What is it with these DEMOCRATS that always play the fake hate crime BS?

Name a time you think you had more options available to you for news than this one so that I can laugh at you with this face. :funnyface:
I'm still laughing!!!! you demofks spit at and piss on every online news source. You trust no one who provides truths that don't align with your media bought sources over the air!
You guys are racists, deny it, then try blaming democrats for being racists when they point it out. Funny how the white right wants to tell everybody how racism is fake. These are the same types that tell women that rape is fake. So 3 years from now when the next fake happens you guys will ignore all the racism that goes on by the right to tell everybody how fake it is and how Democrats make up racism.
well dude, the demofks are the KKK. How fking more racist can anyone actually be? Why do you kiss their racist ass so deeply?
I'm still laughing!!!! you demofks spit at and piss on every online news source. You trust no one who provides truths that don't align with your media bought sources over the air!
Just because I find the news sources you choose to be hilarious and also wonderful, for you, doesn't mean you had more options at some previous point in time. Those are two different arguments you stupid stupid Bingo. :lmao:
Just because I find the news sources you choose to be hilarious and also wonderful, for you, doesn't mean you had more options at some previous point in time. Those are two different arguments you stupid stupid Bingo. :lmao:
again, you actually did write that with a straight face!!!! wow!!! What you are really saying is that if anyone provides news you don't agree with it's made up!!! just say it out loud a bit louder!!!! you removed all doubt.
again, you actually did write that with a straight face!!!! wow!!! What you are really saying is that if anyone provides news you don't agree with it's made up!!! just say it out loud a bit louder!!!! you removed all doubt.
That's not what I said but illiteracy is really the least of your problems.... :laugh:
sure cuck. You wrote it, now deny it. too special.
I said your news sources where hilarious and wonderful, for you, I said nothing about them lying. Unlike other posters here I don't mind reading your links and attacking the silly information itself. I don't have to attack the source. I did it earlier when I pointed out the strawman in your previous link. I don't even remember where it was from and I don't care. I take them on a case by case basis. Who knows if that same source will make a valid point the next time? :dunno:
This is a hallmark of today’s left wing. Whining like babies complaining about being the victim. Complaining about fake things that simply do not exist in America in any real positions of power of such as “white supremacy.”

Actually been proven that there are lefty folks who “go undercover” on social media and act like white supremacists just to stir up the pot. It’s a shame that this is happening in this country.
How long as the maga felony fuckups Big Whine been going on now?
When the evidence says so yes. The stereotype you have earned is fake victim status. It’s so fucking critical to left wing politicians they have to make it up to remain relevant.

This guy needs to be sent to prison and have that prison sentence doubled for a hate crime.

Everyone is competing for victim status these days including Donald Trump..
I said your news sources where hilarious and wonderful, for you, I said nothing about them lying. Unlike other posters here I don't mind reading your links and attacking the silly information itself. I don't have to attack the source. I did it earlier when I pointed out the strawman in your previous link. I don't even remember where it was from and I don't care. I take them on a case by case basis. Who knows if that same source will make a valid point the next time? :dunno:
so when all of our sources said ivermectin was a choice to use against Wuhan, what happened? When we said The vaccine did nothing, what did you say? You laughed right? yet, both were spot fking on!!! The vaccine didn't do what was advertised, and ivermectin is now recommended, just like they said. Your historical posts say so much more than your grandstanding here.
so when all of our sources said ivermectin was a choice to use against Wuhan, what happened? When we said The vaccine did nothing, what did you say? You laughed right? yet, both were spot fking on!!! The vaccine didn't do what was advertised, and ivermectin is now recommended, just like they said. Your historical posts say so much more than your grandstanding here.
Horse paste did what felony fuckup.
so when all of our sources said ivermectin was a choice to use against Wuhan, what happened?
I laughed. I still do. :dunno:
When we said The vaccine did nothing, what did you say? You laughed right?
Yep. Also still do.
yet, both were spot fking on!!!
Sure they were.... :laugh:
The vaccine didn't do what was advertised, and ivermectin is now recommended, just like they said. Your historical posts say so much more than your grandstanding here.
What was it advertised as and what did you expect it to do because it did exactly what I expected it to. :dunno:
I laughed. I still do. :dunno:

Yep. Also still do.
So if you take the vaccine you won't get wuhan 19? hahahahahaahahahahaha sure cuck stick with that one. Oh, and if you did take the shot you are no longer contagious right? hahahhaahahahaaha yeah, I'm laughing at you
Sure they were.... :laugh:
Spot on they were. another horse ............... water
What was it advertised as and what did you expect it to do because it did exactly what I expected it to. :dunno:
safe and effective


So if you take the vaccine you won't get wuhan 19? hahahahahaahahahahaha sure cuck stick with that one. Oh, and if you did take the shot you are no longer contagious right? hahahhaahahahaaha yeah, I'm laughing at you

Spot on they were. another horse ............... water

safe and effective

No. If you take the vaccine the symptoms are less likely to be severe because your body has been trained to recognize it and fight it. It's a vaccine, not a forcefield you fucking clown. You're thinking of Star Trek.
Having seen many of your posts, I don't believe it's possible to have an honest, serious, civil conversation with you.

If that changes in the future, perhaps I'll be more likely to engage.

Until then, you can play with others.
So then by Your Own Admission Bill Clinton allowed operatives like
James Carville and widdle George `Stephanopoulos along with
CNN Catholic Paul Begala { still a prick lying Catholic } like
Terry McAuliffe not to be trusted with serious civil conversation.
Because it Defies what they live to preach.
Damn the topedoes and burn down the Republicans at all
No. If you take the vaccine the symptoms are less likely to be severe because your body has been trained to recognize it and fight it. It's a vaccine, not a forcefield you fucking clown. You're thinking of Star Trek.
Oh ! Is dat what mommie tole you.Good thing Rachel Maddow is not
a relative.Also that defiies reality on the ground.
Like how there's STILL No Vaccine for Aids.
Plus yer belligerence is boring.
Oh ! Is dat what mommie tole you.Good thing Rachel Maddow is not
a relative.Also that defiies reality on the ground.
Like how there's STILL No Vaccine for Aids.
Plus yer belligerence is boring.
Stick to doing bad and incomprehensible beat poetry. :itsok:
No. If you take the vaccine the symptoms are less likely to be severe because your body has been trained to recognize it and fight it. It's a vaccine, not a forcefield you fucking clown. You're thinking of Star Trek.
no evidence of any of that!!!! just saying. talking points from main stream media since the vaccine failed.
Oh ! Is dat what mommie tole you.Good thing Rachel Maddow is not
a relative.Also that defiies reality on the ground.
Like how there's STILL No Vaccine for Aids.
Plus yer belligerence is boring.

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