Now it's insensitive and racist to ask Muslim refugees not to poop everywhere

Been to Muslim nations. They have toilets there. Strangely enough, those toilets look exactly like ours.

This entire story smells like shit to be honest.

I remember back in the early 1970's when a strong smell was reported coming from a row of houses that was the centre of the then muslim community. It was said to smell like rotten meat and raw sewage, and because we had just changed from town gas to natural gas the residents thought it was a gas leak. On investigation we found that the baths were full of human waste where they had been used as toilets. The actual toilets were seen as a kind of well to draw the water for cooking, cleaning and washing from. The housing had to be cleared and fumigated at great expense to the public, and the muslim community could not understand what they where doing wrong. 30 years later I came across muslims that still squatted on the toilets and did not care were they sprayed as it was not their job to clean up their own mess. So no amount of education will do anything to stop religious teachings that take precedence over moralllity and hygene
Muslim religious teachings have nothing to do with squatting at all. Squatting is a function of poverty - some impoverished populations can afford nothing more than a hole in the ground. Many Muslim nations have standard toilets.

The rank ignorance in so many posts in this thread ruins any actual point that has been made.
This is a problem that can easily be resolved with some education.

Human beings have known that bodily waste is a hazard for millions of years. This in addition to our powerful evolutionarily built in aversion to waste (there's a reason why our brains find the odor so repugnant). The problem is not education, it is the wide spread poverty that has resulted in low living standards.

The lack of education is the result of wide spread poverty, of course the problem is education. If the person had been educated to understand what toilets are for, the problem would not exist where toilets are available.
Now it's 'wrong' to suggest that refugees assimilate, even in small ways. If it's insensitive to teach them how to use modern toilets, then I suppose it's also rude to tell them they shouldn't treat women like objects. So, we should just let them carry on with their barbaric ways and learn to live with it.

I've traveled to different countries and I felt it was important to show respect for their culture. You don't go to Germany and bitch about their country flag flying and you don't go to Italy and demand that everyone speak English.

Yet, when Muslims migrate to other country's, they show contempt for their cultures and they make demands. Here, they have complained about American flags at apartment buildings and bacon signs and they claim they are so offended that we need to remove these things to accomodate them. They have demanded halal meats at food pantries. They have demanded the right to go against our laws by covering their faces for driver's license photos or for TSA to give them a pass going through security. If we refuse, they claim we are insensitive and discriminating. They always claim freedom of religion, but funny how Islam is the only "religion" that is also a form of government and they have no respect for any others. They have their own laws, which they believe should trump all others. It's not about freedom of religion, it's about spreading their government by insisting that their strict rules replace others. Islam is an oppressive form of government mascarading as a religion.

Shitting on the streets, or anywhere else they find convenient, is disgusting. They have no interest in changing their ways to assimilate to host countries. And it is insensitive on their part not to even try. Not only do women have to alter their routines and go out of their way to avoid being harassed by Muslim men, now everyone has to tolerate the refugees disgusting toilet habits.

Modern toilets aren't the only things that mystify them. Treating women like people is also a foreign concept that they want no part of.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simply defecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities.

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."
Socialism is great, ain't it?
The lack of education is the result of wide spread poverty, of course the problem is education.

Actually, the lack of education is probably more a result of poor governance.

If the person had been educated to understand what toilets are for, the problem would not exist where toilets are available.


Is that really the argument you want to go with!?! They lack education in how to use a toilet !?! :lmao:

Of all the stupid bullshit I've heard around here, this is one of the worst!

Humans have created various forms of bathroom facilities for millions of years! Neanderthal squat latrines have been found in excavations! And you want to say that this is a problem from lack of education!

You're a fucking moron. :slap:
This rapists attitude just blew me away. To believe he had the right to rape a little boy because he had a "sexual emergency" and then go back to swimming and diving in the pool is beyond the pale.

I had a thread going about this but I'll put it here as well.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.

This is so disturbing. And, sadly, it's not the only case of children being abused by refugees. It's common place. We have a Marine who is facing charges for stopping a Muslim man from raping a boy. It's a custom and they act like nothing is wrong with it.

