Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal....decides that the innaguration numbers (which were the reason for the post and which can't chang
Bwahahaha! That's why Jimmy Carter collapsed the U.S. economy and by the time Ronald Reagan left 8 years later, it was booming. Conversely, Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine (unemployment was somewhere around 6.5% if I remember correctly on the day he was sworn in), and then he promptly went out and collapsed everything. It ballooned to over 10% on his watch (and in actuality, it was more like 16%) despite the fact that he guaranteed the American people if they dropped over a trillion dollars in stimulus, unemployment wouldn't even hit 8%.

Facts. They are a bitch, eh Faun?
Reagan took office Jan 1981, the Reagan Recession began at the end of 1982, so Carter had nothing to do with the Reagan Recession, which at the time was the worst since the Great Republican Depression.

UE was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left, or if we are using the "more like" rate 14.2%. The stimulus was $787 billion, NOT over a trillion, 1/3 of which was tax cuts, and the skyrocketing Bush unemployment was already over 8% by the time the stimulus was signed, and nearly 16% on the "more like" scale.
Um....junior? When Jimmy Carter was in office - there was a major energy crisis. People would wait in line for hours when a gas station finally received a delivery and then some would end up leaving without gas anyway. Interest rates were insane - like 20% or something. The reason Carter was a one pump chump was because the economy was such a train wreck. That's why the American people ousted a sitting president (a very rare occurrence) and turned to Ronald Reagan. And he delivered in a huge way. By the time he left office in 1988, the economy was booming.

Would you like to try again?
When Carter left office there was no recession, Reagan's policies created one of the worst since the Great Republican Depression. The economy recovered in spite of Reagan, not because of St Ronnie!!!
Bwahahahaha!!!! does that work exactly?!? How does an economy make a drastic recovery in spite of the economic policies that you claim don't work?!?

Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal. Ignore the innaguration numbers (which can't change no matter how many years go by) in order to deny reality....
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
Why do you lie like that? You post a chart claiming to be "today" ... only today is April 14th, 2016 -- but the chart you post is from 2011

What's the matter, the current economic conditions are too rosey for ya?

You're even crazier than I thought! :ack-1: You think this is 2011

Last edited:
Why do you lie like that? You post a chart claiming to be "today" ... only today is April 14th, 2016 -- but the chart you post is from 2011

Picky picky picky. 2011, 2014, 2016. When you suffer from Obama Derangement syndrome like poodle does, the correct date is a non issue. Or unknown. Time flies when you have ODS.

If the sun fails to rise tomorrow, it will be Obama's fault.
Right poodle?
Bush43 drove up debt but cutting taxes while increasing spending to fund his war of choice. That is no more "Liberal policy" than there have been 96 million people drop out of the labor force since Obama's been president.

You have a defective brain.
I'll grant you that cutting taxes is not a liberal policy (well, sadly, not anymore...the golden boy of the party JFK gave quite a speech about how cutting taxes was the only way to help a dying economy but unfortunately you and your fellow liberals in this day and age have become far too radicalized to admit and accept that). But spending way beyond one's means is inherently left-wing. 90% of what GWB did was left-wing, and had he ran for office with a tiny little "D" behind his name, he would be considered a GOD by you people.

After all, Obama has almost exclusively followed what GWB did - only expanded on it (Wall Street bailouts like Bush, Patriot Act like Bush, Guantanamo Bay like Bush). Oops! Those darn facts again!
You're wasting your Internet bandwidth posting here. You're done. You're as deranged as they come.

Well you're the one everyone is laughing at right now - not me. I've hit you with fact after fact and now you've got that deer-in-headlights look on your face and are turning to insults like a small child in your frustration with reality. You can't deny anything I've said (and haven't even tried really) and the best your fellow liberal could response with is "statistics are like lies" :rofl:
96 million people have not dropped out of the labor force since Obama became president. Gas was not something like $1.35 a gallon when Obama became president. The unemployment rate was not 6.5% when Obama became president. The economy was not "fine" when Obama became president. So who knows whom you think is laughing at me for not accepting your made up "facts."

You're clearly too insane to comprehend how insane you are.

Um....junior? I posted the link to the Bureau of Labor statistics run by the Obama government you adore proving 96 million people have dropped out of the workforce under the Obama reign of terror. The fact that you can't deal with facts shows you need some serious help. But either way - you look like a fool freaking out about the indisputable facts and posting tons of GIF's in a sad attempt to distract from my proving you wrong over and over.
Reality is a sad distraction for you. Shit, you so fucking deranged, you actually see 96 million in this chart...

Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal. Ignore the innaguration numbers (which can't change no matter how many years go by) in order to deny reality....
Speaking of reality ... a state you're clearly divorced from ... the chart you posted shows the unemployment rate when Obama became president was 7.8%. Yet you said it was something like 6.5%. That chart shows gas was $1.85. Yet you said it was something like $1.35.

Do you not even read your own sources or are you simply to fucked in the head to understand them?
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal....decides that the innaguration numbers (which were the reason for the post and which can't chang
Bwahahaha! That's why Jimmy Carter collapsed the U.S. economy and by the time Ronald Reagan left 8 years later, it was booming. Conversely, Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine (unemployment was somewhere around 6.5% if I remember correctly on the day he was sworn in), and then he promptly went out and collapsed everything. It ballooned to over 10% on his watch (and in actuality, it was more like 16%) despite the fact that he guaranteed the American people if they dropped over a trillion dollars in stimulus, unemployment wouldn't even hit 8%.

Facts. They are a bitch, eh Faun?
Reagan took office Jan 1981, the Reagan Recession began at the end of 1982, so Carter had nothing to do with the Reagan Recession, which at the time was the worst since the Great Republican Depression.

UE was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left, or if we are using the "more like" rate 14.2%. The stimulus was $787 billion, NOT over a trillion, 1/3 of which was tax cuts, and the skyrocketing Bush unemployment was already over 8% by the time the stimulus was signed, and nearly 16% on the "more like" scale.
Um....junior? When Jimmy Carter was in office - there was a major energy crisis. People would wait in line for hours when a gas station finally received a delivery and then some would end up leaving without gas anyway. Interest rates were insane - like 20% or something. The reason Carter was a one pump chump was because the economy was such a train wreck. That's why the American people ousted a sitting president (a very rare occurrence) and turned to Ronald Reagan. And he delivered in a huge way. By the time he left office in 1988, the economy was booming.

Would you like to try again?
When Carter left office there was no recession, Reagan's policies created one of the worst since the Great Republican Depression. The economy recovered in spite of Reagan, not because of St Ronnie!!!
Bwahahahaha!!!! does that work exactly?!? How does an economy make a drastic recovery in spite of the economic policies that you claim don't work?!?

The Democratic Congress.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs

President Obama's policy created record unemployment. Over 30 million jobs were lost under him.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs
The facts say otherwise.... 30 million jobs lost under Obama in his first couple of years. 92 million have dropped out of the work force all together under his reign of terror. The few jobs that have been created were result of conservative policy under conservative governors and state legislatures in places like Wisconsin, Ohio, Texas, and North Dakota. It's why the American people overwhelmingly turned their states and local municipalities over to conservatives in 2010.

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart
The number has more to do with corporate policy than presidential policy...

Oh really? Tell that to those workers who would gladly accept a 40 hour paycheck with the ability to contribute to their own health care plan, rather than earning under 30 hours every week and paying your own benefits under the new Obamacare mandate. Economy and household income looked a lot stronger and more confident before the nation was dealt the poor hand of an ACA. There's a result of presidential policy the liberal democrats can't walk away from.

Shhhh! You can't talk reason and facts with liberals SoBG! Don't you know better than that by now? The age old adage still applies:

"If you want to anger a conservative - lie to them. If you want to anger a liberal - tell them the truth".

It's one thing if the left want to try and play the usual "corporate greed" rant, but what do you say when it's the public sector that's setting the example? From the liberal supported New York Times:

Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.

The cuts to public sector employment, which has failed to rebound since the recession, could serve as a powerful political weapon for Republican critics of the health care law, who claim that it is creating a drain on the economy.
Yet the ACA is administered by corporations for the benefit of insurance companies..Isn't hard t o see that..The law is much like the mandatory liability auto insurance laws...It doesn't affect you if you have enough assets to pay for liability of an accident out of your pocket..So rich folks need not apply the law to themselves.
Soon there will be marching in the streets demanding the repeal of Obama care.

When do you think that will start?

And other than republicans who have Medicare or company sponsored HC plans, who.else is bitching about obamacare?
Soon there will be marching in the streets demanding the repeal of Obama care.

When do you think that will start?

