Now I Know How Christians Feel


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
Good question, SJ. Meanwhile, Noomi's post made me rethink. Thanks for that.
I'm sure some Christians do feel reviled. As I see it, and I know I could be wrong, Christians and Muslims have exactly the same problem. The entire Muslim religion and all it's adherents seem to be judged by the words and actions of a radical group who who use their religion to spread hate and anger and destruction. People can't seem to separate that group from the overwhelming majority who practice their loving religion with no ill will to anyone. Radical Christians who bastardize the gentle Christian religion show more hatred than anything else with their crucifixion complex and holier than thou attitudes. If that is all that is seen of Christianity, people will judge all of us Christians by that. I don't know how to make people see that the worst is not what either of the religions stand for, but until we figure out how to do that, there will be problems.
As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
I'm willing to bet that most people who are against having a mosque built in your town are Christians. Atheists are sick and tired of being told they are wrong or that they will burn in hell. Would you not say that is also being jeered and mocked or can you only see things from one perspective. If someone tells me they are religious I will not mock them or jeer them. If someone tells me that Atheism is a religion or that evolution is not true then yes I will ridicule or mock them for being stupid. Don't forget that atheists never protest religious places of worship going up or being built. it is other religious people that do that.

Your attempt at a similiar analogy is lost. All groups including christians and atheists are mocked, jeered and ridiculed yet the only group you decided to relate to is the same one that tries to prevent you from building mosques. You may not call them christians because of their actions but they are. (Remember what Ghandi said of christians.)
As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
I'm willing to bet that most people who are against having a mosque built in your town are Christians. Atheists are sick and tired of being told they are wrong or that they will burn in hell. Would you not say that is also being jeered and mocked or can you only see things from one perspective. If someone tells me they are religious I will not mock them or jeer them. If someone tells me that Atheism is a religion or that evolution is not true then yes I will ridicule or mock them for being stupid. Don't forget that atheists never protest religious places of worship going up or being built. it is other religious people that do that.

Your attempt at a similiar analogy is lost. All groups including christians and atheists are mocked, jeered and ridiculed yet the only group you decided to relate to is the same one that tries to prevent you from building mosques. You may not call them christians because of their actions but they are. (Remember what Ghandi said of christians.)

The so called Christians who want to beat you with a bible are not practicing the teachings of Jesus. They use Christianity as an excuse to spread hate. I'm a Christian, but I'm not mad about it. The bible thumpers give Christianity a bad name just like the terrorists give Muslims a bad name. Possibly not as bad, but still bad enough.
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?

Dear Noomi thanks for posting.
Do you have any friends or contacts with the liberal or UU Christian churches
who believe in working with all Jewish Christian Muslim Buddhist, etc.
How about the Bahai, any of them close to where you are?
If you make allies with Christians who have bridged these gaps, it helps not to feel so isolated.

I know Muslim community leaders who work on peace and justice projects alongside both Christians
and Atheists, etc. So I take it for granted in Houston, knowing I have friends from diverse backgrounds.

In Houston, Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR has won peace and justice awards for his civil rights outreach work
for the Muslim community, and he has family who are Baptist preachers and Christian church members,
and they get along just like any other community or church members.

I would want you to have the same support.
I just joined a UU fellowship that are very supportive,
and have a number of members from Muslim families.
And all members are respected as contributing the whole community.

How can you build connections like that where you are?
Are there atheist or humanist groups sympathetic to you for being hounded by Christians?
Is there any interfaith, Universalist, or Bahai group around your area concerned about this?
If there is a liberal Christian group willing to host a dialogue forum to facilitate discussion
on this in a positive manner, I would recommend asking their help to set that up through a
local university or church concerned about addressing this and solving the problems rationally.

I'm sorry to hear this is affecting you personally. Your observation is wise.
Perhaps these other people need to know what it feels like to be on that side of the fence, too.

How can they criticize people for rejecting them for being Christian, blaming them "as a group" for all the abuses and killing "others have done," if they are doing the same blaming you "as a group" for what "others have done." Do they know what it feels like now? If so, can we call a truce now?
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?

I can help you to understand how to deal with hatred----my very own husband was born in a sharia cesspit -----his community dealt with hatred since arabs invaded their country
more than 1000 years ago and imposed SHARIAH and
dhimmia. His community had been in that country for more
than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist of mecca was born.
When dealing with americans----you may never know who
among them has connection by family legacy to oppression
by muslims or are painfully aware of present oppression meted
out to living relatives today------by muslims. No doubt you have considered the fact that non muslims in Islamic law are
not allowed free expression of THEIR religions and have wondered how islam developed these disgusting rules or
can EXPECT non muslims to ignore that reality. You might
even consider becoming a spokes person in support of freedom of religion for non muslims in lands afflicted with
Islamic law
As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
I'm willing to bet that most people who are against having a mosque built in your town are Christians. Atheists are sick and tired of being told they are wrong or that they will burn in hell. Would you not say that is also being jeered and mocked or can you only see things from one perspective. If someone tells me they are religious I will not mock them or jeer them. If someone tells me that Atheism is a religion or that evolution is not true then yes I will ridicule or mock them for being stupid. Don't forget that atheists never protest religious places of worship going up or being built. it is other religious people that do that.

Your attempt at a similiar analogy is lost. All groups including christians and atheists are mocked, jeered and ridiculed yet the only group you decided to relate to is the same one that tries to prevent you from building mosques. You may not call them christians because of their actions but they are. (Remember what Ghandi said of christians.)

