Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

A slap of reality to those anit-union, anti-environment, pro-corporate fools.
BP used Three Little Pigs story to explain employee housing options
BP used Three Little Pigs story to explain employee housing options | Righting Injustice
Thanks to The Daily Beast website, which published the BP documents, we get a glimpse of a corporation so blinded by profit that the safety of its workers and the health of the environment took a back seat to financial gain. But instead of using past mistakes to avoid future disasters, BP apparently went in the other direction, pushing safety limits to see how much it could get away with. BP’s massive oil leak was hardly an accident. The company has been designing a disaster of Deepwater Horizon proportions for years.
BP's Shocking Memo

In a nutshell, safety is to expensive for companies.
And there are some people on this board that think Unions are not needed because there are laws to protect workers.
What is the penalty for those making the decisions about workers safety when a worker is killed?
I don't understand the problem here or your complaints. This corporation was negligent, and it lead to the death of a person. They should be held completely and totally accountable - both civilly and criminally.

So again - what is the problem? The families bring charges, BP has gotten the worst PR ever from the entire incident and is not terribly likely to survive it (and even if they do survive it, they are clearly worse for the wear). Once again, the free market flawlessly operating. Companies that do the right things rise to the top, companies that don't go out of business.
So left-wing liberal policy is currently collapsing the entire world economy (it previously collapsed the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.) - the Europen Union is in seriously trouble, Greece has all but collapsed and has experienced terrible riots and violence, Spain is right behind Greece and England is right behind Spain. And now, thanks to the proven failed policies that liberals insist on doubling-down on, we get this beautiful little gem:

IMF supports move to negative rates by some central banks

For those not familiar, negative interest rates means that instead of you getting interest for the banks having access to all of your money, you now have to pay them interest for then having access to all of your money. Not only do you not receive interest, but you have to actually pay. We are literally living Atlas Shrugged in every way. And no matter how much failure liberalism delivers to us, the liberal says "well it only failed because we didn't have enough of the failed liberal ideology". The Obama Administration has spent over $9 trillion in deficit spending and we still have 96 million people who dropped out of the workforce and more people on food stamps than any point in history. When you mention this to a liberal, the only response they have is that we didn't spend enough. The $9 trillion that failed and has us on the bring of economic collapse wasn't enough in their mind - we just need to spend more. :bang3:

  1. A negative interest rate means the central bank and perhaps private banks will charge negative interest: instead of receiving money on deposits, depositors must pay regularly to keep their money with the bank.
...and we still have 96 million people who dropped out of the workforce...
You can't stop lying, can you, rightie?
There are no "lies" in my post - only facts that you cannot dispute. Like the fact that Barack Obama has nearly matched what it took all presidents in U.S. history roughly 230 years to accumulate in deficit spending. Like the fact that there are more people on food stamps today than any point in U.S. history and that the number drastically increased during the 8 years of the Obama reign of terror. Like the fact that 96 million have given up trying to seek employment because the Obama Administration set out to destroy jobs and force people onto the government plantation (the Dumbocrats have been the party of slavery for 240 years now and they still will not accept that slavery is wrong and illegal. Psst....this first link showing 96 million people out of the workforce is from.....from......the government (the same one controlled by Barack Obama right now).

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart
Your sophomoric insults doesn't give you any credence.
While you do your insulting, you still refuse to recognize the facts that where stated.

Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:
Your sophomoric insults doesn't give you any credence.
While you do your insulting, you still refuse to recognize the facts that where stated.

Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:

Those are not facts, ^^^ they are opinions sans evidence.

I live in CA, and Bay Area Restaurants are doing very well, so are the retail markets; construction is on going and jobs are plentiful; housing has recovered and the homes I own are worth more today than before the Great Bush Recession.
...and we still have 96 million people who dropped out of the workforce...
You can't stop lying, can you, rightie?
There are no "lies" in my post - only facts that you cannot dispute. Like the fact that Barack Obama has nearly matched what it took all presidents in U.S. history roughly 230 years to accumulate in deficit spending. Like the fact that there are more people on food stamps today than any point in U.S. history and that the number drastically increased during the 8 years of the Obama reign of terror. Like the fact that 96 million have given up trying to seek employment because the Obama Administration set out to destroy jobs and force people onto the government plantation (the Dumbocrats have been the party of slavery for 240 years now and they still will not accept that slavery is wrong and illegal. Psst....this first link showing 96 million people out of the workforce is from.....from......the government (the same one controlled by Barack Obama right now).

