Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal....decides that the innaguration numbers (which were the reason for the post and which can't chang
Reagan took office Jan 1981, the Reagan Recession began at the end of 1982, so Carter had nothing to do with the Reagan Recession, which at the time was the worst since the Great Republican Depression.

UE was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left, or if we are using the "more like" rate 14.2%. The stimulus was $787 billion, NOT over a trillion, 1/3 of which was tax cuts, and the skyrocketing Bush unemployment was already over 8% by the time the stimulus was signed, and nearly 16% on the "more like" scale.
Um....junior? When Jimmy Carter was in office - there was a major energy crisis. People would wait in line for hours when a gas station finally received a delivery and then some would end up leaving without gas anyway. Interest rates were insane - like 20% or something. The reason Carter was a one pump chump was because the economy was such a train wreck. That's why the American people ousted a sitting president (a very rare occurrence) and turned to Ronald Reagan. And he delivered in a huge way. By the time he left office in 1988, the economy was booming.

Would you like to try again?
When Carter left office there was no recession, Reagan's policies created one of the worst since the Great Republican Depression. The economy recovered in spite of Reagan, not because of St Ronnie!!!
Bwahahahaha!!!! does that work exactly?!? How does an economy make a drastic recovery in spite of the economic policies that you claim don't work?!?

The Democratic Congress.
Except that the Democrat pushed through Ronald Reagan's economic plans. They lowered taxes big time (this was before they became the unhinged, radical marxists that they are now). Reagan also cut regulations on business. He implemented true conservative free-market policy and as always, it worked flawlessly. It created wealth and prosperity.

And as always, the implementation of left-wing policy by Obama has created more poverty and more misery.
The deregulation era started in 1968, the 1970's saw more deregulation until the 1980's was the last decade of the deregulation legislation and regulatory committee evaluated the end results for future Congressional consideration...
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
The BLS already did the math...


... and the number is not 96 million.

You wanna make up your own numbers like rottenweiner? Be my guest.

Meanwhile, my question to you went unanswered.
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
The BLS already did the math...


... and the number is not 96 million.

You wanna make up your own numbers like rottenweiner? Be my guest.

Meanwhile, my question to you went unanswered.

Why doesn't America's 4.9% unemployment rate feel great?

I don't make up numbers. You do realize, by the way, unemployment figures don't include those who no longer qualify [key word] for unemployment, and those discouraged workers that are no longer seeking employment due to the fact they are unable to find work. They DONT get counted. Do an information search on the fine print behind those unemployment figures, and you'll discover I am right about this. Now all that of course, is without going into those college graduates who have been having a rather difficult time finding careers that utilizes their degree, so they take a pay cut ... many having to settle with part time job(s) in order to pay off their rather large tuition debt. Ever wonder why Bernie Sanders is able to resonate with younger voters left with the cost burden of their degrees? Come on Faun, do I honestly have to connect the dots for you? It's a known fact the economy is still among the top concerns facing this election cycle, even towards the end of the Obama administration.

By the way, census bureau has the United States at over 301 million in 2007. You don't think you can come anywhere close to 96 million with 62% participation rate with today's population numbers?
Last edited:
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
The BLS already did the math...


... and the number is not 96 million.

You wanna make up your own numbers like rottenweiner? Be my guest.

Meanwhile, my question to you went unanswered.

Why doesn't America's 4.9% unemployment rate feel great?

I don't make up numbers. You do realize, by the way, unemployment figures don't include those who no longer qualify [key word] for unemployment, and those discouraged workers that are no longer seeking employment due to the fact they are unable to find work. They DONT get counted. Do an information search on the fine print behind those unemployment figures, and you'll discover I am right about this. Now all that of course, is without going into those college graduates who have been having a rather difficult time finding careers that utilizes their degree, so they take a pay cut ... many having to settle with part time job(s) in order to pay off their rather large tuition debt. Ever wonder why Bernie Sanders is able to resonate with younger voters left with the cost burden of their degrees? Come on Faun, do I honestly have to connect the dots for you? It's a known fact the economy is still among the top concerns facing this election cycle, even towards the end of the Obama administration.

By the way, census bureau has the United States at over 301 million in 2007. You don't think you can come anywhere close to 96 million with 62% participation rate with today's population numbers?
That's 301 million counting every soul in the country. Leave it to the brain-dead right to want to count babies as not in the labor force.


Again, the BLS did the math already.

93.4 million; not 96 million. Too bad you struggle to deal with that.

