here's what we'll do to both appease you and let your own argument defeat itself: you're right - the evil, blood thirsty, demon that is walmart closed their doors to make some "big political statement". Guess what? Those people are still out of jobs today just as we predicted when that idiotic minimum wage went into effect. The results are the same - liberal policy creating more unemployment (which, if you would wake up and stop being so naive, you would realize is the intent of liberal policy because the more people on the government plantation, beholden to the government for even their most basic needs, the more power, money, and control people like power-hungry Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have over you).
What utter ridiculousness.

If that location were profitable -- they wouldn't close it a year and a half before the minimum wage goes up because the minimum wage is going up in 2017. You're exposing your own ignorance on how to make a profit in a business. If they were actually closing because of the minimum wage increase, they would be closing the doors to that location in the summer of 2017.

The reality is that Walmart is shutting down 269 locations globally, including 154 locations in the U.S.

Walmart Continues Sharpened Focus on Portfolio Management
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

1.) They cut back the hours significantly to reduce labor costs

2.) They eliminate labor costs completely through automation (so instead of a low wage job, thanks to liberals these people now have a no wage job)

3.) They raise prices to cover the labor costs. So now, a pair of socks at Walmart costs $60 per pair and the person making minimum wage is no further ahead.

Unfortunately, since liberals have zero concept of basic economics, their policies are built using views of a 5-year old. They don't understand that action do not occur in a vacuum and that businesses don't eat cost.

And lastly - walmart or any other company is not going to forgo profit or surrender market share simply to make a political statement. Again - because liberals have zero concept of basic business practices, they just don't comprehend that a business is not run based on what happens a decade ago. It's run based on a decade from now. It's run based on strategic planning and financial projections. It's run based on new regulations and laws and what they will cost and how they will impact the businesses financial statements. Sadly, these are matters for the educated while liberals forgo facts and reason in favor of ideology.

Here is the bottom line: even if we were to pretend for a moment that walmart closed their doors "to make a political statement" the results are still the same. Those low wage jobs are now no wage jobs. Either way - liberal policy creates more unemployment, more failure, more poverty, and more misery.
1. Companies typically can't reduce the number of employees because they need them for their business to operate. If they cut employees, they also cut production and/or services.

2. Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

3. That called inflation and also occurs even when the minimum wage doesn't go up.

4. (An option you didn't even think of) they lower the raises and bonuses to their executives to compensate for the increase to the minimum wage. No jobs cut. No production cut. No services cut. No prices raised.

As far as your idiocy that Liberals have zero concept how to run a successful company, I look forward to you proving that with verifiable statistics to show no successful businesses are run by Liberals...

... and again, you cited the closure of a Walmart as evidence of the negative impact of increasing the minimum wage when the minimum wage didn't actually increase.

Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

Quit using that excuse, automation cost money , it is only feasible when labor prices out pace the cost to automate.
Again... they closed up even though their costs for employees did not rise. Their choice to close that location was politically motivated, not financial. Could be they were struggling anyway and used the minimum wage hike as an excuse.

You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

1.) They cut back the hours significantly to reduce labor costs

2.) They eliminate labor costs completely through automation (so instead of a low wage job, thanks to liberals these people now have a no wage job)

3.) They raise prices to cover the labor costs. So now, a pair of socks at Walmart costs $60 per pair and the person making minimum wage is no further ahead.

Unfortunately, since liberals have zero concept of basic economics, their policies are built using views of a 5-year old. They don't understand that action do not occur in a vacuum and that businesses don't eat cost.

And lastly - walmart or any other company is not going to forgo profit or surrender market share simply to make a political statement. Again - because liberals have zero concept of basic business practices, they just don't comprehend that a business is not run based on what happens a decade ago. It's run based on a decade from now. It's run based on strategic planning and financial projections. It's run based on new regulations and laws and what they will cost and how they will impact the businesses financial statements. Sadly, these are matters for the educated while liberals forgo facts and reason in favor of ideology.

