Noticing a new trend....

Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.
Not sure who told you asymptomatic people can’t spread it but I wouldn’t bank on it.
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
its sad the country has been run into the ground and we have so many problems.
Maybe we should topple a couple statues and break some store windows to fix everything....
Maybe we should elect someone who will lead. Did you ever think you’d be voting for someone who makes Obama look fiscally responsible? So many problems...
There is NO CHANCE IN HELL that I will vote for ANY Democrat for president.
Your party is a total disaster being led around by anarchists & socialists.
If you vote for chaos, don't complain if you get it
Florida breaks single day record Houston raises virus warning the highest ever Pence says all is well Lying pos sent out by the other liar trump
I don't give a FUCK......what I give a Fuck about is the people still out of work........for this stinking virus.......and the damage that is coming.

When that damage we get to listen to DNC trolls like you say LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID TO US......

Most of you are too dang stupid to work.
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
its sad the country has been run into the ground and we have so many problems.
Maybe we should topple a couple statues and break some store windows to fix everything....
Maybe we should elect someone who will lead. Did you ever think you’d be voting for someone who makes Obama look fiscally responsible? So many problems...
Yes. Vote for the dementia laden Joe Biden he can lead from the nursing home. Just hope it’s not in a democratic state or his days are numbered.
beats trump fucking everything up. Who thought four years ago would look so good?
Things were rolling along GREAT until a virus and bad cop showed up. Then the democrat scum took to the streets.

None of that has anything to do with Trump's job performance. To suggest otherwise exposes a critical lack of logical thinking.
Now you can justifiably bitch about Trumps mannerisms and personality till the cows come home but I don't personally care about that shit.
Even though you are non essential and a heathen..........I LOVED THAT....

Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
its sad the country has been run into the ground and we have so many problems.
Maybe we should topple a couple statues and break some store windows to fix everything....
Maybe we should elect someone who will lead. Did you ever think you’d be voting for someone who makes Obama look fiscally responsible? So many problems...
Yes. Vote for the dementia laden Joe Biden he can lead from the nursing home. Just hope it’s not in a democratic state or his days are numbered.
beats trump fucking everything up. Who thought four years ago would look so good?
Things were rolling along GREAT until a virus and bad cop showed up. Then the democrat scum took to the streets.

None of that has anything to do with Trump's job performance. To suggest otherwise exposes a critical lack of logical thinking.
Now you can justifiably bitch about Trumps mannerisms and personality till the cows come home but I don't personally care about that shit.
Even though you are non essential and a heathen..........I LOVED THAT....

I do what I can....
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.

That is not true.
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.
Not sure who told you asymptomatic people can’t spread it but I wouldn’t bank on it.
My doctor. Didn't say cannot but said highly unlikely.
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.

That is not true.
85% that is true. Lone Leftist. You make yourself look like an idiot consistently here. STFU, you fat loser.
Meanwhile, life goes on as normal in the cities. The Trump cultists are living in an alternate reality bubble, courtesy of FOX News propaganda.

The Trump cult leaders feed their followers such propaganda to keep the cultists hysterical.

That keeps the Trump cultists obedient. Very, very obedient.

And that's how their masters want them to be, good little obedient sheep.

It's very obvious to anyone outside of the cult. And it's funny that the cultists can't see how they're being manipulated.

You're right.
Rioting and looting is normal in dem run cities.
If you vote for chaos, don't complain if you get it
The chaos wasn't voted for....its coming from a very small number of anti American Trump haters....lots a noise and shouting but small and insignificant.....
Oh yes, the the Chaos was voted for and ushered in with the help of the Electoral College and two dying and practically dead generations of Americans. What you are seeing now, is two new generations getting politically active and taking their place in American politics. Great times!
If you vote for chaos, don't complain if you get it
The chaos wasn't voted for....its coming from a very small number of anti American Trump haters....lots a noise and shouting but small and insignificant.....
Oh yes, the the Chaos was voted for and ushered in with the help of the Electoral College and two dying and practically dead generations of Americans. What you are seeing now, is two new generations getting politically active and taking their place in American politics. Great times!

