Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.
Government jobs. We have more bureaucrats than ever before. They exist to come after the people who fail to obey the regime.
The lies of the Right are never ending.
Government jobs have DECLINED under Obama.
If righties didn't lie, they'd have nothing to post.

If Obama added as many government jobs as Bush did, the unemployment rate would be around 4%.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.
Government jobs. We have more bureaucrats than ever before. They exist to come after the people who fail to obey the regime.
The lies of the Right are never ending.
Government jobs have DECLINED under Obama.
Military cuts and shift to contractors. Nice try.
The military are not counted as part of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population.
Nice lie.

Therefore non-military government workers have DECLINED more than half a million from 21,196,000 when Obama started to 20,548,000 now.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
No keyboard. Google Federal workers hit record number, but growth slows under Obama
I handicap but Fed not shrink. contractors. Need backup
Notice how the Right lies, first they lie that the reduction in government workers was due to a reduction in the military. When that lie is exposed And the number of government workers is posted with a link to the actual data, they shift to a new lie for some vague cherry-picked subset of government workers with no link to the data which I can't confirm with actual data, just an OPINION piece from a known lying source. The actual data with every variation of "federal workers" shows a decrease since Obama began.

Total Government Employment Since 1962
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.
Government jobs. We have more bureaucrats than ever before. They exist to come after the people who fail to obey the regime.
The lies of the Right are never ending.
Government jobs have DECLINED under Obama.

Yea, as if no one was hired to oversee the disaster called Obamacare. How many got a cut of the nearly billion dollars spent just on a crappy website that wasn't as good as thousand out there. Or did Michelle's friend hired to do that half-ass job get most of it? More were hired for the IRS to enforce the Obamacare law.

Military was cut deep and now they're trying to get some people back. We need them far more than a bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats.

Regulatory agencies have boomed under Obama because he needs people to enforce his oppressive new regulations, which are too many to keep up with.

Regulatory Agencies Boom Under Obama Administration
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.
Government jobs. We have more bureaucrats than ever before. They exist to come after the people who fail to obey the regime.
The lies of the Right are never ending.
Government jobs have DECLINED under Obama.

Yea, as if no one was hired to oversee the disaster called Obamacare. How many got a cut of the nearly billion dollars spent just on a crappy website that wasn't as good as thousand out there. Or did Michelle's friend hired to do that half-ass job get most of it? More were hired for the IRS to enforce the Obamacare law.

Military was cut deep and now they're trying to get some people back. We need them far more than a bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats.

Regulatory agencies have boomed under Obama because he needs people to enforce his oppressive new regulations, which are too many to keep up with.

Regulatory Agencies Boom Under Obama Administration
Now the lie shifts to regulations, using a link that says nothing about workers.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.
Nope, Bush owns the highest deficit in history, $1.47 trillion, his last fiscal year.
But at least the Right gets to blame Bush's last 2 trillion increase in the GOP/Reagan National Debt on Obama.

Obama added a few dollars to the 2009 budget with this:

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.
Yes - the package was around $825-$850 billion. But a third of that was tax cuts and they don't count, right?
Why does the Left condemn W for his deficits, but not BO (The Great Divider)?

Obama...the $20 TRILLION dollar man...but don't tell leftists. They can't be excepted to accept the truth.
The "truth" is the Right are hypocrites! First of all, Obama did not run up 20 trillion in debt, most of that came from 3 Republicans, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. At the end of Bush II's last fiscal year the debt was 12 trillion, the interest on that 12 trillion is another 3 trillion so at least 15 trillion of the 20 trillion has absolutely nothing to do with any Obama policies. But beyond that 15 trillion you have the continuing costs of Bush's policies like his wars and the continuing medical expenses for the tens of thousands of injured vets until the day they die. So in reality only about 3 to 3.5 trillion of that 20 trillion belongs to Obama.

So now let's look at the hypocrisy of the Right. Carter ran up 300 billion in debt in his 4 years and St Ronnie ran against Carter's "enormous" debt which brought the nation's total debt to nearly 1 trillion. But in 8 years Reagan ran up 10 times the debt of Carter and Bush I ran up triple the debt of Carter, but we were told that suddenly deficits didn't matter and debt is good. Then Clinton gets elected and overnight the debt was the end of the world and the deficit had to be eliminated immediately. But when Bush II was elected we were reminded that "Reagan PROVED that deficits don't matter." And again when Obama was elected just as suddenly the debt would be the end of America as we know it.

So the question is why do you "deficit hawks" ONLY bitch and whine about the deficit when Democrats are president, and why should any honest person take you seriously???????
Thanks for proving my point.

You bitch about the Rs running up the national debt, yet your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) has added more dollars to the national debt than all the Rs combined.....and you gladly blow him every day.

Already proved that to be a LIE, repeating your LIE does not make it any less of a LIE.
Let's see if this helps you understand.

