Now it's insensitive and racist to ask Muslim refugees not to poop everywhere

This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.

Oh these stories are quite real. And not only have they signs that say showers aren't for pooping in countries are issuing a kind of comic book that shows that a migrant should not grope a woman.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.

Oh these stories are quite real. And not only have they signs that say showers aren't for pooping in countries are issuing a kind of comic book that shows that a migrant should not grope a woman.
Nope, its just catnip for racists and half wits.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.

Why would you be so paranoid as to assume that cats can't find their own litterbox? See, you're trying to refute me with petulance (like all Obama supporters) but it doesn't mean anything.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.

Oh these stories are quite real. And not only have they signs that say showers aren't for pooping in countries are issuing a kind of comic book that shows that a migrant should not grope a woman.
Nope, its just catnip for racists and half wits.

When are you Poms going to get over your GROUP PSYCHOSIS........ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!!! It's a woman-brutalizing hate-ideology that covers all races, including us whites you detest. Does converting to or leaving Islam CHANGE a person's physical race??? No, it doesn't. Ergo, Pisslam ISN'T a race! Do you English care about anything else besides your ass-lifting whoremasters who can never do any wrong?
When are you Poms going to get over your GROUP PSYCHOSIS........ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!!! It's a woman-brutalizing hate-ideology that covers all races, including us whites you detest. Does converting to or leaving Islam CHANGE a person's physical race??? No, it doesn't. Ergo, Pisslam ISN'T a race! Do you English care about anything else besides your ass-lifting whoremasters who can never do any wrong?

I do believe Tommy Taint is Welsh, not English.

But, no -- by the looks of it, all he wants to do is roll on his back and pee on his belly for his Islamic Masters. He's hoping if he only snivels hard enough then perhaps they will get to him last.
“The events of New Year’s Eve were the girls’ own fault, because they were half-naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. (Dressing like that) is like adding fuel to the fire,” he said in a recent media interview. "

Don't give Tommy any ideas. Just imagine the the damage he could cause to the eyes if he started gallivanting about the Welsh countryside half naked all covered in Channel # 5.
This proves both my cats are more intelligent than muslim cousin-inbreeding retards; they always poop in their litter box, never the floor! I didn't need to give them instructions! So clearly, these muslim protohumanoids have less brains than a house cat.
It doesnt prove anything. Its a made up story.

Oh these stories are quite real. And not only have they signs that say showers aren't for pooping in countries are issuing a kind of comic book that shows that a migrant should not grope a woman.
Nope, its just catnip for racists and half wits.


Fool. Migrants are being banned from the bath houses. Masturbating in public. Shitting in the kids end of the swimming pool. How many articles do you want me to put up to shame the crap out of you because obviously you aren't up to date on the migrant issues in the EU?

"Migrants have been banned from a historic swimming bath in Germany after a gang of men were caught on camera masturbating in a hot tub and sexually assaulting women.

Several other men were seen 'emptying their bowels' in the children's end of the main swimming pool at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony.

Management at the historic baths are reportedly no longer allowing migrants into the facilities following the allegations while some local swimmers have stayed away after the incidents."

Gang of migrants arrested after 'sexually assaulting women and masturbating at historic German swimming baths'
  • Migrants have been banned from a historic swimming bath in Germany
  • One man was caught on CCTV masturbating in a hot tub
  • Several men were seen 'emptying their bowels' in the swimming pool
  • The gang of migrants allegedly sexually assaulted women at the baths

migrants arrested after 'masturbating at historic German baths'
The idea that they are shitting everywhere because the absence of a washing hose is simply asinine and makes no sense though. There certainly would not be any gain in it for them - there are no washing hoses on the street or in the hall either. This entire thread is completely off the mark.

I'm not condoning what they are doing. I'm just saying that "insensitive" is being used in a very vague way here, almost suspiciously vague. There is, of course, nothing at all insensitive about addressing these people regarding the fact that shitting all over the place is unacceptable. But how that is done could very well be insensitive. We don't know which is which from this article.
In Bonn and Cologne festival organizers came up with pamphlets to tell migrants you can't piss in the street or rape women.

Imagine that. Having to tell a man it's not cool to rape a woman.