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart

There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Statistics because the fact that they can be informative can also be misleading. Misleading since they are often cited out of context leading to a lie of omission. Something evident in Rotts post either by design or ignorance.
Your sophomoric insults doesn't give you any credence.
While you do your insulting, you still refuse to recognize the facts that where stated.

Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:
Your sophomoric insults doesn't give you any credence.
While you do your insulting, you still refuse to recognize the facts that where stated.

Sure is funny that during the tenure of that stupid republican "gwb", this country was losing 10,000 plus jobs monthly. But during President Obama tenure we have been gaining jobs 10,000 plus monthly.
Ironic how you don't recognize data.

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
What is ironic is that you slurp down insane left-wing propaganda like a mafioso with a plate of authentic Italian spaghetti.

Under Obama, unemployment reached 14%. As usual, he and the minions that support him blamed Bush. The rest of America took action the first moment they could. Just a mere two years after taking office, the American people handed over the House, their state governorships, state legislatures, and local governments to real conservatives (mostly tea party). All of those public positions went into action implement proven free-market policies which were able to generate what little job creation there has been.

Incidentally - over 96 million people have completely dropped out of the job market during the Obama reign of terror. Obama celebrates every time another person joins them because it allows him to lower the unemployment rate despite not having created a job for that person to fulfill.

Now that is liberal policy at its finest. Celebrate putting people out of work and into poverty. :eusa_doh:

Those are not facts, ^^^ they are opinions sans evidence.

I live in CA, and Bay Area Restaurants are doing very well, so are the retail markets; construction is on going and jobs are plentiful; housing has recovered and the homes I own are worth more today than before the Great Bush Recession.
NW Arkansas is booming...
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?
There are no "lies" in my post - only facts that you cannot dispute. Like the fact that Barack Obama has nearly matched what it took all presidents in U.S. history roughly 230 years to accumulate in deficit spending.
Still a proven lie no matter how many tines you repeat it and deny it.
There are no "lies" in my post - ... Like the fact that 96 million have given up trying to seek employment because the Obama Administration set out to destroy jobs and force people onto the government plantation (the Dumbocrats have been the party of slavery for 240 years now and they still will not accept that slavery is wrong and illegal. Psst....this first link showing 96 million people out of the workforce is from.....from......the government
Your own post exposes your lie!!!

"Giving up trying to seek employment" is NOT the same as "out of the workforce!" But worthless lying scum like you knew that already! There are only slightly over half a million who gave up trying.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 585,000 discouraged workers in March
...and we still have 96 million people who dropped out of the workforce...
You can't stop lying, can you, rightie?
There are no "lies" in my post - only facts that you cannot dispute. Like the fact that Barack Obama has nearly matched what it took all presidents in U.S. history roughly 230 years to accumulate in deficit spending. Like the fact that there are more people on food stamps today than any point in U.S. history and that the number drastically increased during the 8 years of the Obama reign of terror. Like the fact that 96 million have given up trying to seek employment because the Obama Administration set out to destroy jobs and force people onto the government plantation (the Dumbocrats have been the party of slavery for 240 years now and they still will not accept that slavery is wrong and illegal. Psst....this first link showing 96 million people out of the workforce is from.....from......the government (the same one controlled by Barack Obama right now).

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart
I realize you're a conservative, so therefore, numbers are foreign to ya; so let me help you out...

a) your first link shows there are 93½ million folks who are not in the labor force -- not 96 million as you falsely claimed.

b) 13 million have been added to that category since Obama's been president -- not 96 million as you falsely claimed.

c) Many of the 93½ million did not "drop out" of the labor force because they were never in it to begin with, so no, 96 million did not "drop out" as you falsely claimed.

See that? You're a proven liar.

As far as the debt increasing nearly as much under Obama as every president before him combined...

Bush also increased the debt almost as much as every president before him combined. The right told us "deficits don't matter." Bush's father, though he served only 1 term, was on pace to more than double the amount of debt accumulated by every president before him. Republicans tried to re-elect him anyway. And then there's Reagan, who nearly tripled the amount of debt accumulated by every president before him combined. And he's a god to you brain-dead conservatives.

You righties didn't give a shit when any Republican increased the debt by close to, or more than, every president before them respectively... nor will you give a shit when the next Republican president does it. So why should anyone care that you bitch about the debt now only because the president is a Democrat?
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Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?
"Pretty much?"

Try ... every single Republican president except for William Harrison. And that's only because Harrison was in office for only one month. He didn't have time to drive the economy into recession.... but his VP did.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?

