Nothing to do with us.

you might want to post a link to the story behind that.
He died trying to escape from hell.
He was in Turkey.

He was in Bodrum, Turkey

You would not take out Isis you simpleton.You would kill a few nutters and create martyrs. The injustice that created these monsters would still exist. Cant you see that ?

I watched an extremist being interviewed a little while back. He stated that he became radicalised by seeing the images of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. The Bosnians did not "take out" their problem they made it worse. America created ISIS through its shambolic war in Iraq. When will you ever learn ?
Palestine is a stain on the world. America could tell Israel to put its house in order but chooses not to.

You can turn "anyone" into a maniac wanting to kill, by simply washing his brain. These are simple people with no education and no world view. This is not the question here.

The question is: Why do we see flocks of people being brain washed for the purpose of undermining the civilization on this planet, especially from the ME?

Trying to explain this situation by the injustice ME people have been receiving from the western powers, would simply be ignoring the FACT that, WHOLE WORLD have been receiving the same injustice from the western powers, for the last 100s of years throughout the history.
ME people get a free pass for their rage against humanity, while;

Vietnam, Vietnamese people, who have felt the same harsh treatment and injustice from the west, are trying to improve themselves, build a better future for their children, in peace...

India was under British occupation for a looooong fucking time, and believe me, they didnt enjoy it more than the ME people did, but again we don't see them blowing themselves up in the middle of the peaceful civilians.



South America

Native Americans

WHOLE FUCKING WORLD, got their share from the injustice

but only ME nuts deserve a FUCKING FREE PASS, I guess.....

None of those countries are currently being bombed by the west.
You would not take out Isis you simpleton.You would kill a few nutters and create martyrs. The injustice that created these monsters would still exist. Cant you see that ?

I watched an extremist being interviewed a little while back. He stated that he became radicalised by seeing the images of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. The Bosnians did not "take out" their problem they made it worse. America created ISIS through its shambolic war in Iraq. When will you ever learn ?
Palestine is a stain on the world. America could tell Israel to put its house in order but chooses not to.

You can turn "anyone" into a maniac wanting to kill, by simply washing his brain. These are simple people with no education and no world view. This is not the question here.

The question is: Why do we see flocks of people being brain washed for the purpose of undermining the civilization on this planet, especially from the ME?

Trying to explain this situation by the injustice ME people have been receiving from the western powers, would simply be ignoring the FACT that, WHOLE WORLD have been receiving the same injustice from the western powers, for the last 100s of years throughout the history.
ME people get a free pass for their rage against humanity, while;

Vietnam, Vietnamese people, who have felt the same harsh treatment and injustice from the west, are trying to improve themselves, build a better future for their children, in peace...

India was under British occupation for a looooong fucking time, and believe me, they didnt enjoy it more than the ME people did, but again we don't see them blowing themselves up in the middle of the peaceful civilians.



South America

Native Americans

WHOLE FUCKING WORLD, got their share from the injustice

but only ME nuts deserve a FUCKING FREE PASS, I guess.....

None of those countries are currently being bombed by the west.

Thats because they are not blowing themselves up in the middle of western capitals...
Your "solution" would bring about the end of the world. Tackle the causes of ISIS is the sensible way to go. Start with some justice for Palestine.

That'll stop a Muslim Civil War .. :haha: NONE of those Arab factions give a flip about Palestinians. THey are in the way even in Syria and used as targets and hostages. After being evicted from Jordan, Lebanon and now even blockaded by Egypt ---- THEIR justice comes when they can finally agree on REPRESENTATION without killing each other for the power..
Your true intentions being shown again.

How quaint..............
If you think I am on the wrong track then explain why.You dont always have to be abusive, try and grow as a person.
Wasn't this thread supposed to be about how 'we' forced a selfish incompetent parent to get his poor child killed?
Go to the Israel thread if you want to discuss the 'shrinkage' of a non-existent country.
Your true intentions being shown again.

How quaint..............
If you think I am on the wrong track then explain why.You dont always have to be abusive, try and grow as a person.
Been around too dang long to play silly little games with people like you. Your purpose is clear, and reasoning is quite Stupid. You brought the pali issue up a good while back. You say we are at fault for ISIS, and that we shouldn't kill them...........You are a
Your true intentions being shown again.

How quaint..............
If you think I am on the wrong track then explain why.You dont always have to be abusive, try and grow as a person.
Wasn't this thread supposed to be about how 'we' forced a selfish incompetent parent to get his poor child killed?
Go to the Israel thread if you want to discuss the 'shrinkage' of a non-existent country.
You are very controlling Tilly. Its how folk tend to react when they have no argument.
How that poor soul got to that beach and how we could try and prevent it are surely worth discussing. Perhaps you guys could move on from childish name calling and consider the bigger picture ?
Your true intentions being shown again.

How quaint..............
If you think I am on the wrong track then explain why.You dont always have to be abusive, try and grow as a person.
Wasn't this thread supposed to be about how 'we' forced a selfish incompetent parent to get his poor child killed?
Go to the Israel thread if you want to discuss the 'shrinkage' of a non-existent country.
You are very controlling Tilly. Its how folk tend to react when they have no argument.
How that poor soul got to that beach and how we could try and prevent it are surely worth discussing. Perhaps you guys could move on from childish name calling and consider the bigger picture ?
Big Picture. ISIS and the ongoing battles are making people run away from their homes. ISIS is murdering everyone not like them.

BIG PICTURE. KILL ISIS no need for them to run anymore............There ya go.
oh ok, since he couldn't prove it's ok for muslims to be dicks, he's going with israel sucks

explains why he's so uninformed on other threads, he doesn't check anything out for all the facts

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