Cologne carnival organisers hand out leaflets telling migrants not to rape women or urinate in public in the wake of New Year sex attacks
  • Refugees are being warned about assaults, alcohol and urinating in public
  • Cities on edge after hundreds of women were assaulted on New Year's Eve
  • Carnival is massive week-long celebration in cities like Cologne and Bonn
  • Heavy police presence will try to ensure there is no repeat of mass attacks

Read more: Refugees given leaflets in Cologne and Bonn with rules for Carnival
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When are you Poms going to get over your GROUP PSYCHOSIS........ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!!! It's a woman-brutalizing hate-ideology that covers all races, including us whites you detest. Does converting to or leaving Islam CHANGE a person's physical race??? No, it doesn't. Ergo, Pisslam ISN'T a race! Do you English care about anything else besides your ass-lifting whoremasters who can never do any wrong?

I do believe Tommy Taint is Welsh, not English.

But, no -- by the looks of it, all he wants to do is roll on his back and pee on his belly for his Islamic Masters. He's hoping if he only snivels hard enough then perhaps they will get to him last.

Then that's even more embarrassing for me because I have a chunk of Welsh ancestry in me.
I've spent a lot of time in India and would watch men, women and children doing their thing (defecating and urinating) everywhere. During meetings in high tech conference rooms in modern office buildings you could look out the window during a break and watch this going on. They were mostly Hindu, not Muslim. This is a problem that can easily be resolved with some education.

The other problem, the cultural, religious and societal repression of Muslim men which tempers their sexual activity for fear of retribution is a far more difficult problem. Remove those constraints/repression, which occurs when they migrate to the west, and these sexually frustrated men will masturbate, rape etc. This culture/religion/society cannot co-exist with Western culture. The only solution is the repression of the Muslim culture/religion/society and the forced acceptance of our values. How we do it I don't know. But if it is not done, it will be a disaster.
Why do nazis feel the need to make things up ?

Why are people so dumb that they fall for these made up urban myths ?

Perhaps it is because it feeds their own filthy prejudice.

Here is an example of how the OP is lying to you.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simplydefecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.( no actual proof is offered to support this nonsense)

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets (the leaflets relate to other issues and the "pooping" is not mentioned) pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities. (no they dont because it isnt an issue)

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."( no critics have actually been quoted ,probably because its a false argument)

Its a sneaky, underhanded, disgusting piece of work which is designed to promote hatred. Shame on those of you who have fallen for it.

Yea and I supposed next you will claim that all those women (well over 1,000) didn't get sexually assaulted by the Muslim refugees.

There have been many reports, and pictures, from countries taking in refugees. It's not going well at all and the citizens of those countries are demanding that their leaders stop accepting more of them. Funny that Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia, are not accepting refugees despite having accommodations for them. That speaks volumes. Those who know better than the rest of the world what many of these refugees are like refuse to take them in.

When people are raised in a certain culture, they aren't likely to adapt. And they seem unwilling, especially when it comes to treatment of women. These guys have been taught their entire lives that women are property and that they must obey men. The Muslim males have gone completely whacko when they see women who don't cover their bodies from head to toe and they either want to rape or beat them because of it. It's not a few random incidents, it's been widespread. Warnings have been issued in every country taking in refugees and women are told they must change their routine and/or manner of dressing to avoid problems with the male refugees.

It's too widespread to be ignored and there have been too many demonstrating this inexcusable attitude toward women, children and infidels. A pregnant women in Great Britain was murdered for walking too close to a mosque.

There is a dangerous mindset among too many of the male refugees and ignoring it won't help, so stop it.
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.
This is a problem that can easily be resolved with some education.

Human beings have known that bodily waste is a hazard for millions of years. This in addition to our powerful evolutionarily built in aversion to waste (there's a reason why our brains find the odor so repugnant). The problem is not education, it is the wide spread poverty that has resulted in low living standards.
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.

This is so disturbing. And, sadly, it's not the only case of children being abused by refugees. It's common place. We have a Marine who is facing charges for stopping a Muslim man from raping a boy. It's a custom and they act like nothing is wrong with it.

In one country, refugees were banned from public pools after too many complaints of refugees harassing or touching children. Some groups had a fit and demanded that they be let back in.

Part of the problem are people, like one of the posters here, who are quick to defend or deny that any problem exists. And some blame those who see the problem and seek to take measures to stop more people from being harmed. We are supposed to pretend that refugees don't rape more than any other. That simply isn't true and the number of attacks on women and children by refugees is alarming. There is a problem and it's due to their beliefs. Muslim men rule. Women and children exist to obey. Muslims have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. Just like the guy in the article you posted, none of them see anything wrong with their behavior because it is considered normal where they come from.
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.