Your struggles aside.... the unemployment rate is calculated using the same methodology they've used for many years now. Using that same methodology, Bill Clinton handed Bush a 4.2% unemployment rate. George Bush handed Barack Obama a 7.8% unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is currently 5%.

Deal with it.

Or consternate over it. Either way, no skin off my back.

Oh -- and you still haven't answered my question. Just sayin'.
Dude...unemployment was something like 6.5%. Gas was something like $1.35 the day Obama was sworn into office.

You really hate facts more than anyone here, uh?
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.

There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
Does this mean you need a job?
We have the lowest unemployment in Oregon right now that we have ever had. Dow's up near 18000 again. And the 'Conservatives' are whining about how bad things are. What a bunch of wimps. Probably got fired from McD's for smoking pot on the job. LOL
We have the lowest unemployment in Oregon right now that we have ever had. Dow's up near 18000 again. And the 'Conservatives' are whining about how bad things are. What a bunch of wimps. Probably got fired from McD's for smoking pot on the job. LOL
Ya have ta remember -- success to righties is negative 8 percent GDP, losing a million jobs in a single month, and a DJIA dropping from 14K to 6.5K.
I already nailed you on those same lies, so what do you do as a worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascist, you just parrot the same lies over again.

The U-3 was 7.8% and skyrocketing and the U-6 was 14.2% and skyrocketing when Bush left.
View attachment 71388
How many years outdated is that chart? :asshole:
Typical liberal....decides that the innaguration numbers (which were the reason for the post and which can't chang
Reagan took office Jan 1981, the Reagan Recession began at the end of 1982, so Carter had nothing to do with the Reagan Recession, which at the time was the worst since the Great Republican Depression.

UE was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left, or if we are using the "more like" rate 14.2%. The stimulus was $787 billion, NOT over a trillion, 1/3 of which was tax cuts, and the skyrocketing Bush unemployment was already over 8% by the time the stimulus was signed, and nearly 16% on the "more like" scale.
Um....junior? When Jimmy Carter was in office - there was a major energy crisis. People would wait in line for hours when a gas station finally received a delivery and then some would end up leaving without gas anyway. Interest rates were insane - like 20% or something. The reason Carter was a one pump chump was because the economy was such a train wreck. That's why the American people ousted a sitting president (a very rare occurrence) and turned to Ronald Reagan. And he delivered in a huge way. By the time he left office in 1988, the economy was booming.

Would you like to try again?
When Carter left office there was no recession, Reagan's policies created one of the worst since the Great Republican Depression. The economy recovered in spite of Reagan, not because of St Ronnie!!!
Bwahahahaha!!!! does that work exactly?!? How does an economy make a drastic recovery in spite of the economic policies that you claim don't work?!?

The Democratic Congress.
Except that the Democrat pushed through Ronald Reagan's economic plans. They lowered taxes big time (this was before they became the unhinged, radical marxists that they are now). Reagan also cut regulations on business. He implemented true conservative free-market policy and as always, it worked flawlessly. It created wealth and prosperity.

And as always, the implementation of left-wing policy by Obama has created more poverty and more misery.
Idiocy. Dems believed and believe in good gov't and thus that elections of presidents meant something. Flawlessly like tripling the debt and the S+L Crisis? LOL

Complaining about 73 straight months of prosperity after ANOTHER Pub Great Depression is amazingly stupid, brainwashed functional moron...
Reagan also cut regulations on business. He implemented true conservative free-market policy and as always, it worked flawlessly. It created wealth and prosperity.
Reagan CON$ervatism created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression until Bush CON$ervatism gave us a worse recession. CON$ervoFascism has failed and will always fail everywhere it is tried.
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working
So what?

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
The BLS already did the math...


... and the number is not 96 million.

You wanna make up your own numbers like rottenweiner? Be my guest.

Meanwhile, my question to you went unanswered.

Why doesn't America's 4.9% unemployment rate feel great?

I don't make up numbers. You do realize, by the way, unemployment figures don't include those who no longer qualify [key word] for unemployment, and those discouraged workers that are no longer seeking employment due to the fact they are unable to find work. They DONT get counted. Do an information search on the fine print behind those unemployment figures, and you'll discover I am right about this. Now all that of course, is without going into those college graduates who have been having a rather difficult time finding careers that utilizes their degree, so they take a pay cut ... many having to settle with part time job(s) in order to pay off their rather large tuition debt. Ever wonder why Bernie Sanders is able to resonate with younger voters left with the cost burden of their degrees? Come on Faun, do I honestly have to connect the dots for you? It's a known fact the economy is still among the top concerns facing this election cycle, even towards the end of the Obama administration.