In one country, refugees were banned from public pools after too many complaints of refugees harassing or touching children. Some groups had a fit and demanded that they be let back in.

Part of the problem are people, like one of the posters here, who are quick to defend or deny that any problem exists. And some blame those who see the problem and seek to take measures to stop more people from being harmed. We are supposed to pretend that refugees don't rape more than any other. That simply isn't true and the number of attacks on women and children by refugees is alarming. There is a problem and it's due to their beliefs. Muslim men rule. Women and children exist to obey. Muslims have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. Just like the guy in the article you posted, none of them see anything wrong with their behavior because it is considered normal where they come from.
You are absolutely shameless. You should be apologising to board members for telling lies. Instead you walk away from that and try something else.I will bet that your nose is a foot long you lying bastard.

Where are the lies in what was posted. The same thing was said by you morons when the stories came out of child sex rings in the UK, you where told to claim they where all lies to incite racist violence against the muslims. You leopards never change your spots do you.

By the way the full saying is women for children, boys for pleasure and melons for sheer delight summing up the muslim morality and social graces perfectly
None of it is actually corroborated.Just like your made up story in the post above it. Why not discuss issues rather than make things up ?

Get it right just because you did not come across anything like that does not mean that others didn't either. Just as in the Labour years the likes of you denied the massive problem we had with muslim child rapists, and even when the arreste were being made neo Marxists denied that the problem was nation wide. The same get out was used back then as you are using here, and once the supporting evidence started to become known you lot denied ever having said their was never a problem. Anything that could show that you are defending filthy, unhygienic and illiterate third world immigrants that use sand and gravel to cleanse themselves after going to the toilet. I bet you have never even met a muslim in real life and had to work with one, so how about you discuss the issues around Islamic culture and nature to see who knows the most about them and their religion.

Here is another proven fact about muslims and toilets, they forced a national company to rebuild a new office block because some toilets faced Mecca, and other faced away from mecca. Instead of just saying these toilets are haram and cant be used they made a big fuss about them and had them knocked down and rebuilt so they faced north south. Want to claim that was false as well, so I can blow you out of the water with the evidence.
The lack of education is the result of wide spread poverty, of course the problem is education.

Actually, the lack of education is probably more a result of poor governance.

If the person had been educated to understand what toilets are for, the problem would not exist where toilets are available.


Is that really the argument you want to go with!?! They lack education in how to use a toilet !?! :lmao:

Of all the stupid bullshit I've heard around here, this is one of the worst!

Humans have created various forms of bathroom facilities for millions of years! Neanderthal squat latrines have been found in excavations! And you want to say that this is a problem from lack of education!

You're a fucking moron. :slap:

You haven't been around much, have you. I used to work for a European multinational, our restrooms had different styles of toilets to address the requirements of the customers the company had from around the world. And, these were engineers, managers and executives.

Educating a person on how to use a western toilet would prevent the problem they are having. As it is they have decided to produce special toilets to mitigate the fact that the migrants have not been educated on how to utilize the western toilet. Now who is the moron?

"Multicultural Toilets’ For ‘Global Defecation’ Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor

Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly “mystified” by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.

The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village being accused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.

With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity."

‘Multicultural Toilets’ For 'Global Defecation' Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor - Breitbart

Muslim religious teachings have nothing to do with squatting at all. Squatting is a function of poverty - some impoverished populations can afford nothing more than a hole in the ground. Many Muslim nations have standard toilets.

The rank ignorance in so many posts in this thread ruins any actual point that has been made.

Doesn't explain why countries are being called racist and insensitive for wanting to instruct the refugees on how to use a toilet. Shouldn't be that difficult and it's important to stop them from pooping on floors or anywhere they want. Who has to clean up the disgusting mess? I remember feeling sorry for those who had to clean up after the Occupy WS idiots.
The lack of education is the result of wide spread poverty, of course the problem is education.

Actually, the lack of education is probably more a result of poor governance.

If the person had been educated to understand what toilets are for, the problem would not exist where toilets are available.


Is that really the argument you want to go with!?! They lack education in how to use a toilet !?! :lmao:

Of all the stupid bullshit I've heard around here, this is one of the worst!

