Now it is up to 8

Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?

I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.

And? He worked for a duly elected President of the Ukraine. The nazis in Kiev LIED and said he was under investigation for corruption and consequently Manafort thought it best to resign.

You have Tony and John Podesta BOTH working for the Russians. Legally. Should they be sliced, diced, roasted and toasted because they legally worked for the Russians? Hell no.

This is all bullshit 24/7 over the Russians. And these American businessmen had every right to work with Russian clients.

This is who Manafort worked for:

"Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych is a Ukrainian politician who served as the fourth President of Ukraine from February 2010 until his removal from power in February 2014. He is currently in exile in Russia and wanted by Ukraine for high treason."


What did ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort really do in Ukraine?

Manafort worked against the interests of this country.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?

I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.


What about the other 8 on that panel? How much did they get?
was this guy one of them?........

Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?

I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.

And? He worked for a duly elected President of the Ukraine. The nazis in Kiev LIED and said he was under investigation for corruption and consequently Manafort thought it best to resign.

You have Tony and John Podesta BOTH working for the Russians. Legally. Should they be sliced, diced, roasted and toasted because they legally worked for the Russians? Hell no.

This is all bullshit 24/7 over the Russians. And these American businessmen had every right to work with Russian clients.

This is who Manafort worked for:

"Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych is a Ukrainian politician who served as the fourth President of Ukraine from February 2010 until his removal from power in February 2014. He is currently in exile in Russia and wanted by Ukraine for high treason."


What did ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort really do in Ukraine?

Manafort worked against the interests of this country.

He did PR and ran his campaigns along with working for the Party of Regions.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
You hide EVERYTHING from the press so they dont try and use it against you. Are you new to politics or something? :laugh:
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
Maybe because most people don't write notes and document every event that happens in their lives. At the time the meeting happened, nothing came of it -- no dirt, so Donald Jr. and the gang probably thought it was 20 minutes of wasted time.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
Maybe because most people don't write notes and document every event that happens in their lives. At the time the meeting happened, nothing came of it -- no dirt, so Donald Jr. and the gang probably thought it was 20 minutes of wasted time.
During a presidential campaign, a presidential canidate and his family is having hundreds if not thousands of meetings and is coming into contact with uncountable numbers of people. This makes for an easy "gotcha" game to now expect people to remember and make public the details of every contact with perfect clarity of everyone Russian.
Jr's secret meeting with the Russians now had 8 people.

We keep learning more & more about this meeting despite Trump never knew about this & there was no collusion & everything is hunky Jr's complete transparency a couple weeks ago.

Jr, Manafort & Kushner had this secret meeting to see what the Russians could tell them about Clinton.

If nothing happened & it was all legal, why all the secrecy & lies?
Deal-makers like Donald Trump and the children he has coached do not expect to come under such public scrutiny and prefer to operate behind closed doors. What they do is nobody's business but their own. It is a businessman's way of doing politics.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?

I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.


What about the other 8 on that panel? How much did they get?


none of them had a phony scam foundation like Hillary
So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?

I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.


What about the other 8 on that panel? How much did they get?


none of them had a phony scam foundation like Hillary
The Clinton Foundation has been audited many times & nothing wass ound.

Meanswhile your orange buddy has a foundation which he uses to bribe Florida officials & buy a 20' portrait of Trump.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
Maybe because most people don't write notes and document every event that happens in their lives. At the time the meeting happened, nothing came of it -- no dirt, so Donald Jr. and the gang probably thought it was 20 minutes of wasted time.
During a presidential campaign, a presidential canidate and his family is having hundreds if not thousands of meetings and is coming into contact with uncountable numbers of people. This makes for an easy "gotcha" game to now expect people to remember and make public the details of every contact with perfect clarity of everyone Russian.

But they lied about it.
Jr's secret meeting with the Russians now had 8 people.

We keep learning more & more about this meeting despite Trump never knew about this & there was no collusion & everything is hunky Jr's complete transparency a couple weeks ago.

Jr, Manafort & Kushner had this secret meeting to see what the Russians could tell them about Clinton.

If nothing happened & it was all legal, why all the secrecy & lies?

So, nothing happened at the meeting, no info on Hillary was gained, no deals were made and there was no collusion. So now your issue is how many people were there? Man the butthurt still rages with you lefty dumbasses.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
Maybe because most people don't write notes and document every event that happens in their lives. At the time the meeting happened, nothing came of it -- no dirt, so Donald Jr. and the gang probably thought it was 20 minutes of wasted time.
During a presidential campaign, a presidential canidate and his family is having hundreds if not thousands of meetings and is coming into contact with uncountable numbers of people. This makes for an easy "gotcha" game to now expect people to remember and make public the details of every contact with perfect clarity of everyone Russian.

But they lied about it.
And there you go proving my point.
Sorry to piss in your cornflakes sparky but there is still nothing illegal that occurred.


Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: 'A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source' - Breitbart

Dershowitz on Trump Jr Meeting: ‘A Candidate Has the Right to Get Information From Whatever Source’

So why lie about it?

Why hide it?

Why does Trump deny that he knew about it?

Was there money involved?

Was there tit for tat?

You freaked out about Hillary's use of a private server & it was perfectly legal.

Now you think it is OK for a US campaign to coordinate with a foreign government to interfere with our elections.

When will Trump hand back those compounds & release Russia from sanctions - payment for election help?
Maybe because most people don't write notes and document every event that happens in their lives. At the time the meeting happened, nothing came of it -- no dirt, so Donald Jr. and the gang probably thought it was 20 minutes of wasted time.

One of the classic moments of "gotcha" by the Dems was smearing Jeff Sessions for not remembering a meeting with the Russian Ambassador. He was giving a speech. The State Department invited a 100 foreign ambassadors to hear it.

After the speech with all these other ambassadors present Sessions shook his hand and moved on to the next ambassador.

To the Dems this equaled an OMG Sessions COLLUDED with the Russian ambassador.

This is where we are now. And with North Korea getting ready to fire off nukes, China flexing, ISIS and a quizzillion other issues the mother trucking Dems can't just pull up their big boy pants and deal with the fact they lost the election because they ran a crooked shitty bitchy candidate.

Bloody batch of whining liberal wankers need to be bitch slapped into a new galaxy.
I don't like it but every one does it. As far as thinking that a US campaign co ordinating with a foreign government to interfere, let me remind you that the Ukraine working in concert with the DNC lied about Paul Manafort and forced his resignation.

Pretty big score for the D's with the assistance of the Ukrainians. Bumping Trump's campaign manager out of the campaign just a few months before the election.

Now THAT'S interference. Or collusion with the Never Trumpers and the Democrats paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

Oh and back to everyone does it.



When Trump hired Manafort, Manafort's background became fair game. He worked in the Ukraine for a Ukraine strong man & Putin friend.

Funny how you Trumpetters drag this up to defend your orange buddy & his campaign who lied over & over & over.


What about the other 8 on that panel? How much did they get?


none of them had a phony scam foundation like Hillary
The Clinton Foundation has been audited many times & nothing wass ound.

Meanswhile your orange buddy has a foundation which he uses to bribe Florida officials & buy a 20' portrait of Trump.

The Clinton Foundation was a scam to flow money from foreign governments to SecState.

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