By the way, census bureau has the United States at over 301 million in 2007. You don't think you can come anywhere close to 96 million with 62% participation rate with today's population numbers?
That's 301 million counting every soul in the country. Leave it to the brain-dead right to want to count babies as not in the labor force.


Again, the BLS did the math already.

93.4 million; not 96 million. Too bad you struggle to deal with that.

Your struggles aside.... the unemployment rate is calculated using the same methodology they've used for many years now. Using that same methodology, Bill Clinton handed Bush a 4.2% unemployment rate. George Bush handed Barack Obama a 7.8% unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is currently 5%.

Deal with it.

Or consternate over it. Either way, no skin off my back.

Oh -- and you still haven't answered my question. Just sayin'.

That census is based on dated 2007 not 2016 figures, and the fact we have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s of 62% is not my conclusion, but according to CNN 2016 figures. Simply posting the same figures as your only response really doesn't offer much credibility to your argument, as I have already explained what had not been taken into account when determining many of those unemployment figures that are often quoted. For example - Can you accurately tell me how many have been denied unemployment because they no longer qualify to receive those benefits? Just how many frustrated workers are there exactly, that have stopped seeking work because they were unsuccessful at finding employment? Both of which are disqualifying factors in obtaining future unemployment compensation, providing a false sense of security as well as becoming rather unreliable in accurately determining the overall strength of our economy from only one set of figures. Now you can choose to be frustrated with your "deal with it" "no skin off my back" responses if that is indeed what you want, as opposed to providing a rhetorical response based on any additional facts you may have.. Surely the basis of your overall understanding of the economy, has to go well beyond just the one set of figures that you have provided here.

You don't think you can come up with at least 96 million not in the work force? Why else did they say we currently have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s? Do the math there buddy.
The BLS already did the math...


... and the number is not 96 million.

You wanna make up your own numbers like rottenweiner? Be my guest.

Meanwhile, my question to you went unanswered.

Why doesn't America's 4.9% unemployment rate feel great?

I don't make up numbers. You do realize, by the way, unemployment figures don't include those who no longer qualify [key word] for unemployment, and those discouraged workers that are no longer seeking employment due to the fact they are unable to find work. They DONT get counted. Do an information search on the fine print behind those unemployment figures, and you'll discover I am right about this. Now all that of course, is without going into those college graduates who have been having a rather difficult time finding careers that utilizes their degree, so they take a pay cut ... many having to settle with part time job(s) in order to pay off their rather large tuition debt. Ever wonder why Bernie Sanders is able to resonate with younger voters left with the cost burden of their degrees? Come on Faun, do I honestly have to connect the dots for you? It's a known fact the economy is still among the top concerns facing this election cycle, even towards the end of the Obama administration.

By the way, census bureau has the United States at over 301 million in 2007. You don't think you can come anywhere close to 96 million with 62% participation rate with today's population numbers?
That's 301 million counting every soul in the country. Leave it to the brain-dead right to want to count babies as not in the labor force.


Again, the BLS did the math already.

93.4 million; not 96 million. Too bad you struggle to deal with that.

Your struggles aside.... the unemployment rate is calculated using the same methodology they've used for many years now. Using that same methodology, Bill Clinton handed Bush a 4.2% unemployment rate. George Bush handed Barack Obama a 7.8% unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is currently 5%.

Deal with it.

Or consternate over it. Either way, no skin off my back.

Oh -- and you still haven't answered my question. Just sayin'.

That census is based on dated 2007 not 2016 figures, and the fact we have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s of 62% is not my conclusion, but according to CNN 2016 figures. Simply posting the same figures as your only response really doesn't offer much credibility to your argument, as I have already explained what had not been taken into account when determining many of those unemployment figures that are often quoted. For example - Can you accurately tell me how many have been denied unemployment because they no longer qualify to receive those benefits? Just how many frustrated workers are there exactly, that have stopped seeking work because they were unsuccessful at finding employment? Both of which are disqualifying factors in obtaining future unemployment compensation, providing a false sense of security as well as becoming rather unreliable in accurately determining the overall strength of our economy from only one set of figures. Now you can choose to be frustrated with your "deal with it" "no skin off my back" responses if that is indeed what you want, as opposed to providing a rhetorical response based on any additional facts you may have.. Surely the basis of your overall understanding of the economy, has to go well beyond just the one set of figures that you have provided here.
My argument couldn't be more sound. Here are the latest figures from the BLS...


