Now Obama's a Catholic and an Infidel


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2009
Today during a court hearing at the Pulaski County Courthouse accused killer Adbulhakim Muhammad lashed out at the President and pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden.

"I don't like Obama, because he's a Catholic and an infidel. He kills Muslims just like George Bush. Death to Obama Peace to Osama," says Abdulhakim Muhammad.

If that sounds like a threat, defendant Abdulhakim Muhammad says you heard him right. Muhammad faces a capital murder trial for the shooting death of a soldier last June outside Little Rock's army recruiting center.

Attorney Claiborne Ferguson admits today's remarks will hurt his client's case. In what's expected to be the final hearing before trial, Ferguson revealed he'll use what he calls a general defense in the case.

"[Which means] we'll be putting the state's proof to the test. We're looking for a lesser included to the capital murder either first degree or second degree."

The prosecution contends the state has a solid case for capital murder and is preparing for trial.

"Our concerns are gonna be first that we get a conviction which we are confident about and second that it be a conviction that will stand," says Prosecutor John Johnson.

The defense is still waiting for the Supreme Court to rule whether tax dollars, from the public defender commission, will help pay for Muhammad's defense.

"We obviously would like to have the services we requested. If we can't, we do what we have to do at trial," says Ferguson.

Muhammad will come back to the Pulaski County Courthouse the first week of June for his capital murder trial.
One side screams he's a muslim. The other screams he's a catholic. People have seemingly lost their minds!!
It makes perfect sense...all Americans must be Catholic to the terrorist, as Catholics are the most hated religion in Islam (the Crusades).
Sounds like an uneducated terrorist. But then he did join a group of people who blow themselves up for their cause. This seems like a non-story to em.

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