Atheists should be included in the protection of the First Amendment but, in reality, they're not. Neither are Muslims. Some christians believe that their rights should and do take precedence over that of others.

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
I'm willing to bet that most people who are against having a mosque built in your town are Christians. Atheists are sick and tired of being told they are wrong or that they will burn in hell. Would you not say that is also being jeered and mocked or can you only see things from one perspective. If someone tells me they are religious I will not mock them or jeer them. If someone tells me that Atheism is a religion or that evolution is not true then yes I will ridicule or mock them for being stupid. Don't forget that atheists never protest religious places of worship going up or being built. it is other religious people that do that.

Your attempt at a similiar analogy is lost. All groups including christians and atheists are mocked, jeered and ridiculed yet the only group you decided to relate to is the same one that tries to prevent you from building mosques. You may not call them christians because of their actions but they are. (Remember what Ghandi said of christians.)

The so called Christians who want to beat you with a bible are not practicing the teachings of Jesus. They use Christianity as an excuse to spread hate. I'm a Christian, but I'm not mad about it. The bible thumpers give Christianity a bad name just like the terrorists give Muslims a bad name. Possibly not as bad, but still bad enough.

I couldn't agree more and honestly, I had no idea how common they are until I started reading this forum. IMO, they're not christians. Indeed, they seem to work very hard to push people away from grue Christianity.

The same can be said for Muslims.

Noomi Nice to see you again.
Noomi, do you wear a sheet over yourself? Kiss a lot of carpets throughout the day?
Noomi, do you wear a sheet over yourself? Kiss a lot of carpets throughout the day?

I wonder why noomi is "afraid" to "come out" as a muslim----
such fears CLEARLY do not exist in my town. Of course---
she has her reasons for living in an environment that rejects
muslims------but there ARE lots of places that do not
Why would anybody actually WANT to be a muslim? Do they like being oppressed or something?
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
When you go before your god and he asks you if you lived by the teachings of Mohammad what are you going to say? "Kinda."? You gave your soul to a god who does not take kindly to casual obedience. And you're a female. Ouchy.
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
When you go before your god and he asks you if you lived by the teachings of Mohammad what are you going to say? "Kinda."? You gave your soul to a god who does not take kindly to casual obedience. And you're a female. Ouchy.

you believed that sob story??? Were you born yesterday?
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
When you go before your god and he asks you if you lived by the teachings of Mohammad what are you going to say? "Kinda."? You gave your soul to a god who does not take kindly to casual obedience. And you're a female. Ouchy.

you believed that sob story??? Were you born yesterday?
In the cross-hairs of the Jew and the Muslim. God protect me. :eusa_shifty:
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
When you go before your god and he asks you if you lived by the teachings of Mohammad what are you going to say? "Kinda."? You gave your soul to a god who does not take kindly to casual obedience. And you're a female. Ouchy.

you believed that sob story??? Were you born yesterday?
In the cross-hairs of the Jew and the Muslim. God protect me. :eusa_shifty:

DAMN-----you ruined the dialogue-----she was doing Dawah for Christians script. There is DAWAH for Christians and
Dawah for Jews I know both well. I was usually assumed
to be a Christian-----so I got Dawah for Christians-------but silly kid that was and have been-----eventually I gave myself away
When they are mocked for their religious beliefs.

Most of you know that I am a Muslim. I am a non practicing Muslim, and am not majorly devout, however, I have held my faith for a good 6 years now.

In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.

On Saturday, there was a rally against this proposed mosque, and a counter rally in support of it. I attended the counter rally, and was horrified by the hatred shown toward those who just want to allow Muslims their own special place of worship.

Back at work, I discovered that my 'friends', who were also very much opposed to the mosque, bitching and complaining that 'those people want to take over the world', and 'they messed up their own country, now they want to screw up ours', and just making jokes about how when the mosque is built, we won't be allowed to serve bacon anymore.

As well as questioning why I wanted the mosque built (none of their business), their attitude toward Muslims appalled me. They don't know that while they make fun of Muslims, they are actually making fun of me. When they say they don't want Muslims in the city, does that mean they wouldn't want me, someone who has lived here for all my 32 years?

As someone who is too scared to openly show my faith, or even learn more about it for fear my faith will be discovered by those who will mock it, I can certainly understand how Christians feel when they are jeered and mocked for their beliefs.
While most of the so called Christians who attended the rally on Saturday are certainly not Christians (Jesus would be appalled at their hatred), there are many who have shown that they are ready to welcome in people of all faiths, which is pleasing - its a lot of loud mouthed fools that just make it so hard for me to feel welcome.

Today I have never felt so rejected and unwanted. I cannot imagine what Christians have had to deal with when they cop shit from atheists.

How do you guys manage to deal with the hatred?
When you go before your god and he asks you if you lived by the teachings of Mohammad what are you going to say? "Kinda."? You gave your soul to a god who does not take kindly to casual obedience. And you're a female. Ouchy.

you believed that sob story??? Were you born yesterday?
In the cross-hairs of the Jew and the Muslim. God protect me. :eusa_shifty:

DAMN-----you ruined the dialogue-----she was doing Dawah for Christians script. There is DAWAH for Christians and
Dawah for Jews I know both well. I was usually assumed
to be a Christian-----so I got Dawah for Christians-------but silly kid that was and have been-----eventually I gave myself away
They probably are trying to build a mosque. These days the faithful far and wide are working extra hard to demonstrate they follow the teachings.

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