"Now He's Coming For Israel..."

As to your implication that Obama is trying to limit religious freedom, I would not have the slightest hesitation of supporting an amendment to the US Constitution, restricting religious freedoms....IF such an amendment forbade the establishment and practise of a religion that would advocate the imprisonment, harm, or murder of people not of the same religion, or those who choose to leave the religion and adding in a punishment of the loss of citizenship and deportation for violators.

Uh huh....but you're avoiding the growing menace of evil cats....

First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.

He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican “enemies.” He abandons our allies, appeases tyrants, coddles adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.


Now he’s coming for Israel.

If Obama’s six years in office teach us anything, it is that he is impervious to appeals to good sense. Quite the contrary. Even respectful suggestions from supporters that he behave in the traditions of American presidents fill him with angry determination to do it his way.

For Israel, the consequences will be intended. Those who make excuses for Obama’s policy failures — naive, bad advice, bad luck — have not come to grips with his dark impulses and deep-seated rage.

Israel Beware of Obama New York Post

So Obama came for the banks and health care? What health care was there before ACA? like the profit before patient health care that was in place before? It must be a good thing for the average person or republicans wouldn't hate it so much. As for the banks. Someone should go after them. I prefer nationalizing them myself.

That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.
That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.

This is why you puppets end up getting the shit-end of the stick instead of us. We know what he is and you continue wanting to believe he isn't.
As to your implication that Obama is trying to limit religious freedom, I would not have the slightest hesitation of supporting an amendment to the US Constitution, restricting religious freedoms....IF such an amendment forbade the establishment and practise of a religion that would advocate the imprisonment, harm, or murder of people not of the same religion, or those who choose to leave the religion and adding in a punishment of the loss of citizenship and deportation for violators.

Uh huh....but you're avoiding the growing menace of evil cats....

Don't burn them, just cook them to a golden brown.

That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.

This is why you puppets end up getting the shit-end of the stick instead of us. We know what he is and you continue wanting to believe he isn't.
BITCH please you were in the army in Vietnam for Christ sakes.
if you aren't or weren't a puppet, then Pinocchio is a really boy..
That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.

This is why you puppets end up getting the shit-end of the stick instead of us. We know what he is and you continue wanting to believe he isn't.
BITCH please you were in the army in Vietnam for Christ sakes.
if you aren't or weren't a puppet, then Pinocchio is a really boy..
Obuthole is his lover.
BITCH please you were in the army in Vietnam for Christ sakes.
if you aren't or weren't a puppet, then Pinocchio is a really boy..

"BITCH"? Since you acknowledge that I was indeed serving in Vietnam, I obviously ain't a bitch. Nor was I behind a typewriter, a stove, or a desk in a warehouse. I was out shooting communists of my own free will and if we'd been allowed to finish the job, I'd have done another tour to continue that. While I despised LBJ for getting us into that mess, I did what my family has always done; put our skin in the game to keep the rest of you free to call us names...in English.
That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.

This is why you puppets end up getting the shit-end of the stick instead of us. We know what he is and you continue wanting to believe he isn't.
BITCH please you were in the army in Vietnam for Christ sakes.
if you aren't or weren't a puppet, then Pinocchio is a really boy..
Obuthole is his lover.

When you got nothing else then by all means come up with childish ways of saying Obama.
That link provide evidence to the contrary.

"No direct link has been confirmed between Obama and the anti-Netanyahu campaign in Israel."

One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.

This is why you puppets end up getting the shit-end of the stick instead of us. We know what he is and you continue wanting to believe he isn't.
BITCH please you were in the army in Vietnam for Christ sakes.
if you aren't or weren't a puppet, then Pinocchio is a really boy..
Obuthole is his lover.

When you got nothing else then by all means come up with childish ways of saying Obama.
I got a lot like we told you so. But it is lost on idiots with mush for brains.

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