Now that Franken has resigned...

When will Trump follow his lead and do the same. I mean, they both have admitted to sexual misconduct. Shouldn't we hold all elected officials to the same standards?

There are standards in politics?? Surely, you jest.
Where's the proof? Its just like y'alls wild fantasy russia.





Everyone has said degrading stuff. That's no mystery.

So you've admitted to sexually assaulting women on tape?
Did he sexually assault a women?
He said he did. Women have said he did. You say he did not. Why should we believe you?

He did?
What a stud
Trying to commit adultery rises to the level of “stud” to you cultists?

Wild bill actually did commit adultery with the bjs in the white house. He was a lib hero.
Great, now quote a Liberal calling him a “stud” for that.....

Was wild bill a stud?
That and admitting it on tape.

"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.""

Where's the proof? Its just like y'alls wild fantasy russia.





Everyone has said degrading stuff. That's no mystery.

So you've admitted to sexually assaulting women on tape?
Did he sexually assault a women?

Sigh, yes. Did you?
When will Trump follow his lead and do the same. I mean, they both have admitted to sexual misconduct. Shouldn't we hold all elected officials to the same standards?

Franken denied any sexual misconduct
When will Trump follow his lead and do the same. I mean, they both have admitted to sexual misconduct. Shouldn't we hold all elected officials to the same standards?

There's big difference between a do-nothing Senator from Minnesota, and the greatest President this country has ever seen.

Are there pictures of these things Trump said he did, or was it just locker talk? And why are women not coming out of the woodwork to accuse him, like there were Franken?

Because Trump has the money to insure their silence.
When will Trump follow his lead and do the same. I mean, they both have admitted to sexual misconduct. Shouldn't we hold all elected officials to the same standards?

There's big difference between a do-nothing Senator from Minnesota, and the greatest President this country has ever seen.

Are there pictures of these things Trump said he did, or was it just locker talk? And why are women not coming out of the woodwork to accuse him, like there were Franken?

Because Trump has the money to insure their silence.

I thought he was broke?
The second that a photograph is presented that shows trump sexually assaulting a woman I agree he would HAVE to step down. Absent that though, I don't see him leaving any time soon.

There was no photo of Franken actually doing anything. Just pretending to touch her. Which he still resigned over.

There IS a audio recording of Trump admitting to it. He has not resigned.

You are what is known as an asshole and hypocrite, no wonder you're a Trump supporter.

The picture shows franken fondling her breasts while she was asleep. That is sexual assault in every jurisdiction in the USA that I know of. Had he merely been miming like he was doing so it would have been crass and tasteless, the fact that he was actually touching them, and yes, he most certainly was touching them, you lost your credibility and you can take your "moral outrage" and shove it where the Sun don't shine.

Trumps recording was about what women would allow you to do when you were famous. It was crass, and it was despicable, but compared to what we know politicians and the rest of the media has been doing it is nowhere near as bad as you would like to make it out to be.
Nonsense. He is not touching her in that photo. The shadow cast from his hand reveals it...


She was wearing a flack jacket. How do you grab a tit when it's behind a flack jacket?

So tell the class, exactly how many millimeters thick must the material be to make it acceptable to grab a tit?


Besides the fact that he is clearly not grabbing her tits, and was only posing for a picture, I say to the class, thin enough to actually show that there are tits to be grabbed. I mean I'd say those tits were fully protected from shrapnel and Al.
Actually, the pre-service "assaults" by Trump and Franken are fairly comparable. Both - it would appear - either kissed or groped unsuspecting women on a number of occasions, and "got away with it" due to their celebrity or wealth or both.


Franken is resigning for one reason: so that the Democrats in the Senate and in the MSM can "demand" that Moore be - if not unseated, then - harassed into submission after he takes his well-earned seat in the U.S. Senate. if Franken were still sitting there, they would be hard-pressed to clutch at their collective pearls and go for the smelling salts, claiming that Moore is deserving of censure or removal.

And by the way, it is too obvious for discussion that Trump's infamous statement about "grabbing women by the p*ssy" is not "bragging" about things he has done, but rather it is a statement about the privileges of power, celebrity and money. Anyone continuing to state that he was bragging about sexual assault is exposing himself as a tool and an idiot.

That also goes, one might observe, for anyone claiming that Franken grabbed that reporters breasts in the infamous photo. She was wearing a flak jacket, there was no apparent contact, and it was done as a JOKE, and not as an attempt at sexual gratification. Ass-hole, yes. Sexual attacker, not hardly.
When will Trump follow his lead and do the same. I mean, they both have admitted to sexual misconduct. Shouldn't we hold all elected officials to the same standards?

The second that a photograph is presented that shows trump sexually assaulting a woman I agree he would HAVE to step down. Absent that though, I don't see him leaving any time soon.

There was no photo of Franken actually doing anything. Just pretending to touch her. Which he still resigned over.

There IS a audio recording of Trump admitting to it. He has not resigned.

You are what is known as an asshole and hypocrite, no wonder you're a Trump supporter.

The picture shows franken fondling her breasts while she was asleep. That is sexual assault in every jurisdiction in the USA that I know of. Had he merely been miming like he was doing so it would have been crass and tasteless, the fact that he was actually touching them, and yes, he most certainly was touching them, you lost your credibility and you can take your "moral outrage" and shove it where the Sun don't shine.

Trumps recording was about what women would allow you to do when you were famous. It was crass, and it was despicable, but compared to what we know politicians and the rest of the media has been doing it is nowhere near as bad as you would like to make it out to be.

Like I said, you're a hypocrite and an asshole. No wonder you support Trump.

Pot, meet kettle. You're not one to talk about hypocrisy, junior. The fact is that both sides are equally guilty. The dems, have for decades, ignored the personal pecidilos of their various candidates and politicians because they were bought and paid for. Your support of the shrilary, who is PROVEN to have led the attack squads going against the women that bill clinton assaulted shows what sort of person you are.

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