Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Let's settle this . Latest top 10 states in unemployment . Mostly red states .

Unemployment rate
(seasonally adjusted)
Monthly change
=drop in unemployment)

Alaska 6.6
West Virginia 6.5
Mississippi 6.5
Illinois 6.4
New Mexico 6.4
Alabama 6.2
Louisiana 5.9
Nevada 5.9
Washington 5.8
Kentucky 5.8
No, none of the clean energy companies went bankrupt or Obama didn't blame Bush?
Do you know what happened with China and the solar energy sector? If you do, save me some time, because I'm sick of repeating it every time Solyndra comes up.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The left won't agree that Obama (The Great Divider) will have NEARLY if not actually, doubled the national debt in 8 years. On something so easily proven, we can't agree. I think this is an example of how the elites and the MSM divide us.

Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears. WTF is up with that? Are they so partisan that they can't accept the truth about a lying corrupt stinking politician?
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.


...they don't tip the pizza guy who delivers their dinner.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bush also nearly added as much debt as every president before him.

How many votes did you give him?

Reagan not only added more debt than every president before him, he almost doubled all of the debt accumulated by every prior president combined.
I didn't vote for Bush. Not one time. You're turn many votes did you cast for Obama?

And again, Obama added more to the debt in just a couple of years than Bush added in 8 years. So no matter how many times you desperately grasp at straws, you can't even remotely begin to defend nearly $10 trillion in irresponsible spending by the monumentally stupid one.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The left won't agree that Obama (The Great Divider) will have NEARLY if not actually, doubled the national debt in 8 years. On something so easily proven, we can't agree. I think this is an example of how the elites and the MSM divide us.

Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears. WTF is up with that? Are they so partisan that they can't accept the truth about a lying corrupt stinking politician?
Yes. Liberal minions are really that stupid and loyal. No matter what their liberal masters do, it is "wonderful". No matter what the other side does, it is "awful". Even if both sides are doing the exact same thing. It's why we can't get anything accomplished legally in this country anymore. Liberals are too unhinged and partisan.
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.


...they don't tip the pizza guy who delivers their dinner.
In other words, you hate them simply because they are successful and you're not? Ok. Got it. Typical liberal...
No, none of the clean energy companies went bankrupt or Obama didn't blame Bush?
Do you know what happened with China and the solar energy sector? If you do, save me some time, because I'm sick of repeating it every time Solyndra comes up.
Well were sick of Obama and the liberals in the federal government illegally funneling our money to failed green energy concepts.

By the way chief, it's continues to be fall-down hilarious that you libtards point to China every time as an example of a nation you want to be. Oppressive communist state with a collapsing economy. Good God does it take a very special kind of stupid to point to that nation of all nations as your shining example of liberal policy :laugh::laugh::laugh:
It may hurt the pocket book of several billionaires and multi-millionaires, why you can't have that...

Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.


...they don't tip the pizza guy who delivers their dinner.
In other words, you hate them simply because they are successful and you're not? Ok. Got it. Typical liberal...
Evidently you have never had the pleasure of working for Wal Mart..
Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears.

I can tell that you are a lot smarter about deficit spending than your counterparts on here. And I and others have asked this question of others about obamas deficit (without ever getting an answer).

So I am gonna ask you that same question cause you seem smarter.

What did Obama spend all that money ON?
Actually it doesn't hurt their pocketbook at all. They automate, move offshore, hire better employees and improve processes, ...

Who it hurts are the lower class workers who can no longer get jobs. Teenage unemployment in inner cities where jobs are needed the most is 50%. Local business owners can't pay them that because their customers can't afford the higher prices.

Democrats love the poor, that's why you create so many of them

Wal-Mart can afford to pay a $15 per hour MW

The Walton family, who own about 54% of retail giant Wal-Mart, continue to be the wealthiest family in the US for a second straight year with a combined fortune of about $149bn (£95bn, €134bn), according to Forbes.


...they don't tip the pizza guy who delivers their dinner.
In other words, you hate them simply because they are successful and you're not? Ok. Got it. Typical liberal...
Evidently you have never had the pleasure of working for Wal Mart..

Yeah, that would suck. Personally I went to college and double majored in Math & Computer Science so I had a bright future making $33K out of college, which was pretty good in 1988. Went on to get two graduate degrees.

WalMart hires the lowest end workers who can't get better jobs and gives them a chance no one will. The ones who decide to start giving a shit about themselves and decide to start working hard get experience and move on to better jobs.

The bastards ...
Let's settle this . Latest top 10 states in unemployment . Mostly red states .

Unemployment rate
(seasonally adjusted)
Monthly change
=drop in unemployment)

Alaska 6.6
West Virginia 6.5
Mississippi 6.5
Illinois 6.4
New Mexico 6.4
Alabama 6.2
Louisiana 5.9
Nevada 5.9
Washington 5.8
Kentucky 5.8

That tells me that people in red states who don't have a job want one

U righties are delusional . The op claims libs cause unemployment, yet the states wh the highest UE are mostly red.

But that's because they want to work so bad , it affects their UE stats ?!

Please! Truth is that stupid red state thinking causes more unemployment .
Let's settle this . Latest top 10 states in unemployment . Mostly red states .

Unemployment rate
(seasonally adjusted)
Monthly change
=drop in unemployment)

Alaska 6.6
West Virginia 6.5
Mississippi 6.5
Illinois 6.4
New Mexico 6.4
Alabama 6.2
Louisiana 5.9
Nevada 5.9
Washington 5.8
Kentucky 5.8

That tells me that people in red states who don't have a job want one

U righties are delusional . The op claims libs cause unemployment, yet the states wh the highest UE are mostly red.

But that's because they want to work so bad , it affects their UE stats ?!

Please! Truth is that stupid red state thinking causes more unemployment .

Swish, didn't understand what I said, wheelchair boy. but then you are, Timmy!
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bush also nearly added as much debt as every president before him.

How many votes did you give him?

Reagan not only added more debt than every president before him, he almost doubled all of the debt accumulated by every prior president combined.
I didn't vote for Bush. Not one time. You're turn many votes did you cast for Obama?

And again, Obama added more to the debt in just a couple of years than Bush added in 8 years. So no matter how many times you desperately grasp at straws, you can't even remotely begin to defend nearly $10 trillion in irresponsible spending by the monumentally stupid one.

Even assuming your post is correct (and not a lie of omission), what were the cost benefits and the cost deficits on the ledger for both G. W. and Obama? What benefits did 8 years of G.W. contribute to our country?

On his watch 911, a war of choice which took the lives of over 4,500 members of our military, and countless other human beings + the costs to treat the thousands more with life long wounds & disabilities, PTSD, the total disregard for domestic issues and the horrible decision to appoint Alito to the Supreme Court, and foolishly cut taxes twice during a time of instability in the world as two wars were soon to be prosecuted.

You and others can continue to lie and try to revise history, but those of us who lived through the administration of G.W. experienced it as current events. Only fools believe the lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and hyperbole of those who want to defend 21st Century conservatism; it is a failed ideology and one whose time has passed way too late.

Which proves that the New Right and conservatism have put our country and its citizens first?
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