Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

That tells me that people in red states who don't have a job want one

Interesting. Tells me that red states job creation numbers suck so bad that people.who want to work cant find a job.
Anyone that really wants the job I stress "really" can find one…

So obamas unemployment numbers are even better! Thanks obama!

Thanks Timmy

picture of a parrot - Google Search

picture of an ostrich with its head in the sand - Google Search
That tells me that people in red states who don't have a job want one

Interesting. Tells me that red states job creation numbers suck so bad that people.who want to work cant find a job.
Anyone that really wants the job I stress "really" can find one…

So obamas unemployment numbers are even better! Thanks obama!

Thanks Timmy

picture of a parrot - Google Search

picture of an ostrich with its head in the sand - Google Search

yeah, employment numbers are great, I have my head in the sand!

LOL, another parrot heard from
Kaz is a liar, or dumb as a box of rocks. I say this not as a personal attack, but as someone who wonders why anyone would lie or believe the employment in our nation has not improved dramatically under Obama's leadership:

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wry is a gay prostitute who picks up his johns at trucker's rest stops. He's known for his willingness to do what his competition won't. I say this not as a personal attack, just an explanation for his willingness to give his manhood to the Democratic party.

The recovery from the recession has been historically slow. And you and Timmy and the other simpleton nit wits don't know what the definition of "unemployment" is. Blue States are full of welfare whores not looking for work. That makes them not count as unemployed in wheel chair boy's statistics.
That tells me that people in red states who don't have a job want one

Interesting. Tells me that red states job creation numbers suck so bad that people.who want to work cant find a job.
Anyone that really wants the job I stress "really" can find one…

So obamas unemployment numbers are even better! Thanks obama!
Some people just don't want to work....

Hey, Timmy's trying to find a job ...
Kaz is a liar, or dumb as a box of rocks. I say this not as a personal attack, but as someone who wonders why anyone would lie or believe the employment in our nation has not improved dramatically under Obama's leadership:

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wry is a gay prostitute who picks up his johns at trucker's rest stops. He's known for his willingness to do what his competition won't. I say this not as a personal attack, just an explanation for his willingness to give his manhood to the Democratic party.

The recovery from the recession has been historically slow. And you and Timmy and the other simpleton nit wits don't know what the definition of "unemployment" is. Blue States are full of welfare whores not looking for work. That makes them not count as unemployed in wheel chair boy's statistics.

It's funny (as in very odd) that the New Right when confronted with facts responds with an ad hominem, many times vulgar and homophobic. An yet they deny a war on women, gays, lesbians, minorities and immigrants even when the words they post are clear and convincing evidence that bigotry and prejudice, the callous disregard for others and FRightocracy is their game.

The recovery from the Great Recession which President Obama inherited has been slow. Had the Republican Party put the economy first, and not their ideology and lust for power, it may have been robust. Now, instead of learning from the past, the New Right has chosen to revise history, and double down on their apparent goal to remake American into a plutocratic form of fascism.
kaz said:
Wry Catcher said:
Kaz is a liar, or dumb as a box of rocks

Wry is a gay prostitute who picks up his johns at trucker's rest stops. He's known for his willingness to do what his competition won't. I say this not as a personal attack, just an explanation for his willingness to give his manhood to the Democratic party

It's funny (as in very odd) that the New Right when confronted with facts responds with an ad hominem


What a dumb ass
Interesting. Tells me that red states job creation numbers suck so bad that people.who want to work cant find a job.
Anyone that really wants the job I stress "really" can find one…

So obamas unemployment numbers are even better! Thanks obama!

Thanks Timmy

picture of a parrot - Google Search

picture of an ostrich with its head in the sand - Google Search

yeah, employment numbers are great, I have my head in the sand!

LOL, another parrot heard from

that timmy has to be a programmed robot to believe unemployment is 5.4 or whatever it is. Most of the jobs that have been created under Obama are PART time under 40 hours a week. not enough to even live on. and if it was 5. something WHY do we still have 94Million working age citizens without a job? some people like to be led around, it's easier than having to face reality
Anyone that really wants the job I stress "really" can find one…

So obamas unemployment numbers are even better! Thanks obama!

Thanks Timmy

picture of a parrot - Google Search

picture of an ostrich with its head in the sand - Google Search

yeah, employment numbers are great, I have my head in the sand!

LOL, another parrot heard from

that timmy has to be a programmed robot to believe unemployment is 5.4 or whatever it is. Most of the jobs that have been created under Obama are PART time under 40 hours a week. not enough to even live on. and if it was 5. something WHY do we still have 94Million working age citizens without a job? some people like to be led around, it's easier than having to face reality

People of working age should have a job? That's so quaint. Who are we, our parents? Do you want to go back to three TV channels too? Get with the new millennium ...
Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears.

I can tell that you are a lot smarter about deficit spending than your counterparts on here. And I and others have asked this question of others about obamas deficit (without ever getting an answer).