Humans have created various forms of bathroom facilities for millions of years! Neanderthal squat latrines have been found in excavations! And you want to say that this is a problem from lack of education!

You're a fucking moron. :slap:

You haven't been around much, have you. I used to work for a European multinational, our restrooms had different styles of toilets to address the requirements of the customers the company had from around the world. And, these were engineers, managers and executives.

Educating a person on how to use a western toilet would prevent the problem they are having. As it is they have decided to produce special toilets to mitigate the fact that the migrants have not been educated on how to utilize the western toilet. Now who is the moron?

"Multicultural Toilets’ For ‘Global Defecation’ Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor

Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly “mystified” by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.

The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village being accused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.

With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity."

‘Multicultural Toilets’ For 'Global Defecation' Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor - Breitbart



Nothing but a red herring. None of that has anything to do with locals in India shitting wherever they please.
I'm not sure if Muslims defecate in showers or where ever they please.

I do know liberals have a tendency to do that, especially like police cars.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.

I agree with you ....only problem is that the socialists in Europe rather be beheaded by one of these savages rather than be called a racist !

Hell can freeze before any of these rapefugees or poofugees is arrested.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.

I agree with you ....only problem is that the socialists in Europe rather be beheaded by one of these savages rather than be called a racist !

Hell can freeze before any of these rapefugees or poofugees is arrested.

Don't really give a crap (pun intended) what they do across the pond, I'm talking about here.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.

I agree with you ....only problem is that the socialists in Europe rather be beheaded by one of these savages rather than be called a racist !

Hell can freeze before any of these rapefugees or poofugees is arrested.

Don't really give a crap (pun intended) what they do across the pond, I'm talking about here.

I see ... well

first they do it over there.

then in America...

its how things develop ...

but...if you don't give a crap .. you don't give a crap.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.

I agree with you ....only problem is that the socialists in Europe rather be beheaded by one of these savages rather than be called a racist !

Hell can freeze before any of these rapefugees or poofugees is arrested.

Don't really give a crap (pun intended) what they do across the pond, I'm talking about here.

I see ... well

first they do it over there.

then in America...

its how things develop ...

but...if you don't give a crap .. you don't give a crap.

And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.

I agree with you ....only problem is that the socialists in Europe rather be beheaded by one of these savages rather than be called a racist !

Hell can freeze before any of these rapefugees or poofugees is arrested.

Don't really give a crap (pun intended) what they do across the pond, I'm talking about here.

I see ... well

first they do it over there.

then in America...

its how things develop ...

but...if you don't give a crap .. you don't give a crap.

And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.

You are too late for NY

They (the illegals that Obama let in....all of them arabs..hispanos... whatever)not only urinate but defecate on the public avenues/streets/corners...sad i know

Lot's of defecation going on in your Obama's America
And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.

Well, we already had Occupy WS idiots pooping on the street, on the sidewalks, on police cars and even stuffed poop into an ATM. And others came along and had to clean it up. Most of the media opted not to report on the bad things.

The problems with refugees in Europe will be the same here as more and more come over. And the media won't report on the negatives and those who do point it out will be called racist, insensitive or be accused of discrimination or Islamophobia.
And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.

Well, we already had Occupy WS idiots pooping on the street, on the sidewalks, on police cars and even stuffed poop into an ATM. And others came along and had to clean it up. Most of the media opted not to report on the bad things.

The problems with refugees in Europe will be the same here as more and more come over. And the media won't report on the negatives and those who do point it out will be called racist, insensitive or be accused of discrimination or Islamophobia.

That's when you tell them to fuck off.
Muslim religious teachings have nothing to do with squatting at all. Squatting is a function of poverty - some impoverished populations can afford nothing more than a hole in the ground. Many Muslim nations have standard toilets.

The rank ignorance in so many posts in this thread ruins any actual point that has been made.

Doesn't explain why countries are being called racist and insensitive for wanting to instruct the refugees on how to use a toilet. Shouldn't be that difficult and it's important to stop them from pooping on floors or anywhere they want. Who has to clean up the disgusting mess? I remember feeling sorry for those who had to clean up after the Occupy WS idiots.