You're gonna love 2020!!
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.
Not sure who told you asymptomatic people can’t spread it but I wouldn’t bank on it.
My doctor. Didn't say cannot but said highly unlikely.
Sounds like you’re doctor is talking out his ass.
If you vote for chaos, don't complain if you get it
The chaos wasn't voted for....its coming from a very small number of anti American Trump haters....lots a noise and shouting but small and insignificant.....
Oh yes, the the Chaos was voted for and ushered in with the help of the Electoral College and two dying and practically dead generations of Americans. What you are seeing now, is two new generations getting politically active and taking their place in American politics. Great times!
From a lawless party............who riots on the drop of a dime..........and wouldn't have a pot to piss in if it weren't for illegals................illegals that really don't like you bro........they think you are idiots too............

They only vote for the Free shit and more of their family coming.......when you run out of other people's ya gonna feed them.

Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.
Not sure who told you asymptomatic people can’t spread it but I wouldn’t bank on it.
My doctor. Didn't say cannot but said highly unlikely.
Sounds like you’re doctor is talking out his ass.
Only believe the professionals if they peddle your Narrative......LMAO
HE STOPPED ALL THE FLIGHTS FROM China and other areas and you dumbassed libtards started braying like the jackasses you are about his being a racist and a xenophobe.
He stopped all flights from China last week. So impressive.
Nope! Dumbass. It was Jan.
Nope. Read the article. He made some restrictions in Jan but fell way short of "stopping all flights". All flights were stopped last week. Tens of thousands of people flew in from China after his restrictions were put into place.

40,000 Americans flew in... What was he suppose to do to these legal Americans? Oh wait you want ILLEGAL immigrants BUT "legal" citizens not?
Quarantine and test them.
We weren’t ready with tests. It was a hoax then, just like the flu...
Why test? That would just make the number of cases to up. It’ll just vanish come April anyway.
You can’t test anyway the Marxists you support destroyed 70 testing sites.
Good point. It’s now impossible to test anyone for COVID-19. Thank you.
You can get tested and then walk down the street and get it.............5 minutes later.

Testing actually shows why the SO CALLED EXPERTS should all be fired for Hyping this.........They weren't even close to being right.............Now if you want to follow an idiot into the woods.......go ahead.......I think I'll wish you good luck and tell the searchers later ........the big dummy entered the woods here.
Well, we are talking about the point of time when the virus was coming into the country from other nations, a point in time where there was very little of any community spread.

At time when it was critical to identify asymptomatic individuals to prevent that from happening.

And we didn’t do it.
You can play that all you want..........the PAUSE was to allow PPE and the Medical time and nothing more.

It was never to stop the Virus..........that IS spreads quicker than the Flu and Cold........anyone who thinks it can be stopped til it runs it's course...........Well........shouldn't be listened too at all.

I remember the FEAR MONGERING from the beginning.......and the HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEM...........when I said you are over hyping it with those EXPERTS.............

They were WRONG.........PERIOD......they weren't even close.......and they SHOULD BE FIRED FOR INCOMPETENCE.

Yes....they moved the goal posts to keep the country shut down....and they will move the goal posts again and hype infections without pointing out that the death rate is flat...which is the actual important number...since people getting it and getting better is not what they want.
HE STOPPED ALL THE FLIGHTS FROM China and other areas and you dumbassed libtards started braying like the jackasses you are about his being a racist and a xenophobe.
He stopped all flights from China last week. So impressive.
Nope! Dumbass. It was Jan.
Nope. Read the article. He made some restrictions in Jan but fell way short of "stopping all flights". All flights were stopped last week. Tens of thousands of people flew in from China after his restrictions were put into place.

