What is it with these DEMOCRATS that always play the fake hate crime BS?

Apparently not since many people support vaccine mandates.

it is foolish to be anti vaccination but not the same thing to be opposed to mandates
I supposed you're too stupid to know that the anti-vaccine was due to the mandates. one created the other.

And since they're so safe and effective, the mandate was needed? Why? if a vaccine worked, then no one should fear a non vaxed. That part of the stupid still hasn't been explained by demofks.
why did they try to mandate the vaccine if it worked?
1. It works to lower the severity of the infection.

2. It's not as affective as the polio vaccine, you can still get sick.

3. At the beginning they weren't sure if was safe for children, or pregnant women and even now for people who have compromised immune systems (like people going through chemotherapy) so for their sake yes, we want to mandate vaccination for those it is safe for to minimize the possibility of getting it and lowering the severity of it if you do in order to limit its spred to the people who are still vulnerable.
1. It works to lower the severity of the infection.

2. It's not as affective as the polio vaccine, you can still get sick.

3. At the beginning they weren't sure if was safe for children, or pregnant women and even know for people who have compromised immune systems so for their sake yes, we want to mandate vaccination for those it is safe for, to minimize the possibility of getting it and lowering the severity of it if you do in order to limit its spred to the people who are still vulnerable.
listen to yourself. this is what makes a compliant sheep right here^^^^^^^ they have him so confused, up is down!!!
yep, just as I figured. you are truly the compliant lamb. A vaccine is to protect. if you aren't actually protected than the vaccine doesn't work. For you to believe the other nonsense you wrote is hilarious. You would eat a piece of shit if they sold it right.
yep, just as I figured. you are truly the compliant lamb. A vaccine is to protect. if you aren't actually protected than the vaccine doesn't work. For you to believe the other nonsense you wrote is hilarious. You would eat a piece of shit if they sold it right.
Right..... Never-mind that seat belts work most of the time the fact that some people die while using them means they're completely ineffective. Great logic there MAGAt. :lmao:
Right..... Never-mind that seat belts work most of the time the fact that some people die while using them means they're completely ineffective. Great logic there MAGAt. :lmao:
seat belts have common sense. So do air bags. Ever have one go off on you? I did, saved my life. there is no evidence vaccines saved lives. I know you will post some nonsense from your masters, but your compliance isn't mine.
seat belts have common sense. So do air bags.
As do vaccines.
Ever have one go off on you? I did, saved my life. there is no evidence vaccines saved lives. I know you will post some nonsense from your masters, but your compliance isn't mine.
Can you do anything but call it nonsense? Can you attack the veracity of the findings? No. Of course you can't. :itsok: :laugh:

Your evidence is Jimmy Dore? Is Jimmy Dore a scientist? How come when I ask you for evidence your knee jerk reaction is to link to a political commentator saying some shit? That really is a wonderful preview into how your bingo mind works. People saying shit on YouTube is evidence to you. :lmao:
Not in my opinion. News needs to be isolated from parties, truth is all that should ever be reported. Not purchased lines over the air.
How would you do that though? Humans aren't perfect and won't be able to avoid at least some bias. If we allow more variety, competition will help weed out the unethical or inaccurate reporters. Do you have any proof that currently news reporters are being bought by politicians?
Extremist and radical trend to just be pejoratives for people's who's view point you disagree with.
So you're saying extremism and radicalism doesn't exist?
What's easier or more plentiful than all the internet has to offer? There has never been a time of more options for news than this one.
I agree about this. We have much many more options now. However, there needs to be more diversity on TV and less censorship from platforms online.
the truth about interracial violence
So you're saying extremism and radicalism doesn't exist?
I'm saying that your definition of extreme or radical is ultimately going to just be people who you vehemently disagree with. It's a subjective notion. There is no objective extreme, just what's extreme from your point of view.
I agree about this. We have much many more options now. However, there needs to be more diversity on TV and less censorship from platforms online.
We're also living in a time of unprecedented diversity in media.

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