November 2nd...Middle East in History

Theo van Gogh awakened me. Way before Submission. I was back in Toronto and out of the wilds of Tennessee and I discovered something called the Internet.

I discovered
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Hey asshole I just got back in here. I always thought you fairly intelligent till now.

You've got to be kidding me. Christians believing in end times created fucking Zionism?

You have to be joking.

Some days some days. Have you read the Word? Before you comment on it have you read the Word?
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You like history , I gave you some links, read it and learn something.

Running away from the savagery?

Well....did you support this:

"The 2000 Ramallah lynching was a violent incident in October 2000 at the beginning of theSecond Intifada in which a Palestinianmob killed and mutilated the bodies of two Israel Defense Forcesreservists, Vadim Nurzhitz (sometimes spelled as Norzhich) and Yossi Avrahami (or Yosef Avrahami),[1] who had accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Ramallah in the West Bank and were taken into custody by PA policemen to the local police station.

The Israeli reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the police station window, displaying his blood-stained hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. The crowd clapped and cheered as one of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the frenzied mob. One of the bodies was set on fire. Soon after, the mob dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center as the crowd began an impromptu victory celebration. Palestinian policemen did not prevent, and in some cases actually took part in, the lynching."
2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I am not going to debate who is the worst, the Zionist Jews and right winger jews or the radical Muslims, for each and every one you give me , I can give you the opposite side. I am on the Palestinian side in Israhell now, and am against their stealing of land and oppression of the Arabs. So not going to go there with you, your not interested in history, but just bad mouthing the Muslims.
Theo van Gogh awakened me. Way before Submission. I was back in Toronto and out of the wilds of Tennessee and I discovered something called the Internet.

I discovered
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Hey asshole I just got back in here. I always thought you fairly intelligent till now.

You've got to be kidding me. Christians believing in end times created fucking Zionism?

You have to be joking.

Some days some days. Have you read the Word? Before you comment on it have you read the Word?

Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all.
Theo van Gogh awakened me. Way before Submission. I was back in Toronto and out of the wilds of Tennessee and I discovered something called the Internet.

I discovered
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Hey asshole I just got back in here. I always thought you fairly intelligent till now.

You've got to be kidding me. Christians believing in end times created fucking Zionism?

You have to be joking.

Some days some days. Have you read the Word? Before you comment on it have you read the Word?

Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?
Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?
This is absolutely insanely crazy that anyone could beleive what Penelope believes.

Freaking nuts.
Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?

You're actually going to pretend that you haven't been asked about the savagery ...."reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled"

...and "Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal,".....

and go on your merry way?

I'll answer for you.

You have no problem with the above....and that makes you just as much the savage.
Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?

Oh fuck you. I know I'm not your average born again. I come with fire. I come with the Lord make no mistake about that..

I'm no nicey nicey. I hurl lightling bolts when I speak of Him.

My Lord rocks. Any day any time on the Word. Start a thread on it. I actually thought J had some thing going there when he brought up Ephesians.
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
For one thing they had the help of the Jews to finally break into Palestine, and there was only one Arab who made that agreement with became null an void quickly and had items attached to them that the Jews did not follow, so no there is a lot more too it. That letter. was from one Arab who did not have the authority to make such a statement. Remember his name or a link or I may of saved it. but cant look this minute.

You seem to stubbornly avoid the connection, and provide extraneous material.

I can help.

You see, the Jewish folk were afforded, in an internationally lawful manner, an opportunity to determine their own future, and all of us should applaud what they have created....

....most especially in that they are surrounded by seventh century primitives who slaughter any who they decide don't agree with them.

Isn't that the connection you seem determined to miss?

Like it is covered with ebola virus.
they did not determine their own future, the Christians wanted them there more than the secular zionist, they would of just assumed go to Argentina...

Interesting. I tried to check out your source for that silliness - as your tagline suggests I do - but as usual you failed to post it.
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I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

I don't understand this need to put Muslims in a good or bad light. I don't get this at all.

If you ever had followed any posts of mine on any board and I mean any board out there over almost two decades you would have found a person called tinydancer who has fought tooth and nails for womens rights and human rights in hard core Islamic countries.

To fight against the extreme whackos is not to be against any one of faith. Not at all.
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You like history , I gave you some links, read it and learn something.

Running away from the savagery?

Well....did you support this:

"The 2000 Ramallah lynching was a violent incident in October 2000 at the beginning of theSecond Intifada in which a Palestinianmob killed and mutilated the bodies of two Israel Defense Forcesreservists, Vadim Nurzhitz (sometimes spelled as Norzhich) and Yossi Avrahami (or Yosef Avrahami),[1] who had accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Ramallah in the West Bank and were taken into custody by PA policemen to the local police station.

The Israeli reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the police station window, displaying his blood-stained hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. The crowd clapped and cheered as one of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the frenzied mob. One of the bodies was set on fire. Soon after, the mob dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center as the crowd began an impromptu victory celebration. Palestinian policemen did not prevent, and in some cases actually took part in, the lynching."
2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I find it outrageous that so many cannot denounce savagery in the name of a Lord. Any Lord.

