Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Liberal Logic:

Bush is unpatriotic and a disgusting asshole for taking the national debt from $5.73 trillion to $10.63 trillion.

Obama is great even though he took the national debt from $10.63 trillion to $20 trillion.
Some here are not very good at math.

Who added more to the national debt? Bush (The Great Warmonger) or Obama (The Great Divider)
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Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.

No, none of the clean energy companies went bankrupt or Obama didn't blame Bush?
/2 years after he left office. Sixteen straight years in office of blame, has to be a record ...
Nope, the Right blaming Carter for Bush's Great Recession is the record. Some on the Right even go back to FDR for blame for today'd economic condition and others on the Right blame Woodrow Wilson. And some are pre-blaming Obama for the coming two generations. There is apparently no time limit on the Right casting blame, only a time limit on the Left!

Republicans did not blame Carter, you're full of shit
Stop kazzing. Plenty of conservatives/Republicans blame Carter's CRA.
Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:
I suppose it is news to you that your beloved DEAR Leader (The Great Divider) has doubled the national JUST EIGHT YEARS!!!
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Liberal Logic:

Bush is unpatriotic and a disgusting asshole for taking the national debt from $5.73 trillion to $10.63 trillion.

Obama is great even though he took the national debt from $10.63 trillion to $20 trillion.
Plus TARP paid bak to BHO
Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

In October, 2009, the unemployment peaked at 10%.

BLS: Unemployment rate

And 96 million people have not dropped out of the job market. There aren't even that many people who are categorized as not in the labor force; and there were already 81 million such people when Obama became president.

BLS: Not in the labor force

You have to be an imbecile, a liar, or both to be a conservative.
Republicans did not blame Carter, you're full of shit
You are a dirty filthy liar!

IBD: Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain

IBD: Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain
By Noel Sheppard | September 20, 2008

What the hell is IBD? Inflammatory Bowl Disease?
It is the Right-wing Investors Business Daily, and the link is to the Right-wing Media Research Center's commentary.
Republicans did not blame Carter, you're full of shit
You are a dirty filthy liar!

IBD: Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain

IBD: Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain
By Noel Sheppard | September 20, 2008

What the hell is IBD? Inflammatory Bowl Disease?
It is the Right-wing Investors Business Daily, and the link is to the Right-wing Media Research Center's commentary.

So you do have inflammatory bowl disease?
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Ok liberals....lose your mind here when faced with indisputable, undeniable facts and start spewing some insane reason why this has nothing to do with unsustainable left-wing policy.

McDonald’s Testing Self-Serve Kiosks in Response to ‘Fight For $15’
But wait ... you still haven't addressed this monumental idiocy of yours....

You said.... "over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror."

According to the BLS, not in the labor force.... increased by 13 million since Obama became president...

1/2009: 80,529,000
3/2016: 93,482,000

BLS: Not in Labor Force

How could you possibly be so stupid to think 13 million is over 96 million??

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He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Poor, demented, libtard...

Obama has added almost as much to the debt in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 230 years. You want to look at percentages because when there is "only" $2 trillion in debt, adding $2 trillion more is 100% increase. But that's nothing compared to adding nearly $10 trillion as Obama has.

So come on genius, tell us again how Obama hasn't added that much to the debt while Bush I did despite the fact that Obama outspent him in like his first six weeks on the job. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bush also nearly added as much debt as every president before him.

How many votes did you give him?

Reagan not only added more debt than every president before him, he almost doubled all of the debt accumulated by every prior president combined.
You must learn to accept the truth. Put your big boy pants on.

Your beloved Dear Leader (the Great Divider) will go down in history as the biggest spending asshole ever to lead ANY nation in all of history....but you will still blow him every morning.

It must really blow the small minds of partisan leftists, when they read the truth for the first time. They are so sheltered in their little world of lies...where their media only tells them lies and they dutifully believe.
He will only be the biggest spending president until the next president assumes that office. In case you haven't noticed, virtually every president spends more than the person they replace.
So, you admit you are wrong.

Obama (The Great Divider) has doubled the national debt in just 8 years. Right?
Wrong about what? Unless the debt increases by $2 trillion over the next 9 months to $21.2 trillion, it will not have doubled under Obama.
Apparently you're not very good with math. It took the every president in U.S. history about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. Obama took it over $19 trillion in just seven years.

That is literally impossible to do unless one is trying to collapse the U.S. He will almost certainly more than double the national debt by the time he is out of office. He is, unquestionably, the single greatest failure in U.S. history. And through his monumental failures, he has done more for the conservative cause than anybody since Rondald Reagan. He showed people how liberal policy creates Cuba - coast to coast sea of poverty, dilapidation, and misery.
Poor, demented, rightard.

The debt was $10.6t when Obama became president and is $19.2t now. Forget the fact that Obama also entered office with a trillion dollar deficit, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and $3t worth of debt service...

...that's an increase of 81% in 7.2 years.

Compared to:

- Bush43 ... 86% in 8 years
- Bush41 ... 61% in 4 years
- Reagan ... 187% in 8 years

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

But Obama's your problem and not Republicans. :rolleyes:
Keep ignore TARP. Again, chg to GWB final but paid back to BHO. $786B? Not to mention $1T phony stimulus given to donors. Fraud from year one, bake into every year w/o budget. Remeber? Continued "resolution". We all got cheated.....but blinders on many

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