It's from 2016, not 2007.

It doesn't include babies or anyone else under the age of 16.

And you still haven't answered my question about the labor force participation being 63% -- so what?
the fact we have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s of 62% is not my conclusion, but according to CNN 2016 figures.
But it is still a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics. For it to be any kind of a useful ECONOMIC indicator the demographic component must be factored out, which CNN and BLS do not do.
Reagan also cut regulations on business. He implemented true conservative free-market policy and as always, it worked flawlessly. It created wealth and prosperity.
Reagan CON$ervatism created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression until Bush CON$ervatism gave us a worse recession. CON$ervoFascism has failed and will always fail everywhere it is tried.
Deregulation begets corruption and inequality.
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.

Lol, fail to mention Rosie the riveter went back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant?
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.

Results of the Obama economy:

Gallup's good jobs rate, which reflects the percentage of the U.S. population working at least 30 hour weeks (excluding the self-employed) stood at January 44.7

Gallup's underemployment rate – which tracks those who are unemployed or working part time but would like a full-time gig – held steady at 14 percent

labor force participation metric dropped to 66.8 percent, slightly more than CNN's data of 62.7% participation rate but about the same.


unemployment rate for 2015 is 7.2 percent (compared with 5.5 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 14.9 percent (compared with 9.6 percent in 2007).


unemployment rate for 2015 19.5 percent (compared with 15.9 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 37.0 percent (compared with 26.8 percent in 2007).


The labor force participation rate measures the share of the civilian non-institutionalized population that is either working or actively looking for work.


The employment rate is the share of the total civilian non-institutionalized population with a job.


Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.

The cuts to public sector employment, which has failed to rebound since the recession, could serve as a powerful political weapon for Republican critics of the health care law, who claim that it is creating a drain on the economy.

US 2016 Store Closings - All Retail Chain Store Locations To Be Closed in 2016 and Beyond:

500 McDonald's
400 Office Depot / Office Max (by 2016)
223 Barnes & Noble (through 2023)
200 Children’s Place (through 2017)
200 Walgreens (by 2017)
175 Aeropostale (“over the next several years”)
154 Walmart (US 102 Walmart Express, 12 Walmart Supercenter, 6 Walmart, 23 Walmart Neighborhood Market, 4 Sam's Clubs)
150 American Eagle Outfitters (through 2017)
150 Finish Line
140 Sports Authority
120 Chico’s (through 2017)
100 Pier One (through 2017)
Last edited:
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.

Results of the Obama economy:

Gallup's good jobs rate, which reflects the percentage of the U.S. population working at least 30 hour weeks (excluding the self-employed) stood at January 44.7

Gallup's underemployment rate – which tracks those who are unemployed or working part time but would like a full-time gig – held steady at 14 percent

labor force participation metric dropped to 66.8 percent, slightly more than CNN's data of 62.7% participation rate but about the same.


unemployment rate for 2015 is 7.2 percent (compared with 5.5 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 14.9 percent (compared with 9.6 percent in 2007).


unemployment rate for 2015 19.5 percent (compared with 15.9 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 37.0 percent (compared with 26.8 percent in 2007).


The labor force participation rate measures the share of the civilian non-institutionalized population that is either working or actively looking for work.


The employment rate is the share of the total civilian non-institutionalized population with a job.


Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.

The cuts to public sector employment, which has failed to rebound since the recession, could serve as a powerful political weapon for Republican critics of the health care law, who claim that it is creating a drain on the economy.

US 2016 Store Closings - All Retail Chain Store Locations To Be Closed in 2016 and Beyond:

500 McDonald's
400 Office Depot / Office Max (by 2016)
223 Barnes & Noble (through 2023)
200 Children’s Place (through 2017)
200 Walgreens (by 2017)
175 Aeropostale (“over the next several years”)
154 Walmart (US 102 Walmart Express, 12 Walmart Supercenter, 6 Walmart, 23 Walmart Neighborhood Market, 4 Sam's Clubs)
150 American Eagle Outfitters (through 2017)
150 Finish Line
140 Sports Authority
120 Chico’s (through 2017)
100 Pier One (through 2017)
Too bad for you the BLS is the official organization on unemployment stats, not Gallup. While I understand your desire to find someone claiming higher unemployment figures than the BLS, they're rather quite meaningless.
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.