And other than republicans who have Medicare or company sponsored HC plans, who.else is bitching about obamacare?
people that go to the VA don't bitch about it...
Yet the ACA is administered by corporations for the benefit of insurance companies..Isn't hard t o see that..The law is much like the mandatory liability auto insurance laws...It doesn't affect you if you have enough assets to pay for liability of an accident out of your pocket..So rich folks need not apply the law to themselves. mean like Democrat Congressmen such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid - who created the highly illegal legislation and then exempted themselves from it?

Oh yeah - don't forget their pals as well. The UAW demanded and exemption from the liberal crap sandwich after supporting it. And more exemptions to Obamacare have been granted in 12th District (Nancy Pelosi's) than any other district.
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal....decides that the innaguration numbers (which were the reason for the post and which can't chang
Bwahahaha! That's why Jimmy Carter collapsed the U.S. economy and by the time Ronald Reagan left 8 years later, it was booming. Conversely, Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine (unemployment was somewhere around 6.5% if I remember correctly on the day he was sworn in), and then he promptly went out and collapsed everything. It ballooned to over 10% on his watch (and in actuality, it was more like 16%) despite the fact that he guaranteed the American people if they dropped over a trillion dollars in stimulus, unemployment wouldn't even hit 8%.

Facts. They are a bitch, eh Faun?
Reagan took office Jan 1981, the Reagan Recession began at the end of 1982, so Carter had nothing to do with the Reagan Recession, which at the time was the worst since the Great Republican Depression.

UE was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left, or if we are using the "more like" rate 14.2%. The stimulus was $787 billion, NOT over a trillion, 1/3 of which was tax cuts, and the skyrocketing Bush unemployment was already over 8% by the time the stimulus was signed, and nearly 16% on the "more like" scale.
Um....junior? When Jimmy Carter was in office - there was a major energy crisis. People would wait in line for hours when a gas station finally received a delivery and then some would end up leaving without gas anyway. Interest rates were insane - like 20% or something. The reason Carter was a one pump chump was because the economy was such a train wreck. That's why the American people ousted a sitting president (a very rare occurrence) and turned to Ronald Reagan. And he delivered in a huge way. By the time he left office in 1988, the economy was booming.

Would you like to try again?
When Carter left office there was no recession, Reagan's policies created one of the worst since the Great Republican Depression. The economy recovered in spite of Reagan, not because of St Ronnie!!!
Bwahahahaha!!!! does that work exactly?!? How does an economy make a drastic recovery in spite of the economic policies that you claim don't work?!?

The Democratic Congress.
Except that the Democrat pushed through Ronald Reagan's economic plans. They lowered taxes big time (this was before they became the unhinged, radical marxists that they are now). Reagan also cut regulations on business. He implemented true conservative free-market policy and as always, it worked flawlessly. It created wealth and prosperity.

And as always, the implementation of left-wing policy by Obama has created more poverty and more misery.
The UAW demanded and exemption from the liberal crap sandwich after supporting it. And more exemptions to Obamacare have been granted in 12th District (Nancy Pelosi's) than any other district.

I hate to tell you this poodle but union members have company provided HC.

Unions didn't like something or other about a Cadillac tax,.

I want people who didn't have HC but now do, I want them to protest.

Who cares what you or the unions have to say. You all have health insurance.
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy. If the figures were as "rosy" as you'd like them to be, the economy wouldn't be among the top concerns of Democrats as well as Republicans going into this election cycle.
Yet the ACA is administered by corporations for the benefit of insurance companies..Isn't hard t o see that..The law is much like the mandatory liability auto insurance laws...It doesn't affect you if you have enough assets to pay for liability of an accident out of your pocket..So rich folks need not apply the law to themselves. mean like Democrat Congressmen such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid - who created the highly illegal legislation and then exempted themselves from it?

Oh yeah - don't forget their pals as well. The UAW demanded and exemption from the liberal crap sandwich after supporting it. And more exemptions to Obamacare have been granted in 12th District (Nancy Pelosi's) than any other district.
It's not what you know but who you blow...
The UAW demanded and exemption from the liberal crap sandwich after supporting it. And more exemptions to Obamacare have been granted in 12th District (Nancy Pelosi's) than any other district.

I hate to tell you this poodle but union members have company provided HC.

Unions didn't like something or other about a Cadillac tax,.

I want people who didn't have HC but now do, I want them to protest.

Who cares what you or the unions have to say. You all have health insurance.
You all? You think I'm a union guy?!? :laugh:
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

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