Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

I was reading this. I don't know about 70 times maybe it's him. but it does have a huge negative impact on businesses

70 Tries After Seattle Raised Its Minimum Wage, I Still Can’t Find A Job
States nationwide are beginning to join the ‘Fight for $15.’ My job experience in Seattle, Washington helps illustrate why that’s a bad idea.
By Mitch Hall

By Mitch Hall
March 29, 2016
Over the weekend, lawmakers and labor unions in California, the nation’s most populous state,
reached a tentative agreement to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour over the course of the next several years.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown had opposed prior legislative proposals over the issue, but finally acquiesced after labor unions garnered enough support last week to qualify an initiative for the Nov. 8 ballot. The deal still has to go through the state legislature, but most anticipate legislators will approve it, thus avoiding the costly campaigning that would result from a squabble at the ballot box.

California’s compromise comes as part of a growing national movement to hike up minimum wages across the county. Indeed, over the past two years, a whole host of states and cities have rapidly pushed through legislation to raise their base pay, likely in response to President Obama’s repeated calls for higher wages.

Twenty-nine states have minimum wages that exceed the federally mandated $7.25 per hour. Heading into the 2016 election, the issue remains hotly contested and politically potent, with Republican presidential candidates in fierce opposition to, and Democratic candidates in strong support of, a dramatic increase in the federal minimum wage.

While many cities have forced local employers to pay artificially higher wages, the issue remains far from settled. Just last month, for instance, Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley signed a bill prohibiting Alabama towns from increasing their wages above the state’s, a move that came in response to the Birmingham City Council voting to raise their city’s base pay to $10.10 an hour.

In stark contrast to the reaction from California, many have since decried Alabama’s bill (Hillary Clinton’s campaign even characterized it as “disturbing“). Yet while opposition to wage hikes may be politically unpopular, more states should consider adopting laws like Bentley’s before it’s too late. As California’s deal demonstrates, the “fight for $15” is moving beyond just cities and towns. It now has the power to influence policy at the state level.

Jobless in Seattle

all of the article here:
70 Tries After Seattle Raised Its Minimum Wage, I Still Can’t Find A Job
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them
Really? I thought they produced so many because they were Catholics...I've had four, does it count if they are not poor?
/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...
Nope, the Right blaming Carter for Bush's Great Recession is the record. Some on the Right even go back to FDR for blame for today'd economic condition and others on the Right blame Woodrow Wilson. And some are pre-blaming Obama for the coming two generations. There is apparently no time limit on the Right casting blame, only a time limit on the Left!
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?

No, that was W. Remember? W was responsible for a recession that started six months before he took office and he's responsible now 7 1/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...
Stop kazzing. There was no recession 6 months before Bush became president.
Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Your post merely indicates what an idiot you are.

Even our government's own numbers show he will have doubled the national debt, when he leaves office in 2017.
Again, in typical dishonest CON$ervoFascist fashion you do not use fiscal years which gives Clinton's ending budget surplus to Bush and passes Bush's ending deficit to Obama. Bush left with a 12 trillion GOP/Reagan National Debt, and 3 trillion in interest due on that debt over Obama's 8 years, so the GOP own at least 15 trillion of the current debt.
Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Your post merely indicates what an idiot you are.

Even our government's own numbers show he will have doubled the national debt, when he leaves office in 2017.
Again, in typical dishonest CON$ervoFascist fashion you do not use fiscal years which gives Clinton's ending budget surplus to Bush and passes Bush's ending deficit to Obama. Bush left with a 12 trillion GOP/Reagan National Debt, and 3 trillion in interest due on that debt over Obama's 8 years, so the GOP own at least 15 trillion of the current debt.
Look up increase in govt contractors.
Never any surplus, debt increase every year.
TARP paidcnackbto BHO yrs but u chg to GWB.
When I get keyboard, I educate y'all.
/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...
Nope, the Right blaming Carter for Bush's Great Recession is the record. Some on the Right even go back to FDR for blame for today'd economic condition and others on the Right blame Woodrow Wilson. And some are pre-blaming Obama for the coming two generations. There is apparently no time limit on the Right casting blame, only a time limit on the Left!

So True, and so obvious to all but hacks on the far right, the crazy right wingers and those purveyors of the BIG LIE.
Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.

There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them
Really? I thought they produced so many because they were Catholics...I've had four, does it count if they are not poor?

Get back to me when you're lucid
/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...
Nope, the Right blaming Carter for Bush's Great Recession is the record. Some on the Right even go back to FDR for blame for today'd economic condition and others on the Right blame Woodrow Wilson. And some are pre-blaming Obama for the coming two generations. There is apparently no time limit on the Right casting blame, only a time limit on the Left!

Republicans did not blame Carter, you're full of shit
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them
Really? I thought they produced so many because they were Catholics...I've had four, does it count if they are not poor?

Get back to me when you're lucid
I was shooting for opaque...
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them
Really? I thought they produced so many because they were Catholics...I've had four, does it count if they are not poor?

Get back to me when you're lucid
I was shooting for opaque...

Your jokes are getting worse. I didn't think that was possible. I stand corrected
Liberal Logic:

Bush is unpatriotic and a disgusting asshole for taking the national debt from $5.73 trillion to $10.63 trillion.

Obama is great even though he took the national debt from $10.63 trillion to $20 trillion.

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