$10 Trillion added to the national debt by all previous presidents
$10 Trillion added by Obama

What president added the most to the national debt?

You get a red star on your forehead if you get it right.
19.2 - 10.6 = 10 to brain dead cons.
Oh....the literalist. No doubt you also give W and Rs the benefit of doubt right?

A few billion here or there matters the political class and specifically Obama The Great Divider.

$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency
When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
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The "truth" is the Right are hypocrites! First of all, Obama did not run up 20 trillion in debt, most of that came from 3 Republicans, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. At the end of Bush II's last fiscal year the debt was 12 trillion, the interest on that 12 trillion is another 3 trillion so at least 15 trillion of the 20 trillion has absolutely nothing to do with any Obama policies. But beyond that 15 trillion you have the continuing costs of Bush's policies like his wars and the continuing medical expenses for the tens of thousands of injured vets until the day they die. So in reality only about 3 to 3.5 trillion of that 20 trillion belongs to Obama.

So now let's look at the hypocrisy of the Right. Carter ran up 300 billion in debt in his 4 years and St Ronnie ran against Carter's "enormous" debt which brought the nation's total debt to nearly 1 trillion. But in 8 years Reagan ran up 10 times the debt of Carter and Bush I ran up triple the debt of Carter, but we were told that suddenly deficits didn't matter and debt is good. Then Clinton gets elected and overnight the debt was the end of the world and the deficit had to be eliminated immediately. But when Bush II was elected we were reminded that "Reagan PROVED that deficits don't matter." And again when Obama was elected just as suddenly the debt would be the end of America as we know it.

So the question is why do you "deficit hawks" ONLY bitch and whine about the deficit when Democrats are president, and why should any honest person take you seriously???????
Thanks for proving my point.

You bitch about the Rs running up the national debt, yet your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) has added more dollars to the national debt than all the Rs combined.....and you gladly blow him every day.

Already proved that to be a LIE, repeating your LIE does not make it any less of a LIE.
Let's see if this helps you understand.

$10 Trillion added to the national debt by all previous presidents
$10 Trillion added by Obama

What president added the most to the national debt?

You get a red star on your forehead if you get it right.
19.2 - 10.6 = 10 to brain dead cons.
Oh....the literalist. No doubt you also give W and Rs the benefit of doubt right?

A few billion here or there matters the political class and specifically Obama The Great Divider.

$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency
When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
Is calling others who correct you a "literalist" your way of admitting you make shit up? And since you're making up numbers, why stop at $10 trillion? Why not say Obama's added $20 trillion? And why does the right care that Obama nearly doubled the debt? When Bush did it, we were told, "deficits don't matter."
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Why does the Left condemn W for his deficits, but not BO (The Great Divider)?

Obama...the $20 TRILLION dollar man...but don't tell leftists. They can't be excepted to accept the truth.


The Truth is the current debt is an aggregate of deficits signed by all of the predecessors of President Obama, not his alone; it is a result of each POTUS signing the budget sent to them by The Congress.
Isn't that nice?

W is an asshole for blowing up the national debt, but BO The Great Divider is a hero for blowing up the national debt.

Now that is some kind of convoluted logic. No?
Nice straw man, but no one is holding up Obama as a hero for ballooning the national debt. What we're doing is pointing out that conservatives lost all credibility to bash Obama over the debt after they ballooned it like crazy themselves under Reagan and both bush's. That you don't give a shit about fiscal responsibility while there's a republican in office, only when there's a democrat in office, falls on deaf ears.
I see. Its akin to you did you did you did it......

Cons and libs...playing their childish games.

Both W and BO deserve condemnation for their reckless spending. I see libs on this forum every day refusing to accept BO's doubling the national debt. Conversely, I don't see many cons commending W's spending.
I don't see any Liberals commemding Obama's debt. And while there may not be many cons defending Bush's debt now, they sure as hell were while he was president.

A key difference is that Bush did not inherit a recession anything like Obama, which caused massive amounts of debt. The expected deficit for FY2009 was well over a trillion dollars before Obama was even sworn in.

As far as increasing the debt, here's the average annual percentage each president added on going back to Carter.

Reagan ....... 23.3%
Bush41 ....... 13.6%
Bush43 ....... 13.1%

Carter .......... 10.7%
Obama .......... 9.6%
Clinton ........... 4.0%

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The willfully ignorant / partisan hacks will never accept the truth, and will parrot the same lies of other ignorant fools whose brain has been washed by the Right Wing Media. Repeating the same lie over and over is their game, the fact that most of them are not stupid enough to believe it, is evidence that the New Right is mendacious to its core.

That ^^^ is a given. The question to answer is why must they lie?

The Answer seems to be that they hate and fear so many things they can justify the lies (the means) to secure the end: Death to a pluralistic society.

"The New Right lives by, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you!"...
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I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?

No, that was W. Remember? W was responsible for a recession that started six months before he took office and he's responsible now 7 1/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...

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