Notre Dame


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Would it be fair to say that the Cathedral of Notre Dame is the second most significant (or important) Roman Catholic Church in the world - second to St Peter's in Rome?

What about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

What would be the top five?

What would be the ramifications if an Islamic terror group claimed "credit" for starting the current fire?

Oy woy! Don't even want to think about it.
I hope it was an accident. If it was terrorism, we might end up with another war.
Would it be fair to say that the Cathedral of Notre Dame is ...

Notre Dame is Notre Dame. Unique. A burning jewel - a burning instrument in the concert of the houses of god.

France: You are not alone.

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Ya know, sometimes, shit just happens.

Its a loss for all of humanity. Doesn't have to be anything nefarious about it.

Though, I'm going to laugh if someone makes a Quasimodo meme of, "Will ring bells for food".

Yeah, I'm an asshole and going to hell...
Regardless of whether it was deliberate or not Notradam should be rebuilt but keeping an even standard or playing field so should the temple in Israel...So many of you see things through rose coloured glasses... UNESCO is upset , the world is upset and money will be raised and the effort will be given and it will be restored but no new temple for Israel and the Jews and even if we do finally rebuild it how many of you and others will be up in arms against it because of mistaken religious beliefs or ideologies.. Most of the world should be clamouring to rebuild it just to right past wrongs and yet we know how the Unesco of the world feel deep down..... Meanwhile Israel gives freely to all of you in every field imaginable... It was revealed today that her scientists have managed to 3 d print a heart perfect in every way that may lead to other organs being replicated as well doing away with the need for organ transplants and the possibility down the road of tailor making your own organs not just hearts and replacing them as need be...I could say more but it is time for people to realize that the old way of doing things and their thinking is gone and that all of could have a brighter future if we let go of the stuff that is holding us back and instead of being hunched like a hunchback we can stand tall and face it with confidence and determination...Something we should all consider no matter our backgrounds and upbringings...
Ya know, sometimes, shit just happens.

Its a loss for all of humanity. Doesn't have to be anything nefarious about it.

Though, I'm going to laugh if someone makes a Quasimodo meme of, "Will ring bells for food".

Yeah, I'm an asshole and going to hell...

Perhaps helps sometimes a translation and a retranslation:

I watched the spire fall (or tape of the spire fall anyway) during the week of Easter and I thought, "Jesus is coming back".

But that's nothing new. I know He's coming back, and soon. I think that, and say it out loud, at least once a day.

Ya know, sometimes, shit just happens.

Its a loss for all of humanity. Doesn't have to be anything nefarious about it.

Though, I'm going to laugh if someone makes a Quasimodo meme of, "Will ring bells for food".
ot f
Yeah, I'm an asshole and going to hell...
not for ALL of humanity
some people are not sad
I'm sure a lot of muslims/atheist are not crying
I hope it was an accident. If it was terrorism, we might end up with another war.
You would start a war over a fire ? You are a sick individual.
My guess is that the fire that consumed the Twin Towers, and the attack at Pearl Harbor also inspired sick individuals? An accident is an accident. However, intentional destruction is an attack on the spirit of humanity...
Ya know, sometimes, shit just happens.

Its a loss for all of humanity. Doesn't have to be anything nefarious about it.

Though, I'm going to laugh if someone makes a Quasimodo meme of, "Will ring bells for food".
ot f
Yeah, I'm an asshole and going to hell...
not for ALL of humanity
some people are not sad
I'm sure a lot of muslims/atheist are not crying
Yes, for all of humanity. Simply because a few won't be upset does not mean it's not tragic.

Good grief, but you people will argue over anything.
surly for those that are representative of that world congregant the other option of a visual epistle isn't possible - not something there for them to concern themselves with, nothing new for how they conduct their daily lives ... no message for them, they are of course the beloved.
Would it be fair to say that the Cathedral of Notre Dame is the second most significant (or important) Roman Catholic Church in the world - second to St Peter's in Rome?

What about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

What would be the top five?

What would be the ramifications if an Islamic terror group claimed "credit" for starting the current fire?

Oy woy! Don't even want to think about it.

To me the top 5 would probably be:

1. St Peter's Basilica
2. Church of the Holy Sepulchre
3. Notre Dame
4. Church of the Nativity
5. St Patrick's Cathedral

The last one is debatable, but it is the primary Church/Diocese in the "new world", at least in North America.
Ya know, sometimes, shit just happens.

Its a loss for all of humanity. Doesn't have to be anything nefarious about it.

Though, I'm going to laugh if someone makes a Quasimodo meme of, "Will ring bells for food".
ot f
Yeah, I'm an asshole and going to hell...
not for ALL of humanity
some people are not sad
I'm sure a lot of muslims/atheist are not crying
Yes, for all of humanity. Simply because a few won't be upset does not mean it's not tragic.

Good grief, but you people will argue over anything.
no--not for all humanity
a FEW?? you mean a few BILLION-- arguing--pointing out the RIDICULOUSNESS of all the idiocy --they are making it seem like the world is ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tragic might be when humans die
humans unnecessarily '''''need'''/want a miracle/hero/something to ''believe in
humans want to feel sorrow/happiness/elation
why do you think they watch all these movies/Game of Thrones/sports/etc??
most of this crying/etc is humans fairytale living --like a soap opera
it is fake ''emotions''....made up emotions
......I've been over this in the other thread--I admire/enjoy/etc historic buildings/etc--but they are just buildings
It's the beginning of the Holy Week, interestingly.

What are your thoughts on it?

I haven't been following the story except for the little I've read online, but unlike 99% of the people here, I would say that IF it was intentional (which it may not be, but IF it was) my bet is that it's another instigated event by certain powers behind the scenes, to pit groups against eachother, anger people and to justify more perpetual war, or maybe to take us closer to WWIII.

But I know that's an unpopular opinion around here. :rolleyes:
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