Now "Backpage" has been shutdown by the FBI

From the article:
Specific charges against Lacey were not disclosed because a judge ordered the case sealed, the Arizona Republic reported.
Um, how is one to know what to make of the matter without knowing what the charges are?

Now all my "Pay to Play options" are fading away.
There, there. There remain plenty of call girl/boy services all over the U.S. and if none of them suit you, there's always Nevada.

What call girl services?

Surely you aren't serious?
I think you need to "get out more." Anyone who's merely aware of the world in which we live must necessarily know such businesses exist, regardless of whether one avails themselves of those organizations' offerings.

If you seek something more long-term than a hook-up: LMGTFY
Our First Lady was a call girl
The one immediately prior was a call guy
#Backpage has found a rather interesting support group: the organizers of the Women's March. They claim that the shutdown interferes with a woman's right to engage in prostitution. A lot of people disagree.

“To the horror of many across the political spectrum, Women’s March is calling the shutdown of a site convicted of trafficking women and children for sex a “crisis” for sex workers.

“Writing on its Twitter page Saturday, Women’s March – a group that spearheaded protest marches around the world the day after President Trump’s January 2017 inauguration – said, “The shutting down of #Backpage is an absolute crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to safely get in touch with clients. Sex workers rights are women’s rights.'

“Christian recording artist Jennifer Michelle Greenberg, who is also an abuse survivor and advocate, did not hold back her disgust.

“According to Women’s March, ‘sex workers rights are women’s rights.’ It should be noted, #Backpage was shut down for human trafficking and child sex trafficking. The ‘sex workers’ these ‘feminists’ are defending are parasites in the bowels of America,” she said.

Look who’s outraged at closing sex-trafficking site

Except shutting down backpage doesn't get one woman off the street.

The real problem here is that instead of legalizing prostitution and regulating it so we don't have abuses, we keep it in the shadows and have these kinds of abuses.
You know, in some countries over in Europe and other places, prostitution is legal and regulated. Why can't we do that over here? It would cut down a lot on STD's (workers over in Europe have regular check ups and are issued health cards), as well as give a woman a way to pursue charges if she's beaten up or ripped off.
Regular check ups lol

If it isn't after every John it is pointless.
You know, in some countries over in Europe and other places, prostitution is legal and regulated. Why can't we do that over here? It would cut down a lot on STD's (workers over in Europe have regular check ups and are issued health cards), as well as give a woman a way to pursue charges if she's beaten up or ripped off.
Regular check ups lol

If it isn't after every John it is pointless.

That's what I thought. Most STDs are caused by either bacteria or viruses and these can be easily transmitted.

As for Stormy Daniels, she would have to pay me to have unprotected sex with her and she will never accumulate enough cash in ten lifetimes..

If I were single I might consider having sex with her if I used a full-body condom and had immediate access to a decontamination chamber. But even then she would have to pay me

If Trump had unprotected sex with Stormy Daniels he's a fool.
I'm horny and still not getting messages on plent of fish
You know, in some countries over in Europe and other places, prostitution is legal and regulated. Why can't we do that over here? It would cut down a lot on STD's (workers over in Europe have regular check ups and are issued health cards), as well as give a woman a way to pursue charges if she's beaten up or ripped off.
Regular check ups lol

If it isn't after every John it is pointless.

Not really. Because when you first get undressed, the woman comes to you with a washcloth and a basin and gives you an inspection while she's washing you. Then, she puts a condom on you and you conduct business. Afterwards, she removes the condom with a paper towel and washes you off again.

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