Now That The Impeachment Scam Is Dead ....

... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but



Scam: No factual basis. Feelings don't count.

Dead: Even if Democrats slit their own throats and file impeachment, their best outcome is a quick acquittal by the Senate without further exposing the Democrats as frauds, liars, and Fascists coup plotters.

Glad to help.
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.


Scam: No factual basis. Feelings don't count.

Dead: Even if Democrats slit their own throats and file impeachment, their best outcome is a quick acquittal by the Senate without further exposing the Democrats as frauds, liars, and Fascists coup plotters.

Glad to help.
Tons of facts, lots of evidence, several crimes, it's all there.

Unless you're a dumbass, blind and stupid tRumpling who's head is stuck so far up Donald's ass you can lick his tonsils.
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.
Right, that's why you addressed me directly in the first sentence as well as quoting my post.

You are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

So verily I say again to you:
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.
Right, that's why you addressed me directly in the first sentence as well as quoting my post.

You are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

So verily I say again to you:
View attachment 291275

No stupid, I used you as a foil, as I am again doing.

You perfectly illustrate the idiocy of the Marxist democrat,

"he he he he he get twump, he he he he."
All the Democrats manged to prove was that Trump was indeed right to ask for an investigation into Dope head doper Hunter Biden's big ass salary for doing nothing at some Ukrainian firm Daddy got him on the board of while a public official. Poor Creepy and ClayPigeon Jones are consoling themselves with reach arounds now.
Tons of facts, lots of evidence, several crimes, it's all there.

Unless you're a dumbass, blind and stupid tRumpling who's head is stuck so far up Donald's ass you can lick his tonsils.
Feelings aren't facts.

The big superstar witness admitted Trump asked for nothing in return.... Nothing...

ASSuming something else isn't evidence.
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?
How is it dead? He's about to get impeached and then the Senate will debate his removal.

What is dead is the fake HRC email scandal as the independent IG and Trump's own State department completely exonerated HRC, but yet you people still can't let that one go.

Is that what you personally want, a trial in the Senate?

Do you think that will benefit your party? Think carefully as Republicans will be able to call witnesses, the staff of Lying Schitt, Eric Ciaramella, Hunter Biden... So do you really want this to go forward.

I do - there is zero chance of removal and 100% chance of eviscerating the Communist party.
First off it's not my party as I am a moderate and don't like both parties.

Second I agree there is no way they remove him because one of the big reasons why I don't like the GOP is their total hypocrisy- if Obama or HRC did this you people would be going crazy, especially after all the fake debunked scandal mongering your side does.

Third I think they should just man up and take the Mulvaney defense- admit reality, admit the crime and say so what it's not that big of a deal because really it isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things- which we all know there was a QPQ, but only some of us are patriotic enough to admit it. I just don't like how you people can't even admit reality. It takes a man to admit mistakes, it takes a republican to lie and deny everything. Really you don't care about America only politics and the GOP party. IF Obama did this exact thing you'd be going crazy.

Fourth I doubt there is any scandal with Hunter Biden as it has already been investigated and nothing was found, and we all know it will be investigated probably 100 times because the GOP can never let anything go.

Yes I want it to move forward, and I want Bolton to testify as he knows a lot, and I want all the hidden transcripts and emails to be released- what are they hiding, and I want the Biden thing investigated. So regardless of the outcome I'm good, the GOP is the one squirming here.

I don't like Trump and I don't like Warren (or any of the candidates besides Bloomberg) so either way I've accepted that the outcome of the election will be bad for me, unless some how the moderate and real Billionaire Bloomberg gets elected, which I doubt he will.
Last edited:
First off it's not my party as I am a moderate and don't like both parties.

You grasp that other people can actually read your posts, right? You're a moderate if Joseph Stalin is the center, otherwise you are a leftist.

Second I agree there is no way they remove him because one of the big reasons why I don't like the GOP is there total hypocrisy- if Obama or HRC did this you people would be going crazy, especially after all the fake debunked scandal mongering your side does.

This is why I say you're no moderate, you are a radical partisan democrat. Obama did FAR worse. Obama used the IRS against political opponents and you know all about it, but don't mind, party is too important. Obama used his DOJ to interfere in the 2016 election and spy on the opposition candidate .