This is so disturbing. And, sadly, it's not the only case of children being abused by refugees. It's common place. We have a Marine who is facing charges for stopping a Muslim man from raping a boy. It's a custom and they act like nothing is wrong with it.

In one country, refugees were banned from public pools after too many complaints of refugees harassing or touching children. Some groups had a fit and demanded that they be let back in.

Part of the problem are people, like one of the posters here, who are quick to defend or deny that any problem exists. And some blame those who see the problem and seek to take measures to stop more people from being harmed. We are supposed to pretend that refugees don't rape more than any other. That simply isn't true and the number of attacks on women and children by refugees is alarming. There is a problem and it's due to their beliefs. Muslim men rule. Women and children exist to obey. Muslims have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. Just like the guy in the article you posted, none of them see anything wrong with their behavior because it is considered normal where they come from.
You are absolutely shameless. You should be apologising to board members for telling lies. Instead you walk away from that and try something else.I will bet that your nose is a foot long you lying bastard.
Been to Muslim nations. They have toilets there. Strangely enough, those toilets look exactly like ours.

This entire story smells like shit to be honest.

I remember back in the early 1970's when a strong smell was reported coming from a row of houses that was the centre of the then muslim community. It was said to smell like rotten meat and raw sewage, and because we had just changed from town gas to natural gas the residents thought it was a gas leak. On investigation we found that the baths were full of human waste where they had been used as toilets. The actual toilets were seen as a kind of well to draw the water for cooking, cleaning and washing from. The housing had to be cleared and fumigated at great expense to the public, and the muslim community could not understand what they where doing wrong. 30 years later I came across muslims that still squatted on the toilets and did not care were they sprayed as it was not their job to clean up their own mess. So no amount of education will do anything to stop religious teachings that take precedence over moralllity and hygene
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.

This is so disturbing. And, sadly, it's not the only case of children being abused by refugees. It's common place. We have a Marine who is facing charges for stopping a Muslim man from raping a boy. It's a custom and they act like nothing is wrong with it.

In one country, refugees were banned from public pools after too many complaints of refugees harassing or touching children. Some groups had a fit and demanded that they be let back in.

Part of the problem are people, like one of the posters here, who are quick to defend or deny that any problem exists. And some blame those who see the problem and seek to take measures to stop more people from being harmed. We are supposed to pretend that refugees don't rape more than any other. That simply isn't true and the number of attacks on women and children by refugees is alarming. There is a problem and it's due to their beliefs. Muslim men rule. Women and children exist to obey. Muslims have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. Just like the guy in the article you posted, none of them see anything wrong with their behavior because it is considered normal where they come from.
You are absolutely shameless. You should be apologising to board members for telling lies. Instead you walk away from that and try something else.I will bet that your nose is a foot long you lying bastard.

Where are the lies in what was posted. The same thing was said by you morons when the stories came out of child sex rings in the UK, you where told to claim they where all lies to incite racist violence against the muslims. You leopards never change your spots do you.

By the way the full saying is women for children, boys for pleasure and melons for sheer delight summing up the muslim morality and social graces perfectly
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.

This is so disturbing. And, sadly, it's not the only case of children being abused by refugees. It's common place. We have a Marine who is facing charges for stopping a Muslim man from raping a boy. It's a custom and they act like nothing is wrong with it.

In one country, refugees were banned from public pools after too many complaints of refugees harassing or touching children. Some groups had a fit and demanded that they be let back in.

Part of the problem are people, like one of the posters here, who are quick to defend or deny that any problem exists. And some blame those who see the problem and seek to take measures to stop more people from being harmed. We are supposed to pretend that refugees don't rape more than any other. That simply isn't true and the number of attacks on women and children by refugees is alarming. There is a problem and it's due to their beliefs. Muslim men rule. Women and children exist to obey. Muslims have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. Just like the guy in the article you posted, none of them see anything wrong with their behavior because it is considered normal where they come from.
You are absolutely shameless. You should be apologising to board members for telling lies. Instead you walk away from that and try something else.I will bet that your nose is a foot long you lying bastard.

Where are the lies in what was posted. The same thing was said by you morons when the stories came out of child sex rings in the UK, you where told to claim they where all lies to incite racist violence against the muslims. You leopards never change your spots do you.

By the way the full saying is women for children, boys for pleasure and melons for sheer delight summing up the muslim morality and social graces perfectly
None of it is actually corroborated.Just like your made up story in the post above it. Why not discuss issues rather than make things up ?

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