Now it's insensitive and racist to ask Muslim refugees not to poop everywhere

i remember seeing a video of an Obama Supporter openly peeing in a store, then the clerk walked over to her and gave her hell for peeing on the rug, and i think she denied it. some people!
Rubbing a dogs nose in its poop is ridiculous. They have no clue what that even means and they start to fear you. To break a dog from going in the house, they need to be able to reach outside and pick their poop spot. Do not clean it up with a pooper scooper. They will return to that area and do their business after a few mistakes of not connecting house equals yard poop area. Do you rub a babies nose in it's dirty diaper? No.
I said people used to do, not me. I've been training dogs for a long time.
Most obsess over non-issues and non-problems; try to contrive non-issues and non-problems in to 'controversies,' blowing everything out of proportion.

i presume you also are a street shitter, defending such vulgar actions makes you an advocate. :up:
There has not been any actual evidence to show the 'vulgar' acts.

The entire thread seems to be based on an utter fallacy.
This is retarded. These people need to learn how to use a goddamn toilet and show some respect.

Civilization must be enforced by the law.

Kick em out of your country and send em back to whatever shithole they crawled out of where they can shit in the street all they want.
Stupid .


Really, these tree hugging idiots in America are a special kind of stupid

They oppress women.
- Can't accuse them of a 'War on Women' because it might offend them, and 'it's their way'.

They mutilate female genitalia.
- It's ok because it is their culture.

They stone to death women who are raped or perform honor killings for a girl holding hands with a boy.
- Again, it's their culture...and Sharia Law.

They fondle and rape women in other countries.
- Again, it's their culture. You can't fault them.

They kill non-Muslims.
- It s the exercising of their religious faith and 'freedom' - don't judge or condemn.

Don't speak harshly of these people or the DOJ will come for you.

After all, as OBAMA SAID, "The Future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
The article is vague on details. What exactly is insensitive?

I've been around this kind of cultural clash before, though not in situations that led to the kind of results that are being described here. It's amazing how much people for granted their own cultural "style" of defecation, until they find themselves being expected to conform to something different.

If the "efforts" to get these people to "assimilate" amount to proverbially beating them over the head and berating them, then yes, that's offensive and insensitive. It's important to try helping people bridge the gap. Refreshingly, the article seems to talk about some of the cultural differences that are of concern in a non-judgemental tone. The hybrid commode being developed is a sensible product that could be very useful in areas where such cultural blending may be high. Now, there are "conversion" units that are already available. At least, there were once upon a time. I've known of many Japanese who have used such when visiting the west for the first time.

Of course, some of the ego-centric morons around here will throw a hissy. But I wonder exactly how they would react if they ended up in a strange land as a refugee and were expected to squat over a hole in the floor and dump their load, then hose themselves town in the absence of toilet paper. No down, you window lickers would be mortified.
The article is vague on details. What exactly is insensitive?

I've been around this kind of cultural clash before, though not in situations that led to the kind of results that are being described here. It's amazing how much people for granted their own cultural "style" of defecation, until they find themselves being expected to conform to something different.

If the "efforts" to get these people to "assimilate" amount to proverbially beating them over the head and berating them, then yes, that's offensive and insensitive. It's important to try helping people bridge the gap. Refreshingly, the article seems to talk about some of the cultural differences that are of concern in a non-judgemental tone. The hybrid commode being developed is a sensible product that could be very useful in areas where such cultural blending may be high. Now, there are "conversion" units that are already available. At least, there were once upon a time. I've known of many Japanese who have used such when visiting the west for the first time.

Of course, some of the ego-centric morons around here will throw a hissy. But I wonder exactly how they would react if they ended up in a strange land as a refugee and were expected to squat over a hole in the floor and dump their load, then hose themselves town in the absence of toilet paper. No down, you window lickers would be mortified.
The thing is that most Muslim nations already have the standard toilet paper, just not quite as common as you might find here. I will state that I found the Islamic restrooms rather disgusting because they manner in which they clean themselves leaves behind a repugnant odor in the bathrooms themselves. They might very well think the same of our restrooms and the manner in which we use paper rather than water to take care of our business.

The idea that they are shitting everywhere because the absence of a washing hose is simply asinine and makes no sense though. There certainly would not be any gain in it for them - there are no washing hoses on the street or in the hall either. This entire thread is completely off the mark.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.
Of course the migrants are never at fault for anything.

"Imam Sami Abu Yusuf of Cologne has further outraged public opinion by justifying what the Arab immigrants did across cities.

“The events of New Year’s Eve were the girls’ own fault, because they were half-naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. (Dressing like that) is like adding fuel to the fire,” he said in a recent media interview. "

Read more: Germany could learn from India the truth about migrants
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