Here is the bottom line: even if we were to pretend for a moment that walmart closed their doors "to make a political statement" the results are still the same. Those low wage jobs are now no wage jobs. Either way - liberal policy creates more unemployment, more failure, more poverty, and more misery.
1. Companies typically can't reduce the number of employees because they need them for their business to operate. If they cut employees, they also cut production and/or services.

2. Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

3. That called inflation and also occurs even when the minimum wage doesn't go up.

4. (An option you didn't even think of) they lower the raises and bonuses to their executives to compensate for the increase to the minimum wage. No jobs cut. No production cut. No services cut. No prices raised.

As far as your idiocy that Liberals have zero concept how to run a successful company, I look forward to you proving that with verifiable statistics to show no successful businesses are run by Liberals...

... and again, you cited the closure of a Walmart as evidence of the negative impact of increasing the minimum wage when the minimum wage didn't actually increase.

Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

Quit using that excuse, automation cost money , it is only feasible when labor prices out pace the cost to automate.
It's not an excuse, it's a reality. Automation has threatened jobs forever and will continue to do so regardless of the minimum wage.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

The problem is, guy, those things have ALREADY occurred.

Again, Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome.
You must think business owners are so stupid they can't figure what the bottom line will be after the minimum wage increases to $15/hr.

Leftwing douche bags depend on people being stupid.
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

The minimum wage doesn't reach $15 an hour until 2022 but Walmart closed their store in L.A. in 2016 though the minimum wage doesn't even begin increasing until 2017.

To rightards, that makes complete business sense. :cuckoo:

In reality, all it shows is that you'll defend anything by the right and criticize anything by the left. That mentality suits idiots like you perfectly as you don't have to even think out your positions.
It's really funny to hear you taking about not having to "think out your position" when you support completely absurd and unsustainable left-wing economic policies.

As I've already stated and you wisely avoided trying to dispute - a successful business man is successful because they don't eat cost. Therefore, one of three things occur:

1.) They cut back the hours significantly to reduce labor costs

2.) They eliminate labor costs completely through automation (so instead of a low wage job, thanks to liberals these people now have a no wage job)

3.) They raise prices to cover the labor costs. So now, a pair of socks at Walmart costs $60 per pair and the person making minimum wage is no further ahead.

Unfortunately, since liberals have zero concept of basic economics, their policies are built using views of a 5-year old. They don't understand that action do not occur in a vacuum and that businesses don't eat cost.

And lastly - walmart or any other company is not going to forgo profit or surrender market share simply to make a political statement. Again - because liberals have zero concept of basic business practices, they just don't comprehend that a business is not run based on what happens a decade ago. It's run based on a decade from now. It's run based on strategic planning and financial projections. It's run based on new regulations and laws and what they will cost and how they will impact the businesses financial statements. Sadly, these are matters for the educated while liberals forgo facts and reason in favor of ideology.

Here is the bottom line: even if we were to pretend for a moment that walmart closed their doors "to make a political statement" the results are still the same. Those low wage jobs are now no wage jobs. Either way - liberal policy creates more unemployment, more failure, more poverty, and more misery.
1. Companies typically can't reduce the number of employees because they need them for their business to operate. If they cut employees, they also cut production and/or services.

2. Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

3. That called inflation and also occurs even when the minimum wage doesn't go up.

4. (An option you didn't even think of) they lower the raises and bonuses to their executives to compensate for the increase to the minimum wage. No jobs cut. No production cut. No services cut. No prices raised.

As far as your idiocy that Liberals have zero concept how to run a successful company, I look forward to you proving that with verifiable statistics to show no successful businesses are run by Liberals...

... and again, you cited the closure of a Walmart as evidence of the negative impact of increasing the minimum wage when the minimum wage didn't actually increase.

Automation has always been a threat to jobs, even long before there was minimum wage; and will continue to be a threat even when the minimum wage remains stagnant.

Quit using that excuse, automation cost money , it is only feasible when labor prices out pace the cost to automate.
It's not an excuse, it's a reality. Automation has threatened jobs forever and will continue to do so regardless of the minimum wage.

