NOW I Understand Democrats

There is a liberal and conservative gene.

But I watched my rich bro and his kid go through a Republican phase. It wasn't pretty. Luckily they've come to their sences. I mean they'll defend low taxes on business' and dog obamacare but they won't support the modern day GOP. I could see them voting for rubio or Christie if not for that bridge scandal, otherwise I'd be more scared of Christie. He was electable at one time.

Is your brother FakeJake?
The only real difference between 'liberals' and 'conservatives' is the conservative brain is much more hardwired for fear. Their fear carries over from childhood into adulthood and they fear things that are no longer, or are of highly diminished, threat.

Again, fear is a positive trait if you are in the jungle and you are overly cautious when crossing a clearing or you won't enter a dark cave. It helps keep you alive because threats to your survival are real and imminent.

In civilized human society though this carry over of unwarranted fear is a hindrance. This is what drives these Jade Helm conspiracy thoughts and the prepper movement. Is it wise to stockpile a week or two of food and water in case we lose power or some other unforeseen event happens? Of course. But some of these people have years worth of food, many guns, tens of thousands of shells, 'escape hatches', 'buried bunkers', etc...It is unwarranted fear. They spend much money and energy on a non-existent threat, many of them to the detriment of their own offspring.

Fear and the associated caution are very important tools in the jungle, during war, or if you live in a dangerous part of a city. But out of place in most contexts for humans in civilized societies.

When you tell a joke twice...? It's never as funny the second time.

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