40,000 Americans flew in... What was he suppose to do to these legal Americans? Oh wait you want ILLEGAL immigrants BUT "legal" citizens not?
Quarantine and test them.
We weren’t ready with tests. It was a hoax then, just like the flu...
Why test? That would just make the number of cases to up. It’ll just vanish come April anyway.
You can’t test anyway the Marxists you support destroyed 70 testing sites.
Good point. It’s now impossible to test anyone for COVID-19. Thank you.
You can get tested and then walk down the street and get it.............5 minutes later.

Testing actually shows why the SO CALLED EXPERTS should all be fired for Hyping this.........They weren't even close to being right.............Now if you want to follow an idiot into the woods.......go ahead.......I think I'll wish you good luck and tell the searchers later ........the big dummy entered the woods here.
Well, we are talking about the point of time when the virus was coming into the country from other nations, a point in time where there was very little of any community spread.

At time when it was critical to identify asymptomatic individuals to prevent that from happening.

And we didn’t do it.
You can play that all you want..........the PAUSE was to allow PPE and the Medical time and nothing more.

It was never to stop the Virus..........that IS spreads quicker than the Flu and Cold........anyone who thinks it can be stopped til it runs it's course...........Well........shouldn't be listened too at all.

I remember the FEAR MONGERING from the beginning.......and the HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEM...........when I said you are over hyping it with those EXPERTS.............

They were WRONG.........PERIOD......they weren't even close.......and they SHOULD BE FIRED FOR INCOMPETENCE.

Yes....they moved the goal posts to keep the country shut down....and they will move the goal posts again and hype infections without pointing out that the death rate is flat...which is the actual important number...since people getting it and getting better is not what they want.

When the riots started it was against DNC politicians by LIBERALS..........they needed a time for Race riots and fake ass outrage to change the back to the dang watching someone playing ping pong.....yawn
Virus cases are on the rise, quite dramatically in some areas. At the same time coverage of the protests, riots and vandalism is drying up. And yes, riots are still occurring. Portland for instance had them last night. New York is now having a CHAZ zone developing.

So we're switching back to virus arguments while largly ignoring the ongoing chaos.

Right now a bulldozer & authorities are having a standoff with CHAZ protesters but virtually no one is covering it.

This roller coaster is broken and seemingly unable to stop.
cases are up because we test more and most with + tests have little to no symptoms. Media is stupid.

You bought that spin, huh? Genius Absolute genius.

60-80 percent are asymptomatic and they can't spread it.
Not sure who told you asymptomatic people can’t spread it but I wouldn’t bank on it.

She didn't say can't, she said unlikely. Her name is Van Kerkhove and she works at the WHO.
HE STOPPED ALL THE FLIGHTS FROM China and other areas and you dumbassed libtards started braying like the jackasses you are about his being a racist and a xenophobe.
He stopped all flights from China last week. So impressive.
Nope! Dumbass. It was Jan.
Nope. Read the article. He made some restrictions in Jan but fell way short of "stopping all flights". All flights were stopped last week. Tens of thousands of people flew in from China after his restrictions were put into place.

40,000 Americans flew in... What was he suppose to do to these legal Americans? Oh wait you want ILLEGAL immigrants BUT "legal" citizens not?
Quarantine and test them.
We weren’t ready with tests. It was a hoax then, just like the flu...
Why test? That would just make the number of cases to up. It’ll just vanish come April anyway.
You can’t test anyway the Marxists you support destroyed 70 testing sites.
Good point. It’s now impossible to test anyone for COVID-19. Thank you.
You can get tested and then walk down the street and get it.............5 minutes later.

Testing actually shows why the SO CALLED EXPERTS should all be fired for Hyping this.........They weren't even close to being right.............Now if you want to follow an idiot into the woods.......go ahead.......I think I'll wish you good luck and tell the searchers later ........the big dummy entered the woods here.

What would be great is if they could get an accurate antibody test and plenty for everybody. That would help ten times more than a Covid test.

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