Nothing to do with us.

Thanks for clearing that up. Kurds have a great time in Turkey.

Just what I needed, a feces-disturbing European leftist kook. The ME is not my problem. ME screwed up since MO raped babies. You want to fix it? move ME families in with you. The USA has about 30 cities of millions with poor conditions to worry about. We tapped out Govner'

You can claim ME is not your problem, but ME refuse and insists that it is a problem for you.

ME was not a problem, before Bush destroyed a secular state in the ME and Obama followed his steps by destroying another secular state right next to it.

Now, unfortunately, it is your problem, one way or another...
Which has WHAT to do with Muslims who habitually murder each other?
Thanks for clearing that up. Kurds have a great time in Turkey.

Just what I needed, a feces-disturbing European leftist kook. The ME is not my problem. ME screwed up since MO raped babies. You want to fix it? move ME families in with you. The USA has about 30 cities of millions with poor conditions to worry about. We tapped out Govner'

You can claim ME is not your problem, but ME refuse and insists that it is a problem for you.

ME was not a problem, before Bush destroyed a secular state in the ME and Obama followed his steps by destroying another secular state right next to it.

Now, unfortunately, it is your problem, one way or another...
Which has WHAT to do with Muslims who habitually murder each other?

Only each other?

Paris? San Bernardino? 9/11??????
Nope. Blame the kids parents for that.
Far worse atrocities are happening throughout the Middle East than this picture.

They are killing because their Muslim version of Islam is better than the other version of Islam.

They are raping, torturing, and Murdering whole villages of people. They are burning people alive for sport. They are selling little girls off to be sex slaves. They are raping the women and children in front of the fathers before cutting their heads off. They are starving up to 40,000 people in some cities. They are Crucifying people on crosses. They are putting the dead's heads on spikes. They are playing soccer with the heads of those killed including children.

That is only a partial list. Our CULTURE didn't turn them into the BARBARIANS that they are...............Our cultures have clashed since the 6th century............and even earlier.........

We didn't cause the Ottomans to march a million people into the desert of Syria to die of Hunger and thirst...........and so on...............

Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?
Where are these non-violent seculars?
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

There have been quite a few postings on this issue as you might imagine.

Everything from bring more Muslims to West in hopes they assimilate (Kumbaya) to Ban Quaran, ban Islam send them all back where they are "more comfortable". or Nuke Mecca. send message.
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?
Marching Billions into the desert............:cuckoo:
The Ottomans did that.................and the world did respond in WWI............and took the place back by force. Which is why there is no Ottoman Empire anymore.

Which Tyrant should we support? You tell me............It seems the Tyrants are the only dang ones keeping a lid on the place.

SOLUTIONS...............You tell me..............and if it's a Peace agreement with ISIS I suggest you try that one yourself and in person. Make sure your Life Insurance is up to date on that one.
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?
Saudi Arabia has their chest nuts in the fire with about a Million Houti's sponsored by Iran.
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?
Where are these non-violent seculars?

They are all over the mid east actually. They just don't have the support to make the impact. Because they have been ignored and oppressed by the western anti-communist policies of the 80s-90s. The "green belt" policy was funding the islamists, but oppressing the seculars, with the fear of them leaning to soviets.

Now seems to be the time to turn that around.
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?

Their homeland will never be safe. I agree, it was the fucking son of a bitch Erdogan, Turkish president, who started the war in the first place, Turkey should take all the refugees and cut the crap, complaining to the west.

But that will not solve anything in my opinion. Because Erdogan himself is a fucking islamist lunatic NAZI.

We need to find the right people in the ME to support. That has been the whole problem all along, starting from Afghanistan back in the 80s. Always supported the wrong guy.

We need seculars in charge of the ME. Regardless of what they are. They need to be able to oppress their religious cults the way they see fit. When Obama started this anti Assad campaign, he was complaining about the human rights abuses of the Assad regime.

Now we see what Assad was dealing against.

You need to cut the head of the snake, and that is the "ISLAMISM". And you need the right people to do the job...
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?

Their homeland will never be safe. I agree, it was the fucking son of a bitch Erdogan, Turkish president, who started the war in the first place, Turkey should take all the refugees and cut the crap, complaining to the west.

But that will not solve anything in my opinion. Because Erdogan himself is a fucking islamist lunatic NAZI.