So I am gonna ask you that same question cause you seem smarter.

What did Obama spend all that money ON?
Anyone's guess.

No doubt a lot of it was wasted on green energy boondoggles and much was given to the Dem donor class, so it could be laundered and given to the DNC. You know...just the Mafia does things.

yeah, employment numbers are great, I have my head in the sand!

LOL, another parrot heard from

that timmy has to be a programmed robot to believe unemployment is 5.4 or whatever it is. Most of the jobs that have been created under Obama are PART time under 40 hours a week. not enough to even live on. and if it was 5. something WHY do we still have 94Million working age citizens without a job? some people like to be led around, it's easier than having to face reality

People of working age should have a job? That's so quaint. Who are we, our parents? Do you want to go back to three TV channels too? Get with the new millennium ...

They just wiped out all the jobs for our teen agers with this wage hike of 15 bucks an hour. that's what fast food jobs were mostly used for. It was kids getting ready to go into the real word and to get a resume started. it's horrible what these elected "idiots" has done to us and OUR CHILDREN
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears.

I can tell that you are a lot smarter about deficit spending than your counterparts on here. And I and others have asked this question of others about obamas deficit (without ever getting an answer).

So I am gonna ask you that same question cause you seem smarter.

What did Obama spend all that money ON?
Anyone's guess.

No doubt a lot of it was wasted on green energy boondoggles and much was given to the Dem donor class, so it could be laundered and given to the DNC. You know...just the Mafia does things.

Seems when you have no facts to back up your biases you resort to sarcasm and personal attacks. Why should anyone take you seriously, or consider you as anything other than a mendacious member of the crazy right wing?

that timmy has to be a programmed robot to believe unemployment is 5.4 or whatever it is. Most of the jobs that have been created under Obama are PART time under 40 hours a week. not enough to even live on. and if it was 5. something WHY do we still have 94Million working age citizens without a job? some people like to be led around, it's easier than having to face reality

People of working age should have a job? That's so quaint. Who are we, our parents? Do you want to go back to three TV channels too? Get with the new millennium ...

They just wiped out all the jobs for our teen agers with this wage hike of 15 bucks an hour. that's what fast food jobs were mostly used for. It was kids getting ready to go into the real word and to get a resume started. it's horrible what these elected "idiots" has done to us and OUR CHILDREN

OMG, please tell me you haven't any children.
Your sophomoric insults doesn't give you any credence.
While you do your insulting, you still refuse to recognize the facts that where stated.

Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:
Let's settle this . Latest top 10 states in unemployment . Mostly red states .

Unemployment rate
(seasonally adjusted)
Monthly change
=drop in unemployment)

Alaska 6.6
West Virginia 6.5
Mississippi 6.5
Illinois 6.4
New Mexico 6.4
Alabama 6.2
Louisiana 5.9
Nevada 5.9
Washington 5.8
Kentucky 5.8

and you're proud of posting that. millions of your fellow country men and women suffering and you hold them up as some trophy to prove you don't live in reality you live in Politics and is just a nasty tool for the democrat party. way to go little one
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A slap of reality to those anit-union, anti-environment, pro-corporate fools.
BP used Three Little Pigs story to explain employee housing options
BP used Three Little Pigs story to explain employee housing options | Righting Injustice
Thanks to The Daily Beast website, which published the BP documents, we get a glimpse of a corporation so blinded by profit that the safety of its workers and the health of the environment took a back seat to financial gain. But instead of using past mistakes to avoid future disasters, BP apparently went in the other direction, pushing safety limits to see how much it could get away with. BP’s massive oil leak was hardly an accident. The company has been designing a disaster of Deepwater Horizon proportions for years.
BP's Shocking Memo

In a nutshell, safety is to expensive for companies.
And there are some people on this board that think Unions are not needed because there are laws to protect workers.
What is the penalty for those making the decisions about workers safety when a worker is killed?
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Irony----how many times have we seen libs condemn Reagan and W for their deficit spending, yet they would never do the same to Big Ears.

I can tell that you are a lot smarter about deficit spending than your counterparts on here. And I and others have asked this question of others about obamas deficit (without ever getting an answer).

So I am gonna ask you that same question cause you seem smarter.

What did Obama spend all that money ON?
Anyone's guess.

No doubt a lot of it was wasted on green energy boondoggles and much was given to the Dem donor class, so it could be laundered and given to the DNC. You know...just the Mafia does things.

Seems when you have no facts to back up your biases you resort to sarcasm and personal attacks. Why should anyone take you seriously, or consider you as anything other than a mendacious member of the crazy right wing?
No doubt it is news to you that a politician would use the treasury as his personal slush fund.
They just wiped out all the jobs for our teen agers with this wage hike of 15 bucks an hour

OMG, please tell me you haven't any children.

OMG, please tell me you haven't any children

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
Who makes minimum wage?

Why Teens Are Getting Shut Out of the Workforce

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