Even if someone thinks investigating interference in the 2016 election by the Ukraine is somehow wrong, a bizarre assertion, it certainly isn't the level of the grossly criminal Obama regime.

Third I think they should just man up and take the Mulvaney defense- admit reality, admit the crime and say so what it's not that big of a deal because really it isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things- which we all know there was a QPQ, but only some of us are patriotic enough to admit it. I just don't like how you people can't even admit reality. It takes a man to admit mistakes, it takes a republican to lie and deny everything. Really you don't care about America only politics and the GOP party. IF Obama did this exact thing you'd be going crazy.

Fourth I doubt there is any scandal with Hunter Biden as it has already been investigated and nothing was found, and we all know it will be investigated probably 100 times because the GOP can never let anything go.

Yes I want it to move forward, and I want Bolten to testify as he knows a lot, and I want all the hidden transcripts and emails to be released- what are they hiding, and I want the Biden thing investigated. So regardless of the outcome I'm good, the GOP is the one squirming here.

I don't like Trump and I don't like Warren (or any of the candidates besides Bloomberg) so either way I've accepted that the outcome of the election will be bad for me, unless some how the moderate and real Billionaire Bloomberg gets elected, which I doubt he will.

What "crime" would Trump admit to? Defeating Hillary?

You're leftist hack.
First off it's not my party as I am a moderate and don't like both parties.

You grasp that other people can actually read your posts, right? You're a moderate if Joseph Stalin is the center, otherwise you are a leftist.

Second I agree there is no way they remove him because one of the big reasons why I don't like the GOP is there total hypocrisy- if Obama or HRC did this you people would be going crazy, especially after all the fake debunked scandal mongering your side does.

This is why I say you're no moderate, you are a radical partisan democrat. Obama did FAR worse. Obama used the IRS against political opponents and you know all about it, but don't mind, party is too important. Obama used his DOJ to interfere in the 2016 election and spy on the opposition candidate .

Even if someone thinks investigating interference in the 2016 election by the Ukraine is somehow wrong, a bizarre assertion, it certainly isn't the level of the grossly criminal Obama regime.

Third I think they should just man up and take the Mulvaney defense- admit reality, admit the crime and say so what it's not that big of a deal because really it isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things- which we all know there was a QPQ, but only some of us are patriotic enough to admit it. I just don't like how you people can't even admit reality. It takes a man to admit mistakes, it takes a republican to lie and deny everything. Really you don't care about America only politics and the GOP party. IF Obama did this exact thing you'd be going crazy.

Fourth I doubt there is any scandal with Hunter Biden as it has already been investigated and nothing was found, and we all know it will be investigated probably 100 times because the GOP can never let anything go.

Yes I want it to move forward, and I want Bolten to testify as he knows a lot, and I want all the hidden transcripts and emails to be released- what are they hiding, and I want the Biden thing investigated. So regardless of the outcome I'm good, the GOP is the one squirming here.

I don't like Trump and I don't like Warren (or any of the candidates besides Bloomberg) so either way I've accepted that the outcome of the election will be bad for me, unless some how the moderate and real Billionaire Bloomberg gets elected, which I doubt he will.

What "crime" would Trump admit to? Defeating Hillary?

You're leftist hack.
No I am tired of all these stupid fake scandals across the board. I said Trump shouldn't be removed for this, but he is clearly guilty of this. The same with Obama and the IRS.

As for the fake scandals, pizzagate, Seth Rich, Uranium One, HRC email thing, Russian collusion etc.
all are fake news.

The problem is the GOP scandal mongers 1000x more. All you care about is fake scandals and your fake scandals have absolutely no merit- pizzagate, Seth Rich, Epstein suicide etc etc etc.

The problem here is this.

The GOP lives in total fantasy land. you promote all the fake and debunked scandals, then when you get hit with a real scandal (although not that bad of one) what do you do? Lie and deny, like always. At least just man up and admit the scandal, like Mulvaney did. If you can't do that you are nothing but a partisan hack.

As far as my political leanings I am 60:40 dem, because of 1) The pathetic and hypocritical AND never ending fake scandal mongering of the GOP and 2) George Bush was a total abomination, the worst president ever, with the worst results ever. 3) Obama wasn't great as he had no sense of urgency in fixing the economy- he inherited the biggest mess ever and should have done a lot more to fix the economy, and certainly shouldn't have put the restrictions that he did on the banks and business that held the economy back.