Results of the Obama economy:

Gallup's good jobs rate, which reflects the percentage of the U.S. population working at least 30 hour weeks (excluding the self-employed) stood at January 44.7

Gallup's underemployment rate – which tracks those who are unemployed or working part time but would like a full-time gig – held steady at 14 percent

labor force participation metric dropped to 66.8 percent, slightly more than CNN's data of 62.7% participation rate but about the same.


unemployment rate for 2015 is 7.2 percent (compared with 5.5 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 14.9 percent (compared with 9.6 percent in 2007).


unemployment rate for 2015 19.5 percent (compared with 15.9 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 37.0 percent (compared with 26.8 percent in 2007).


The labor force participation rate measures the share of the civilian non-institutionalized population that is either working or actively looking for work.


The employment rate is the share of the total civilian non-institutionalized population with a job.


Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.

The cuts to public sector employment, which has failed to rebound since the recession, could serve as a powerful political weapon for Republican critics of the health care law, who claim that it is creating a drain on the economy.

US 2016 Store Closings - All Retail Chain Store Locations To Be Closed in 2016 and Beyond:

500 McDonald's
400 Office Depot / Office Max (by 2016)
223 Barnes & Noble (through 2023)
200 Children’s Place (through 2017)
200 Walgreens (by 2017)
175 Aeropostale (“over the next several years”)
154 Walmart (US 102 Walmart Express, 12 Walmart Supercenter, 6 Walmart, 23 Walmart Neighborhood Market, 4 Sam's Clubs)
150 American Eagle Outfitters (through 2017)
150 Finish Line
140 Sports Authority
120 Chico’s (through 2017)
100 Pier One (through 2017)
Too bad for you the BLS is the official organization on unemployment stats, not Gallup. While I understand your desire to find someone claiming higher unemployment figures than the BLS, they're rather quite meaningless.

You can't rely on BLS alone to determine how the economy is doing ..... it's flawed and not completely accurate without looking at how it effects those with college degrees, high school grads, as well as businesses. Too bad you don't find economic advisors relying on just one piece of data like BLS .... they got more intelligence than you to know better.
There is only 62.7% of adult Americans working, this according to one statistic from Feb 2016, near the end of the Obama presidency. We haven't seen Labor force participation this low since the 1970s. Long term unemployment is also still high, and these are just two indicators of the current economy.
There were less than 60% working during the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s, the LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator because it is skewed by demographics, but you have nothing else.

Long term unemployed at the peak of the Great Bush Recession was 6.8 million and there are 2.2 million now. Quite an improvement.

Results of the Obama economy:

Gallup's good jobs rate, which reflects the percentage of the U.S. population working at least 30 hour weeks (excluding the self-employed) stood at January 44.7

Gallup's underemployment rate – which tracks those who are unemployed or working part time but would like a full-time gig – held steady at 14 percent

labor force participation metric dropped to 66.8 percent, slightly more than CNN's data of 62.7% participation rate but about the same.


unemployment rate for 2015 is 7.2 percent (compared with 5.5 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 14.9 percent (compared with 9.6 percent in 2007).


unemployment rate for 2015 19.5 percent (compared with 15.9 percent in 2007),

underemployment rate is 37.0 percent (compared with 26.8 percent in 2007).


The labor force participation rate measures the share of the civilian non-institutionalized population that is either working or actively looking for work.


The employment rate is the share of the total civilian non-institutionalized population with a job.


Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.

The cuts to public sector employment, which has failed to rebound since the recession, could serve as a powerful political weapon for Republican critics of the health care law, who claim that it is creating a drain on the economy.

US 2016 Store Closings - All Retail Chain Store Locations To Be Closed in 2016 and Beyond:

500 McDonald's
400 Office Depot / Office Max (by 2016)
223 Barnes & Noble (through 2023)
200 Children’s Place (through 2017)
200 Walgreens (by 2017)
175 Aeropostale (“over the next several years”)
154 Walmart (US 102 Walmart Express, 12 Walmart Supercenter, 6 Walmart, 23 Walmart Neighborhood Market, 4 Sam's Clubs)
150 American Eagle Outfitters (through 2017)
150 Finish Line
140 Sports Authority
120 Chico’s (through 2017)
100 Pier One (through 2017)
Too bad for you the BLS is the official organization on unemployment stats, not Gallup. While I understand your desire to find someone claiming higher unemployment figures than the BLS, they're rather quite meaningless.

You can't rely on BLS alone to determine how the economy is doing ..... it's flawed and not completely accurate without looking at how it effects those with college degrees, high school grads, as well as businesses. Too bad you don't find economic advisors relying on just one piece of data like BLS .... they got more intelligence than you to know better.
And it remains the only official source for such statistics.

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