Now Hiring: Senate Intern / Registered Sex Offender / Illegal Alien


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Now Hiring: Senate Intern / Registered Sex Offender / Illegal Alien​

By: Grady Kerr

Every politician chanted ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs,’ this past election cycle. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) was serious. So much so, his NJ office hired a promising 18 year-old intern named Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta.

Trouble was, and allegedly much to the Senator’s surprise, Luis turned out to be a registered sex offender. He was also an “undocumented immigrant” (a.k.a. an Illegal Alien) living the American Dream. Luis was arrested on December 6th and may soon be deported back to Peru.

Senator Menendez defended his office’s action stating Luis was recommended and vetted by his school for the internship, not the Senators office.

Luis was “let go from the program” after the arrest. He will have to dream of America and his adventure back home in Peru.

In other news, Senator Menendez is hiring.

Read more:
Now Hiring: Senate Intern / Registered Sex Offender / Illegal Alien - Absolute Rights
Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta was 16 (a juvenile) at the time he committed whatever crime it was that requires him to register as a sex offender. Juvenile records are closed, and so what he did is not known.

While he is an illegal immigrant, he was brought here as a kid. So it isn't as though he had a choice and snuck into the US under his own volition.

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