We need to find the right people in the ME to support. That has been the whole problem all along, starting from Afghanistan back in the 80s. Always supported the wrong guy.

We need seculars in charge of the ME. Regardless of what they are. They need to be able to oppress their religious cults the way they see fit. When Obama started this anti Assad campaign, he was complaining about the human rights abuses of the Assad regime.

Now we see what Assad was dealing against.

You need to cut the head of the snake, and that is the "ISLAMISM". And you need the right people to do the job...
I agree with your post.............Except the snake part.
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?

Their homeland will never be safe. I agree, it was the fucking son of a bitch Erdogan, Turkish president, who started the war in the first place, Turkey should take all the refugees and cut the crap, complaining to the west.

But that will not solve anything in my opinion. Because Erdogan himself is a fucking islamist lunatic NAZI.

We need to find the right people in the ME to support. That has been the whole problem all along, starting from Afghanistan back in the 80s. Always supported the wrong guy.

We need seculars in charge of the ME. Regardless of what they are. They need to be able to oppress their religious cults the way they see fit. When Obama started this anti Assad campaign, he was complaining about the human rights abuses of the Assad regime.

Now we see what Assad was dealing against.

You need to cut the head of the snake, and that is the "ISLAMISM". And you need the right people to do the job...
I agree with your post.............Except the snake part.

Indeed, it is that bad at the moment.
Islamofascists may seem invincible, but I believe, this evil can be dealt with, using the right alliances...
Pointing fingers is easy people.

What is the solution?

Should we march billions of muslims to the deserts of Syria, to die of hunger and thirst?

Or maybe, supporting the seculars of the mid east, rather than the islamists, could be a better solution to the problem?

One easier solution was to "force" Saudi Arabia to take in millions of ME refugee until their homeland was safe. Why BHO and others not work this issue seems crazy?

Their homeland will never be safe. I agree, it was the fucking son of a bitch Erdogan, Turkish president, who started the war in the first place, Turkey should take all the refugees and cut the crap, complaining to the west.

But that will not solve anything in my opinion. Because Erdogan himself is a fucking islamist lunatic NAZI.

We need to find the right people in the ME to support. That has been the whole problem all along, starting from Afghanistan back in the 80s. Always supported the wrong guy.

We need seculars in charge of the ME. Regardless of what they are. They need to be able to oppress their religious cults the way they see fit. When Obama started this anti Assad campaign, he was complaining about the human rights abuses of the Assad regime.

Now we see what Assad was dealing against.

You need to cut the head of the snake, and that is the "ISLAMISM". And you need the right people to do the job...
I agree with your post.............Except the snake part.

Indeed, it is that bad at the moment.
Islamofascists may seem invincible, but I believe, this evil can be dealt with, using the right alliances...
Please continue.
Thanks for clearing that up. Kurds have a great time in Turkey.

Just what I needed, a feces-disturbing European leftist kook. The ME is not my problem. ME screwed up since MO raped babies. You want to fix it? move ME families in with you. The USA has about 30 cities of millions with poor conditions to worry about. We tapped out Govner'

You can claim ME is not your problem, but ME refuse and insists that it is a problem for you.

ME was not a problem, before Bush destroyed a secular state in the ME and Obama followed his steps by destroying another secular state right next to it.

Now, unfortunately, it is your problem, one way or another...
ahh the blame bush crowd

proof that you're an idiot and have 0 grasp of history or reality
We should do one of two things:

1) Completely destroy ISIS with combined land, sea and air forces, and to kill them without mercy even if they try to surrender.


2) Pull completely out and let someone else solve the problem.
We should do one of two things:

1) Completely destroy ISIS with combined land, sea and air forces, and to kill them without mercy even if they try to surrender.


2) Pull completely out and let someone else solve the problem.
Given that the ISIS movement is spreading across the world and especially North Africa Option 1, with the OP's country and the rest of Europe joining in would be the option..............

BUT that would be to BRUTAL for them and the UN........who always ask us what we will do and then bitch at us when we do...........

To the OP on this bit of Sarcasm..............I thank the UK for joining us in the fight after 9/11 and the support of your forces there. I also thank France for sending 15,000 troops into Chad to save that country from being taken over by Islamist groups whose remnants remain in North Chad and Southern Libya.
This is World War III and we don't know it yet. Things aren't getting better, they are getting worse.

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