The problem is the right is so far gone with your pizzagates and Epstein suicides, and George Bush epic failure, that I can't respect them. I am also sick to death of their massive deficit spending and tax cuts for ultra wealthy when we already have insane deficits. AND all that for what Q3 GDP came in at 1.9%, as bad as Obama. Look at the economic data (which I doubt you do, it is the same as Obama, not good).

Enter reality, it is a great place to live in.



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.
Right, that's why you addressed me directly in the first sentence as well as quoting my post.

You are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

So verily I say again to you:
View attachment 291275

No stupid, I used you as a foil, as I am again doing.

You perfectly illustrate the idiocy of the Marxist democrat,

"he he he he he get twump, he he he he."


Scam: No factual basis. Feelings don't count.

Dead: Even if Democrats slit their own throats and file impeachment, their best outcome is a quick acquittal by the Senate without further exposing the Democrats as frauds, liars, and Fascists coup plotters.

Glad to help.
Tons of facts, lots of evidence, several crimes, it's all there.

Unless you're a dumbass, blind and stupid tRumpling who's head is stuck so far up Donald's ass you can lick his tonsils.

You are so dumb it’s funny. No facts, no evidence not even hear say. The witnesses all lied under oath. You better pray this doesn’t go to the Senate. If it does President Trump wants a trial so he can call all the real witnesses the Democrats were to scared to call. If it goes to the Senate your Democrats are going to prison. Coming from you it’s not a surprise. Your just to ignorant to see it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?



Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.
Right, that's why you addressed me directly in the first sentence as well as quoting my post.

You are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

So verily I say again to you:
View attachment 291275

Did you get your feelings hurt again. I don’t know why you post.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
... what's the next fake news propaganda campaign going to be? Will it be even sadder and more pathetic than the last two?
How is it dead? He's about to get impeached and then the Senate will debate his removal.

What is dead is the fake HRC email scandal as the independent IG and Trump's own State department completely exonerated HRC, but yet you people still can't let that one go.

Is that what you personally want, a trial in the Senate?

Do you think that will benefit your party? Think carefully as Republicans will be able to call witnesses, the staff of Lying Schitt, Eric Ciaramella, Hunter Biden... So do you really want this to go forward.

I do - there is zero chance of removal and 100% chance of eviscerating the Communist party.
First off it's not my party as I am a moderate and don't like both parties.

Second I agree there is no way they remove him because one of the big reasons why I don't like the GOP is their total hypocrisy- if Obama or HRC did this you people would be going crazy, especially after all the fake debunked scandal mongering your side does.

Third I think they should just man up and take the Mulvaney defense- admit reality, admit the crime and say so what it's not that big of a deal because really it isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things- which we all know there was a QPQ, but only some of us are patriotic enough to admit it. I just don't like how you people can't even admit reality. It takes a man to admit mistakes, it takes a republican to lie and deny everything. Really you don't care about America only politics and the GOP party. IF Obama did this exact thing you'd be going crazy.

Fourth I doubt there is any scandal with Hunter Biden as it has already been investigated and nothing was found, and we all know it will be investigated probably 100 times because the GOP can never let anything go.

Yes I want it to move forward, and I want Bolton to testify as he knows a lot, and I want all the hidden transcripts and emails to be released- what are they hiding, and I want the Biden thing investigated. So regardless of the outcome I'm good, the GOP is the one squirming here.

I don't like Trump and I don't like Warren (or any of the candidates besides Bloomberg) so either way I've accepted that the outcome of the election will be bad for me, unless some how the moderate and real Billionaire Bloomberg gets elected, which I doubt he will.

Bloomberg is horrible. He was a crappy Mayor. All he cares about is destroying the Constitution and your ok with that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Creep, you are quite slow witted. This Inquisition of the last two weeks is not an impeachment - despite what the hate sites that do your thinking for you tell you.

Nazi Piloshiti has a VERY dangerous task; she can vote on articles of impeachment or let it die.

Now you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he." But it's not that simple for Piloshiti. Even one with an IQ in the low 30's like you has to admit things didn't go well for you Communists. The little Goebbles can lie all they like, but no one ever pointed to any criminal acts by the president. The best you did claimed Giuliani may have done something wrong, and even then couldn't tie in the president. Hearsay and rumors were all that the inquisition could produce.

