Now it's a FELONY to write KKK on a window ledge!!!

I don't believe in 'hate' crime laws, but 2 years probation and time served seems like a reasonable punishment for the crime. On the other hand, having a felony on his record for life over this seems unreasonable to me.

But what the fuck ya gonna do, right? :dunno:
Unequal justice in the past therefore justifies unequal justice today. Got it.

Violent terrorist acts of the past certainly provides evidence today of what is a terrorist threat.

The guy has a history of being a violent terrorist?

No, what I stated is he made a terrorist threat. What does it mean when you scratch "I hate black people" and "KKK" into someone's residence? If you don't believe the KKK is a terrorist organization, I don't know what to tell you.
Myles Burton, Elmhurst College Student-Athlete, Faces Hate Crime Charges moron

btw, you idiots are whining over a guy getting PROBATION
Student who scratched
why is it the right spends so much time defending bigots?

I am defending a principle, not a bigot. Look it up.

What principle is that?

The principle that the People of Illinois aren't allowed to pass there own damn laws?

The principle that offending people is not a crime.
Violent terrorist acts of the past certainly provides evidence today of what is a terrorist threat.

The guy has a history of being a violent terrorist?

No, what I stated is he made a terrorist threat. What does it mean when you scratch "I hate black people" and "KKK" into someone's residence? If you don't believe the KKK is a terrorist organization, I don't know what to tell you.

I already explained why what he did was not a threat using actual Supreme Court decisions. That didn't work, so I pointed out that he was not charged with making a threat.

You still insist he made a threat.

And you think I am the crazy one.
This story deserves it's own thread.

Big Brother Lives!! :mad::mad:

There is more to that story. The pastor was ordered repeatedly to cease and desist. The issue was parking, and they were having 3 to 4 services a week.

They weren't having "services", it was Bible Study. According to the story, which said nothing about parking, the issue was egress in case of fire. They tried to say the guy's house was CHURCH. Home Bible studies have been part of our 'culture' since the Pilgrims got here.

I'd bet dollars to donuts if this was a coven of Wiccans the Left would be completely up in arms!!
They weren't having "services", it was Bible Study. According to the story, which said nothing about parking, the issue was egress in case of fire. They tried to say the guy's house was CHURCH. Home Bible studies have been part of our 'culture' since the Pilgrims got here.

I'd bet dollars to donuts if this was a coven of Wiccans the Left would be completely up in arms!!

No, this has been going on for a long time. This group was in trouble a year ago, based on complaints from neighbors. There is a standing court order not to hold services, and they defied it.

60 Days In Prison And A $12,180 Fine For Hosting A Home Bible Study In Arizona
How many whites were lynched, beaten burned, shot or stabbed for being white, in the last 300 years?

Unequal justice in the past therefore justifies unequal justice today. Got it.

Violent terrorist acts of the past certainly provides evidence today of what is a terrorist threat.

Okay, so would you expect, nay demand, that if a Black kid were to write 'Black Panthers' on the glass, he should also face felony charges?
The guy has a history of being a violent terrorist?

No, what I stated is he made a terrorist threat. What does it mean when you scratch "I hate black people" and "KKK" into someone's residence? If you don't believe the KKK is a terrorist organization, I don't know what to tell you.

I already explained why what he did was not a threat using actual Supreme Court decisions. That didn't work, so I pointed out that he was not charged with making a threat.

You still insist he made a threat.

And you think I am the crazy one.

Windbag, it isn't the threat. It was the racially motivated act of vandalism that got this guy convicted of a hate crime.

A good summary defining hate crimes :
In crime and law, hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group, usually defined by racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, sex, or gender identity.

A hate crime is a category used to described bias-motivated violence: "assault, injury, and murder on the basis of certain personal characteristics: different appearance, different color, different nationality, different language, different religion."

"Hate crime" generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types above, or of their derivatives. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters (hate mail).

A hate crime law is a law intended to prevent bias-motivated violence. Hate crime laws are distinct from laws against hate speech in that hate crime laws enhance the penalties associated with conduct that is already criminal under other laws, while hate speech laws criminalize a category of speech.
Unequal justice in the past therefore justifies unequal justice today. Got it.

Violent terrorist acts of the past certainly provides evidence today of what is a terrorist threat.

Okay, so would you expect, nay demand, that if a Black kid were to write 'Black Panthers' on the glass, he should also face felony charges?