Why? Because the last two Republican presidents we've had (George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush) implemented liberal policy across the board. Let's take a quick peak at history:

The economy completely and totally collapses under Jimmy Carter and his liberal policy. Ronald Reagan steps in, implements true conservative policy, and not only does the economy rebound, it flourishes. We ride the Reagan economic tidal wave until the early 2000's, when Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act finally collapses the housing market.

Barack Obama has had 8 years and 100% of the policies he demanded (he got Obamacare, he got the banking regulations, the credit card regulations, the stimulus packages, etc.) - all of which he insisted would solve the economic crisis. What do we have to show for it? Well, we have nearly double the national debt from when he took over. We have more people on food stamps than when he took over. We have more people who have completely dropped out of the workforce than when he took over. And we're seeing higher costs than when he took over (healthcare costs, energy costs, gas, etc.). honest with me dear friend....are these absurd communist Cuban left-wing policies working? Set aside your ideology for a moment, look at the facts and the data, and tell me that these are actually working. Come on.

By the way, do you really believe that Barack Obama (an admitted Marxist) wakes up every day and cares about you? He attended Columbia while Cloward & Piven (two Columbian professors) were preaching their strategy on how to collapse the U.S. by overloading the social programs, blaming capitalism, and then replacing it with communism. And incidentally, Barack Obama and his cronies (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.) need people on the government plantation. That's why the middle class is shrining. They realize that if the middle class disappears, and they can grow the lower class dependent on government for even their most basic needs, then it is likely those people will vote Democrat and Obama and his cronies get to stay in power. Why would you support people hungry for power and determined to get you into poverty to ensure their power? That is insane. I've posted this many times and it is indisputably true...

"They Republicans are for the rich. Democrats are for the poor. If they need more voters, the they have to make more of who they are for". And make not mistake about it - Barack Obama has done a brilliant job of collapsing the economy and creating more poor Democrat voters. The numbers don't lie.
...and we still have 96 million people who dropped out of the workforce...
You can't stop lying, can you, rightie?
There are no "lies" in my post - only facts that you cannot dispute. Like the fact that Barack Obama has nearly matched what it took all presidents in U.S. history roughly 230 years to accumulate in deficit spending. Like the fact that there are more people on food stamps today than any point in U.S. history and that the number drastically increased during the 8 years of the Obama reign of terror. Like the fact that 96 million have given up trying to seek employment because the Obama Administration set out to destroy jobs and force people onto the government plantation (the Dumbocrats have been the party of slavery for 240 years now and they still will not accept that slavery is wrong and illegal. Psst....this first link showing 96 million people out of the workforce is from.....from......the government (the same one controlled by Barack Obama right now).

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart

There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Statistics because the fact that they can be informative can also be misleading. Misleading since they are often cited out of context leading to a lie of omission. Something evident in Rotts post either by design or ignorance.
Vintage liberal response. Ignore statistics and facts in favor of slanting, skewed, ideology.

There are no "misleading" facts in the Bureau of Labor Statistics data that 96 million people have dropped out of the workforce - and that is exponentially more than when the Barack Obama reign of terror began over 7 years ago. He will go down in history along with Jimmy Carter as the biggest failure in U.S. history. The difference is, at least Jimmy Carter had integrity.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?
"Pretty much?"

Try ... every single Republican president except for William Harrison. And that's only because Harrison was in office for only one month. He didn't have time to drive the economy into recession.... but his VP did.
Bwahahaha! That's why Jimmy Carter collapsed the U.S. economy and by the time Ronald Reagan left 8 years later, it was booming. Conversely, Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine (unemployment was somewhere around 6.5% if I remember correctly on the day he was sworn in), and then he promptly went out and collapsed everything. It ballooned to over 10% on his watch (and in actuality, it was more like 16%) despite the fact that he guaranteed the American people if they dropped over a trillion dollars in stimulus, unemployment wouldn't even hit 8%.

Facts. They are a bitch, eh Faun?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?

Why? Because the last two Republican presidents we've had (George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush) implemented liberal policy across the board. Let's take a quick peak at history:

The economy completely and totally collapses under Jimmy Carter and his liberal policy. Ronald Reagan steps in, implements true conservative policy, and not only does the economy rebound, it flourishes. We ride the Reagan economic tidal wave until the early 2000's, when Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act finally collapses the housing market.

Barack Obama has had 8 years and 100% of the policies he demanded (he got Obamacare, he got the banking regulations, the credit card regulations, the stimulus packages, etc.) - all of which he insisted would solve the economic crisis. What do we have to show for it? Well, we have nearly double the national debt from when he took over. We have more people on food stamps than when he took over. We have more people who have completely dropped out of the workforce than when he took over. And we're seeing higher costs than when he took over (healthcare costs, energy costs, gas, etc.). honest with me dear friend....are these absurd communist Cuban left-wing policies working? Set aside your ideology for a moment, look at the facts and the data, and tell me that these are actually working. Come on.