Well yes that is known, but again they could have had those kiosk in every dang fast food joint at leat 10 years ago if it was economicly feasible for example.

I'm sure they were struggling already. I just don't see any company cutting off their own nose to spite their face. Walmart isn't going to forgo profit and give up market share to make a political statement.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
But it doesn't go into effect until 2017.

You're trying to make an argument that raising the minimum wage costs jobs and as evidence, you're citing the closure of a Walmart -- which didn't actually close because of a rate hike to the minimum wage since the minimum wage hasn't gone up.
Yeah - and walmart has to account for 2017 today. You may live your life without planning for tomorrow but a business can't. They have to plan not only for tomorrow, but for next year and next decade. My corporation puts together a 10 year plan every decade on top of the yearly and monthly plans.

I'm sorry - but you'll never understand this because you don't understand business and economics and you prefer ideology over reality (all liberals do). So here's what we'll do to both appease you and let your own argument defeat itself: you're right - the evil, blood thirsty, demon that is walmart closed their doors to make some "big political statement". Guess what? Those people are still out of jobs today just as we predicted when that idiotic minimum wage went into effect. The results are the same - liberal policy creating more unemployment (which, if you would wake up and stop being so naive, you would realize is the intent of liberal policy because the more people on the government plantation, beholden to the government for even their most basic needs, the more power, money, and control people like power-hungry Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have over you).
What utter ridiculousness.

If that location were profitable -- they wouldn't close it a year and a half before the minimum wage goes up because the minimum wage is going up in 2017. You're exposing your own ignorance on how to make a profit in a business. If they were actually closing because of the minimum wage increase, they would be closing the doors to that location in the summer of 2017.

The reality is that Walmart is shutting down 269 locations globally, including 154 locations in the U.S.

Walmart Continues Sharpened Focus on Portfolio Management

And the reality is these closing all coincide with 8 years of failed extreme liberal policy by Obama and insane minimum wage rates in extreme liberal cities.

Every time you post, you support the entire premise of this thread.
And yet, you just did. They closed their doors over a reason that hasn't actually happened.
It did happen. It was passed into law.
But it doesn't go into effect until 2017.

You're trying to make an argument that raising the minimum wage costs jobs and as evidence, you're citing the closure of a Walmart -- which didn't actually close because of a rate hike to the minimum wage since the minimum wage hasn't gone up.
Yeah - and walmart has to account for 2017 today. You may live your life without planning for tomorrow but a business can't. They have to plan not only for tomorrow, but for next year and next decade. My corporation puts together a 10 year plan every decade on top of the yearly and monthly plans.

I'm sorry - but you'll never understand this because you don't understand business and economics and you prefer ideology over reality (all liberals do). So here's what we'll do to both appease you and let your own argument defeat itself: you're right - the evil, blood thirsty, demon that is walmart closed their doors to make some "big political statement". Guess what? Those people are still out of jobs today just as we predicted when that idiotic minimum wage went into effect. The results are the same - liberal policy creating more unemployment (which, if you would wake up and stop being so naive, you would realize is the intent of liberal policy because the more people on the government plantation, beholden to the government for even their most basic needs, the more power, money, and control people like power-hungry Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have over you).
What utter ridiculousness.

If that location were profitable -- they wouldn't close it a year and a half before the minimum wage goes up because the minimum wage is going up in 2017. You're exposing your own ignorance on how to make a profit in a business. If they were actually closing because of the minimum wage increase, they would be closing the doors to that location in the summer of 2017.

The reality is that Walmart is shutting down 269 locations globally, including 154 locations in the U.S.

Walmart Continues Sharpened Focus on Portfolio Management

And the reality is these closing all coincide with 8 years of failed extreme liberal policy by Obama and insane minimum wage rates in extreme liberal cities.

Every time you post, you support the entire premise of this thread.
Really? That's where you want to go with this?

How many businesses closed after 8 years of Bush?

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