Look. I'm off the wall rocker with Christ. I'm not out there going beheading is cool. Nor do I expect anyone else to be into killing non believers although after 50 rdean posts .......

okay okay on the inside....:lol:
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

I don't understand this need to put Muslims in a good or bad light. I don't get this at all.

If you ever had followed any posts of mine on any board and I mean any board out there over almost two decades you would have found a person called tinydancer who has fought tooth and nails for womens rights and human rights in hard core Islamic countries.

To fight against the extreme whackos is not to be against any one of faith. Not at all.

Pene is very sensitive to anything which might show Israel's "peaceful" Arab neighbor's true face. It interferes with her agenda ... hating Joooos.
Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?

You're actually going to pretend that you haven't been asked about the savagery ...."reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled"

...and "Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal,".....

and go on your merry way?

I'll answer for you.

You have no problem with the above....and that makes you just as much the savage.

No you are your spreading whatever hatred you can, you take one instance which is probably way exaggerated and talk about it like it refers to every Muslim, talk about racial profiling.
You like history , I gave you some links, read it and learn something.

Running away from the savagery?

Well....did you support this:

"The 2000 Ramallah lynching was a violent incident in October 2000 at the beginning of theSecond Intifada in which a Palestinianmob killed and mutilated the bodies of two Israel Defense Forcesreservists, Vadim Nurzhitz (sometimes spelled as Norzhich) and Yossi Avrahami (or Yosef Avrahami),[1] who had accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Ramallah in the West Bank and were taken into custody by PA policemen to the local police station.

The Israeli reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the police station window, displaying his blood-stained hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. The crowd clapped and cheered as one of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the frenzied mob. One of the bodies was set on fire. Soon after, the mob dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center as the crowd began an impromptu victory celebration. Palestinian policemen did not prevent, and in some cases actually took part in, the lynching."
2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I find it outrageous that so many cannot denounce savagery in the name of a Lord. Any Lord.

Look. I'm off the wall rocker with Christ. I'm not out there going beheading is cool. Nor do I expect anyone else to be into killing non believers although after 50 rdean posts .......

okay okay on the inside....:lol:

Contrary to what they say, ignorance is not bliss.
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

I don't understand this need to put Muslims in a good or bad light. I don't get this at all.

If you ever had followed any posts of mine on any board and I mean any board out there over almost two decades you would have found a person called tinydancer who has fought tooth and nails for womens rights and human rights in hard core Islamic countries.

To fight against the extreme whackos is not to be against any one of faith. Not at all.

Women had more rights in Iraq before we interfered and got Hussein out of power , now look what we made of it a cesspool.
Read and learn . A little bit of education is good for all, also don't respond to my posts until you wash your mouth out with felt Napa soap. I don't want to catch a potty mouth.. Oh you want to talk the OT now?

You're actually going to pretend that you haven't been asked about the savagery ...."reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled"

...and "Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal,".....

and go on your merry way?

I'll answer for you.

You have no problem with the above....and that makes you just as much the savage.

No you are your spreading whatever hatred you can, you take one instance which is probably way exaggerated and talk about it like it refers to every Muslim, talk about racial profiling.

" take one instance...."

I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

I don't understand this need to put Muslims in a good or bad light. I don't get this at all.

If you ever had followed any posts of mine on any board and I mean any board out there over almost two decades you would have found a person called tinydancer who has fought tooth and nails for womens rights and human rights in hard core Islamic countries.

To fight against the extreme whackos is not to be against any one of faith. Not at all.

Women had more rights in Iraq before we interfered and got Hussein out of power , now look what we made of it a cesspool.

In her enlightening book, “The Death of Feminism,” Dr. Phyllis Chesler tells of her life in Kabul, after marrying an Afgan ....and explains how it was ruined when Islamists took charge.
Most piteous was her life in 'purdah.'

"Purdah or pardah (from Persian : پرده, meaning "curtain") is a religious and social practice of female seclusion prevalent among some Muslim communities inAfghanistan and Pakistan.... the practice of preventing men from seeing women. This takes two forms: physical segregation of the sexes and the requirement that women cover their bodies so as to cover their skin and conceal their form."
Purdah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here we would call it 'prison.'
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

I don't understand this need to put Muslims in a good or bad light. I don't get this at all.

If you ever had followed any posts of mine on any board and I mean any board out there over almost two decades you would have found a person called tinydancer who has fought tooth and nails for womens rights and human rights in hard core Islamic countries.

To fight against the extreme whackos is not to be against any one of faith. Not at all.

Women had more rights in Iraq before we interfered and got Hussein out of power , now look what we made of it a cesspool.

Well...good thing the rulers of Iraq aren't of the same religious persuasion as the ones in Iran.....


Iran Jails British-Iranian Woman Ghoncheh Ghavami Over Men's Volleyball Protest
An Iranian-British woman detained while trying to attend a men's volleyball game in Iran...The case highlighted the limits to free expression inside Iran and efforts by authorities to enforce strict interpretations of Islamic norms...."
Iran Jails British-Iranian Woman Ghoncheh Ghavami Over Men s Volleyball Protest

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