SO there is absolutely ZERO chance that Trump will be removed from office.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

BUT (thead) over this farce you Communists have conducted you made sure that none of actors were ever cross examined and that the Americans could NEVER call witnesses. You put on a production, and it still failed. Trump ROSE in the poles as America saw what you Stalinist scum were doing.

Still you are a butthead type moron muttering "he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

But Piloshiti has to weigh in that articles of impeachment require a full house vote, exposing the supposed moderate freshmen from 2018 - if they support, they are guaranteed to be voted out of office in 2020. If they rebel, she looks like a fool. And even IF they pass the articles, it goes to a Senate where Republicans can call witnesses, like Eric Ciaramella, and Hunter Biden. Lying fuck Adam Schitt is immune from prosecution, BUT his staff is not, so the Americans can put his senior staff under oath and question them on their interactions with Ciaramella, what information they provided him and when, what information they leaked to the little Goebbels.

So Butthead, there is a good chance this IS dead, that Piloshiti will turn to damage control and stop this where it is, which the little Goebbels quietly letting it fade away with no mention.

TL;DR, no time to waste on rambling bullshit that starts with an insult, but

View attachment 291267

It was never meant for you, you're far too stupid to grasp it.
Right, that's why you addressed me directly in the first sentence as well as quoting my post.

You are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

So verily I say again to you:
View attachment 291275

No stupid, I used you as a foil, as I am again doing.

You perfectly illustrate the idiocy of the Marxist democrat,

"he he he he he get twump, he he he he."

Good comeback shit for brains.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No I am tired of all these stupid fake scandals across the board. I said Trump shouldn't be removed for this, but he is clearly guilty of this. The same with Obama and the IRS.

Trump is guilty of WHAT?

As for the fake scandals, pizzagate, Seth Rich, Uranium One, HRC email thing, Russian collusion etc.
all are fake news.

You blabber RIGHT after proclaiming the president "guilty" of a fake scandal that none of you lefties can ever seem to articulate. He's just guilty because reasons.

The problem is the GOP scandal mongers 1000x more. All you care about is fake scandals and your fake scandals have absolutely no merit- pizzagate, Seth Rich, Epstein suicide etc etc etc.

Right, I mean what a ridiculous notion that the Clintons would be part of a child sex ring...

Bill Clinton flew 26 times on Epstein's 'Lolita Express' fitted with beds where passengers engaged in group sex

And obviously Seth Rich committed suicide.

Seth Rich Murder Update: FBI Claims They Didn't Investigate but NSA Claims Can't Disclose Files Due to Matter of National Security

I mean, this is why you have so much credibility.

The problem here is this.

The GOP lives in total fantasy land. you promote all the fake and debunked scandals, then when you get hit with a real scandal (although not that bad of one) what do you do? Lie and deny, like always. At least just man up and admit the scandal, like Mulvaney did. If you can't do that you are nothing but a partisan hack.

Like Russian Collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo? Those sorts of fake and debunked scandals?

So, let's see a link to Mulvany saying what you claim? Not a link the to the little Goebbels CLAIMING he did, but a link to him directly "admitting a scandal."

You can't because he didn't. YOU are just a hack promoting the bullshit lies of your party and the little Goebbels.

As far as my political leanings I am 60:40 dem, because of 1) The pathetic and hypocritical AND never ending fake scandal mongering of the GOP and 2) George Bush was a total abomination, the worst president ever, with the worst results ever. 3) Obama wasn't great as he had no sense of urgency in fixing the economy- he inherited the biggest mess ever and should have done a lot more to fix the economy, and certainly shouldn't have put the restrictions that he did on the banks and business that held the economy back.

The problem is the right is so far gone with your pizzagates and Epstein suicides, and George Bush epic failure, that I can't respect them. I am also sick to death of their massive deficit spending and tax cuts for ultra wealthy when we already have insane deficits. AND all that for what Q3 GDP came in at 1.9%, as bad as Obama. Look at the economic data (which I doubt you do, it is the same as Obama, not good).

Enter reality, it is a great place to live in.

Says a dim who is good with his filthy lying party spending 3 years on fake Russian Collusion conspiracy theories.

So again, what crime do you allege the president committed?

Admit it, "defeating Hillary."


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