Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
You've shown nothing that proves that was their reason.

And it's absurd to say that they need to shut a store down a year in advance of a law taking effect.

You're grasping and failing spectacularly dude.
Click on his link. Breitbart updated their story...

(Update: The closure was described by the company as one of 154 closures “that took into account a number of factors, including financial performance as well as strategic alignment with long-term plans.”)

And yet again you prove me right and the premise of this thread. "financial performance as well as strategic alignment with long-term plans".

Walmart looked at the insane minimum wage in their long term plans and realized that the costs were unsustainable.

It's strange - the more you post the more you support exactly what I was saying.
Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
This has nothing to do with Obamacare!

You're really bad at this. You can't even follow your own line of argument.
Ummm....are you a wee bit confused? This thread isn't about Obamacare... :laugh:
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
One would have to be a total and complete idiot to think raising the MW to $15/hr will not result in continued high unemployment of young people. But then, consequences mean nothing to the Left.
Maybe we should lower it to $1.00 an hour? That will make companies SOOOOO happy!
It would make everyone except confused and ideological liberals happy. For one, it would prevent the unsustainable inflation that liberal minimum wage creates. For another, it would put people back to work. There would be a slew of jobs available at $1 per hour. Sadly, at $15 per hour liberals replace minimum wage jobs with no wage jobs. $1 per hour is still better than the $0 per hour you support...
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)
Walmart didn't close their doors because of the increase to minimum wage. That increase didn't even go into effect but they closed.

The increase doesn't begin until 2017 and even then it's only a .50¢ increase until 2018.
Well you can't run your business on yesterday. There is a reason that business includes concepts like "strategic planning" and "financial projections". Walmart looked at the unsustainability of the absurd policy and closed their doors.
You've shown nothing that proves that was their reason.

And it's absurd to say that they need to shut a store down a year in advance of a law taking effect.

You're grasping and failing spectacularly dude.
Click on his link. Breitbart updated their story...

(Update: The closure was described by the company as one of 154 closures “that took into account a number of factors, including financial performance as well as strategic alignment with long-term plans.”)

And yet again you prove me right and the premise of this thread. "financial performance as well as strategic alignment with long-term plans".

Walmart looked at the insane minimum wage in their long term plans and realized that the costs were unsustainable.

It's strange - the more you post the more you support exactly what I was saying.
Too rightarded.

They're closing hundreds of stores. you claim it's due to a raise in the minimum wage -- but the minimum wage did not go up in L.A. and is not scheduled to go up in many of the other 268 locations globally. Even worse for you -- Walmart says they began planning on closing many of those 269 locations since 2011 to focus on strengthening Supercenters, optimizing Neighborhood Markets, growing the e-commerce business and expanding Pickup services for customers.

But we'll see who's right real soon. Jerry Brown just made the minimum wage $15/hour for the entire state, phasing in at a similar pace as L.A.

If you're right, Walmart will be closing all of their California locations. If they don't, then they're clearly not closing stores due to the minimum wage.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes there are a few big corps who pay MW and no doubt they will look to replace the human MW worker with automation or cut staff, as the MW rises. Then what will you have caused?
They've been doing that - where have you been? There is a huge self-checkout at Walmart, and Home Depot and Lowes also have them.
Exactly my point. Thank you.
Yes they have - so you can't blame that on rising MW.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?

OK, I see that I should weed you out of the people who are worth responding to.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah...that was BO The Great Divider's plan to enrich the 1% and the Dem donor class. Worked like magic. It also helped to double the national debt in just 8 years. Plus gave us all those Solyndra's and shovel ready jobs.

You probably don't know this, but that nearly $1 TRILLION was added to all those years when Dirty Harry Reid refused to submit a yearly budget. It wasn't just a ONE YEAR plan...thanks to corruption of the D party and a subservient media.
Last edited:
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?

OK, I see that I should weed you out of the people who are worth responding to.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!

Let's see national debt 1789-2009 - $10 Trillion...after Dear Leader (The Great Divider) - $20 Trillion. The rich got much richer and the middle class and poor got poorer. GOOD JOB!!!
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?


I suggest you go to the library and read recent issues of The Economist. Two articles in the 3/26 - 4/1 are worth your time:
  1. Too Much of a Good Thing (pg. 23
  2. The Problem with Profits (pg. 11)
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Funny how the Left likes to bitch about W blowing up the national debt with his foolish wars, but refuse to believe Big Ears (The Great Divider) blew up the national debt to even greater levels with wasteful ineffective spending that only enriched the rich and the D donor class.

Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.

Wrong. The deficit has two fathers: The Congress and The President of the United States. Both are complicit in driving up the debt (and I don't mean the current president and the current congress, but I don't let them off the hook either)

[potential solution: Constitutional Amendment to give POTUS the line item veto}.

Investing in our nation's people, the nation's infrastructure which benefits commerce, and native business startups should be a priority domestic issue. Protecting the nation and its people should be the number one priority of both the domestic and foreign policy.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?

OK, I see that I should weed you out of the people who are worth responding to.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!

Let's see national debt 1789-2009 - $10 Trillion...after Dear Leader (The Great Divider) - $20 Trillion. The rich got much richer and the middle class and poor got poorer. GOOD JOB!!!
Reagan tripled it and when Bush nearly doubled it, the right told us deficits don't matter. Now you can go fuck yourself.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?

OK, I see that I should weed you out of the people who are worth responding to.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!

Let's see national debt 1789-2009 - $10 Trillion...after Dear Leader (The Great Divider) - $20 Trillion. The rich got much richer and the middle class and poor got poorer. GOOD JOB!!!
Reagan tripled it and when Bush nearly doubled it, the right told us deficits don't matter. Now you can go fuck yourself.
Apparently the truth hurts small minded people like you. You shit on Reagan and W all the time for their deficits, but think Obama The Great Divider is COOL...hypocrite!!!

And since when do radical leftists like you ever listen to what the right says?

Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.
Yeah...Big Ears the GREAT DIVIDER has doubled the national debt in just 8 years and yet we have low growth and a declining middle class. If government spending leads to prosperity, we should be experiencing GREAT PROSPERITY...but we are not. Why?

OK, I see that I should weed you out of the people who are worth responding to.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!

Let's see national debt 1789-2009 - $10 Trillion...after Dear Leader (The Great Divider) - $20 Trillion. The rich got much richer and the middle class and poor got poorer. GOOD JOB!!!
Reagan tripled it and when Bush nearly doubled it, the right told us deficits don't matter. Now you can go fuck yourself.
Apparently the truth hurts small minded people like you. You shit on Reagan and W all the time for their deficits, but think Obama The Great Divider is COOL...hypocrite!!!

And since when do radical leftists like you ever listen to what the right says?

Who said listen? We were stuck with those debtors. Y'all didn't give a shit about debt then so who cares what you think now?
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Nope, Bush owns the highest deficit in history, $1.47 trillion, his last fiscal year.
But at least the Right gets to blame Bush's last 2 trillion increase in the GOP/Reagan National Debt on Obama.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Nope, Bush owns the highest deficit in history, $1.47 trillion, his last fiscal year.
But at least the Right gets to blame Bush's last 2 trillion increase in the GOP/Reagan National Debt on Obama.
Why does the Left condemn W for his deficits, but not BO (The Great Divider)?

Obama...the $20 TRILLION dollar man...but don't tell leftists. They can't be excepted to accept the truth.
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Nope, Bush owns the highest deficit in history, $1.47 trillion, his last fiscal year.
But at least the Right gets to blame Bush's last 2 trillion increase in the GOP/Reagan National Debt on Obama.
Why does the Left condemn W for his deficits, but not BO (The Great Divider)?

Obama...the $20 TRILLION dollar man...but don't tell leftists. They can't be excepted to accept the truth.


The Truth is the current debt is an aggregate of deficits signed by all of the predecessors of President Obama, not his alone; it is a result of each POTUS signing the budget sent to them by The Congress.
I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Nope, Bush owns the highest deficit in history, $1.47 trillion, his last fiscal year.
But at least the Right gets to blame Bush's last 2 trillion increase in the GOP/Reagan National Debt on Obama.
Why does the Left condemn W for his deficits, but not BO (The Great Divider)?

Obama...the $20 TRILLION dollar man...but don't tell leftists. They can't be excepted to accept the truth.


The Truth is the current debt is an aggregate of deficits signed by all of the predecessors of President Obama, not his alone; it is a result of each POTUS signing the budget sent to them by The Congress.
Isn't that nice?

W is an asshole for blowing up the national debt, but BO The Great Divider is a hero for blowing up the national debt.

Now that is some kind of convoluted logic. No?

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