By the way, do you really believe that Barack Obama (an admitted Marxist) wakes up every day and cares about you? He attended Columbia while Cloward & Piven (two Columbian professors) were preaching their strategy on how to collapse the U.S. by overloading the social programs, blaming capitalism, and then replacing it with communism. And incidentally, Barack Obama and his cronies (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.) need people on the government plantation. That's why the middle class is shrining. They realize that if the middle class disappears, and they can grow the lower class dependent on government for even their most basic needs, then it is likely those people will vote Democrat and Obama and his cronies get to stay in power. Why would you support people hungry for power and determined to get you into poverty to ensure their power? That is insane. I've posted this many times and it is indisputably true...

"They Republicans are for the rich. Democrats are for the poor. If they need more voters, the they have to make more of who they are for". And make not mistake about it - Barack Obama has done a brilliant job of collapsing the economy and creating more poor Democrat voters. The numbers don't lie.
Bush43 drove up debt but cutting taxes while increasing spending to fund his war of choice. That is no more "Liberal policy" than there have been 96 million people drop out of the labor force since Obama's been president.

You have a defective brain.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

you know, my friend, that's an interesting hypothesis.

and yet pretty much every time a republican is president we end up in a recession.

corporations are making record profits. they aren't paying workers commensurate with inflation while they are rewarding their upper echelon execs and offshoring their income and workers. and that has nothing to do with the difference between $8 an hour and $15 an hour. how do we know this? wherever wages are higher, e.g., Australia, the economy, including businesses, do better.

why? because if the middle class is destroyed, as it has been by rightwing policies, then they don't have money to buy goods.

you don't see a problem with that?

Why? Because the last two Republican presidents we've had (George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush) implemented liberal policy across the board. Let's take a quick peak at history:

The economy completely and totally collapses under Jimmy Carter and his liberal policy. Ronald Reagan steps in, implements true conservative policy, and not only does the economy rebound, it flourishes. We ride the Reagan economic tidal wave until the early 2000's, when Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act finally collapses the housing market.

Barack Obama has had 8 years and 100% of the policies he demanded (he got Obamacare, he got the banking regulations, the credit card regulations, the stimulus packages, etc.) - all of which he insisted would solve the economic crisis. What do we have to show for it? Well, we have nearly double the national debt from when he took over. We have more people on food stamps than when he took over. We have more people who have completely dropped out of the workforce than when he took over. And we're seeing higher costs than when he took over (healthcare costs, energy costs, gas, etc.). honest with me dear friend....are these absurd communist Cuban left-wing policies working? Set aside your ideology for a moment, look at the facts and the data, and tell me that these are actually working. Come on.

By the way, do you really believe that Barack Obama (an admitted Marxist) wakes up every day and cares about you? He attended Columbia while Cloward & Piven (two Columbian professors) were preaching their strategy on how to collapse the U.S. by overloading the social programs, blaming capitalism, and then replacing it with communism. And incidentally, Barack Obama and his cronies (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.) need people on the government plantation. That's why the middle class is shrining. They realize that if the middle class disappears, and they can grow the lower class dependent on government for even their most basic needs, then it is likely those people will vote Democrat and Obama and his cronies get to stay in power. Why would you support people hungry for power and determined to get you into poverty to ensure their power? That is insane. I've posted this many times and it is indisputably true...

"They Republicans are for the rich. Democrats are for the poor. If they need more voters, the they have to make more of who they are for". And make not mistake about it - Barack Obama has done a brilliant job of collapsing the economy and creating more poor Democrat voters. The numbers don't lie.
Bush43 drove up debt but cutting taxes while increasing spending to fund his war of choice. That is no more "Liberal policy" than there have been 96 million people drop out of the labor force since Obama's been president.

You have a defective brain.
I'll grant you that cutting taxes is not a liberal policy (well, sadly, not anymore...the golden boy of the party JFK gave quite a speech about how cutting taxes was the only way to help a dying economy but unfortunately you and your fellow liberals in this day and age have become far too radicalized to admit and accept that). But spending way beyond one's means is inherently left-wing. 90% of what GWB did was left-wing, and had he ran for office with a tiny little "D" behind his name, he would be considered a GOD by you people.

After all, Obama has almost exclusively followed what GWB did - only expanded on it (Wall Street bailouts like Bush, Patriot Act like Bush, Guantanamo Bay like Bush). Oops! Those darn facts again!

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