That's a ridiculous rebuttal. If a PERSON commits racially motivated vandalism, he would be tried under the same hate law legislation, which, as far as I'm aware, does NOT say that if a black kid does it, it's OK. Maybe the fact that you don't hear of it happening as much as when white kids do it is because most black kids know better.
Another attack on free speech in america. Why wasn't Chris Matthews charged with a felony hate crime when he called white people crackers on national tv?

July 10, 2012 12:48PM

Student who scratched

A former Elmhurst College student who scratched “KKK” and a racial slur on a window ledge outside the room of an African-American dorm supervisor was sentenced Tuesday to two years of probation.

Myles Burton, 21, had faced up to five years in prison after being convicted in May of a felony hate crime for the November 2011 vandalism at the college’s Stanger Hall.

DuPage County Judge George Bakalis also ordered Burton to serve 90 days in jail, though he already had served that sentence while awaiting trial.

Prosecutors argued the Libertyville man had been drinking and was angry at a faculty member when he used a rock to scratch the initials and a slur into the window ledge of the 28-year-old dorm supervisor’s room.

Burton, who is appealing his felony conviction, has been expelled from the college
The First Amendment is not absolute. It never has been.

Technically speaking, there is no violation of the First Amendment, as to the story presented.

It would behoove you to study the First Amendment. It appears you are confused.
The First Amendment is not absolute. It never has been.

Technically speaking, there is no violation of the First Amendment, as to the story presented.

It would behoove you to study the First Amendment. It appears you are confused.

I would, but you've thoroughly soaked it with urine..
Another attack on free speech in america. Why wasn't Chris Matthews charged with a felony hate crime when he called white people crackers on national tv?

July 10, 2012 12:48PM

Student who scratched

A former Elmhurst College student who scratched “KKK” and a racial slur on a window ledge outside the room of an African-American dorm supervisor was sentenced Tuesday to two years of probation.

Myles Burton, 21, had faced up to five years in prison after being convicted in May of a felony hate crime for the November 2011 vandalism at the college’s Stanger Hall.

DuPage County Judge George Bakalis also ordered Burton to serve 90 days in jail, though he already had served that sentence while awaiting trial.

Prosecutors argued the Libertyville man had been drinking and was angry at a faculty member when he used a rock to scratch the initials and a slur into the window ledge of the 28-year-old dorm supervisor’s room.

Burton, who is appealing his felony conviction, has been expelled from the college

Was he scrolling that crap on his property or the property of the University or someone else? How is it a "free speech" issue if he was vandalizing someone's or some institution's property? He should have been charged with vandalism.
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The First Amendment is not absolute. It never has been.

Technically speaking, there is no violation of the First Amendment, as to the story presented.

It would behoove you to study the First Amendment. It appears you are confused.

I would, but you've thoroughly soaked it with urine..

I have not urinated on the First Amendment. If you can prove me wrong, have at it.
Was he scrolling that crap on his property or someone the property of the University or someone else? How is it a "free speech" issue if he was vandalizing someone's or some institution's property? He should have been charged with vandalism.

He wasn't convicted of vandalism, he was convicted of writing words the state doesn't like.
Was he scrolling that crap on his property or someone the property of the University or someone else? How is it a "free speech" issue if he was vandalizing someone's or some institution's property? He should have been charged with vandalism.

He wasn't convicted of vandalism, he was convicted of writing words the state doesn't like.

That's why I said that he should have been charged with vandalism.
I have not urinated on the First Amendment.

You've pissed all over it, as is the way of the anti-liberty left.

If you can prove me wrong, have at it.

Ah, logical fallacy.

The question is whether you can prove you right.

Now if you go straight to the ThinkProgress talking points, you'll spew about yell fire in a theater - but then you won't grasp that there is no law against yelling fire in a theater - have at, have fun. What the law IS in this regard is strict liability, you are strictly liable for any tort resultant from your act. In other words, the 1st is not a shield from liability.

But that isn't the case here, there was no tort associated with the act. We have an act of petty vandalism pursued as a felony PURELY on the basis of speech. This is a direct affront to the first amendment and utterly unconstitutional.

There was a time when we understood that we can't deny rights because we don't like what people have to say - but then the left took power and civil liberties were disposed with.

Yes, you've pissed all over the constitution.

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