So?Then why do rightards give a shit that Kerry threw away [worthless] medals?I spent 4 years in a peace time army. I used to respect the awards, I no longer do. After a field problem the commanders would get together and distribute the awards among the companies. Not because any single individual deserved the medals but because it was that company's turn to distribute the medals to someone in their ranks. Then they would decide which troops got the medals authorized to hand out by that individual company.Regardless of all the bullshit and mudslinging, the fact remains that Kerry didn't give himself any medals. His CO is unlikely to have given anyone a medal just on their say so. He'd need to put together a package justifying the award. Usually something like, "XO, put together a package for Petty Officer Schmuckatelli."Repeating Thurlow's lie doesn't make it magically true.
Kerry didn't write the citation and there's no evidence Kerry had anything to do with it. Many others there also said they were under fire, including Rassman, who said he dove under water and held his breath as long as possible to avoid enemy fire. A lifelong Republican, he still thanks Kerry for risking his own life to save him.
This article points out a few salient facts about medal awards, the disparity between both the services and ranks.
The military's unfair awards system.
In Korea they did much the same thing. They had quota of medals to give out and that was more important to those in charge than the merits of the individual receiving them.
Three of those got Kerry home after only 4 months of his 12 month tour.
You called them worthless.