To give the reason to that would show that the looney left have tried to brainwash the world into accepting multiculturalism knowing that it is doomed to fail because the migrants just want to bring their culture and force it down our throats. Why should they stop dumping their loads in the gutters when in their countries the vermin have evolved to process human waste. The climate means the liquid content is soon evaporated and so the unpleasant smells go away very quickly. In cases where the climate and lower forms of life are not available the migrants employ their slaves to clean up their mess and that is how they see us as their slaves.
The lack of education is the result of wide spread poverty, of course the problem is education.

Actually, the lack of education is probably more a result of poor governance.

If the person had been educated to understand what toilets are for, the problem would not exist where toilets are available.


Is that really the argument you want to go with!?! They lack education in how to use a toilet !?! :lmao:

Of all the stupid bullshit I've heard around here, this is one of the worst!

Humans have created various forms of bathroom facilities for millions of years! Neanderthal squat latrines have been found in excavations! And you want to say that this is a problem from lack of education!

You're a fucking moron. :slap:

You haven't been around much, have you. I used to work for a European multinational, our restrooms had different styles of toilets to address the requirements of the customers the company had from around the world. And, these were engineers, managers and executives.

Educating a person on how to use a western toilet would prevent the problem they are having. As it is they have decided to produce special toilets to mitigate the fact that the migrants have not been educated on how to utilize the western toilet. Now who is the moron?

"Multicultural Toilets’ For ‘Global Defecation’ Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor

Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly “mystified” by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.

The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village being accused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.

With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity."

‘Multicultural Toilets’ For 'Global Defecation' Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor - Breitbart



Nothing but a red herring. None of that has anything to do with locals in India shitting wherever they please.

He has so many red herrings that he smells like a fishmongers drain on a hot sunny day. He is one of these people that will squat at the side of the road and unload his bowels because that is how he has been taught by his imam
And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.

Well, we already had Occupy WS idiots pooping on the street, on the sidewalks, on police cars and even stuffed poop into an ATM. And others came along and had to clean it up. Most of the media opted not to report on the bad things.

The problems with refugees in Europe will be the same here as more and more come over. And the media won't report on the negatives and those who do point it out will be called racist, insensitive or be accused of discrimination or Islamophobia.

That's when you tell them to fuck off.

Which they claim is a hate crime and a section 5 public order offence that they are offended by. The only way to win is to fight fire with fire and have them making false claims of bias and racism every time their legal bids are turned on them. Like hope not hate who complained about the effects of a right wing march going past a migrant area, they had the march banned and then tried to hold one themselves. The Police told them that on their instructions all marches for the following 6 months had been banned and so they could not hold theirs unless they wanted to be arrested. The screams of racism, intolerance and discrimination were enough for the police to issue warning of arrest for section 5 offences, and I believe they arrested one of the leaders for questioning about his racist comments
And I addressed a perfect solution if they do it here. I thought this thread was about it going on here. That's what I get for just looking at the first link, which dealt with NY relaxing policies on public urination.

Well, we already had Occupy WS idiots pooping on the street, on the sidewalks, on police cars and even stuffed poop into an ATM. And others came along and had to clean it up. Most of the media opted not to report on the bad things.

The problems with refugees in Europe will be the same here as more and more come over. And the media won't report on the negatives and those who do point it out will be called racist, insensitive or be accused of discrimination or Islamophobia.

That's when you tell them to fuck off.

Which they claim is a hate crime and a section 5 public order offence that they are offended by. The only way to win is to fight fire with fire and have them making false claims of bias and racism every time their legal bids are turned on them. Like hope not hate who complained about the effects of a right wing march going past a migrant area, they had the march banned and then tried to hold one themselves. The Police told them that on their instructions all marches for the following 6 months had been banned and so they could not hold theirs unless they wanted to be arrested. The screams of racism, intolerance and discrimination were enough for the police to issue warning of arrest for section 5 offences, and I believe they arrested one of the leaders for questioning about his racist comments

All I can say is you folks allow this. Either get your politicians to change it, or live with it, I really don't care. Personally I'll never accept it in the US, our Constitution protects offensive speech and I will always defend the Constitution.

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