Now that the world knows..........


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
.....that Obama has eated Fido, I don't see how he can win reelection this year.

Instead of a debate, Obama and Romney should have a hot dog eating contest.:lol:
I have to say this.

If he ate dog meat when he was a kid, I am not going to hold that against him. It seems gross to me, but then so does eating Escargot (sp?) or other things that people in other lands eat.

I'm sure there are people who think our reliance on beef is pretty disgusting... Hindus maybe?

Well, at least Romney's dog lived. For all we know, the dog enjoyed the ride. My dog used to ride in the back of my pickup truck and would stick his head out over the side. Dogs love sticking their heads out the window in moving cars and the wind doesn't bother them a bit. I'm betting the dog was more comfortable on top of the vehicle than it would have been inside. Dogs are funny that way.

Eating them isn't at all appealing. I wonder if they prefer different breeds or if any one will do. Do poor people in those countries have to settle for lap dogs since they'd be cheaper buying by the pound?

I know it sounds strange to say eating dogs is wrong, but eating cows, pigs, fish and chickens is okay. If a cow, pig, chicken or fish can protect me from a burglar or bring me my slippers, I'll spare them from the dinner plate. Till then, pass the barbecue sauce.
TYVM, xenophobic Ugly 'Merican brainwashed morons. Get a passport and a clue.
Well, at least Romney's dog lived.

We don't know that.

Every time one of the Romney's talks about it, they tell a different story. Mittens said the dog died of old age, his son tweeted they 'gave him away' and Ann said they gave the dog away.

Which is it and why do they have to lie about EVERYTHING??
You can definitely train a pig...and he hardly ate the family pet. Escargot is wonderful. So is horse. Visit your local slaughterhouse if you think you're so smart.
and always a strange week for idiots

So it WAS a strange week for ya.

yes i find it strange when people mount a hate campaign on what a person did when he was 6.....yes its strange week when yall crawl outta the woodwork with this and kids bashing pinatas being racist...but rant on

as a conservative, i thought the treatment was over the top and unfair. it's common culture in the orient, and he was a child.

now, looking back, he probably wished ayers hadn't written it, but there wasn't much choice as a kid in indonesia, or wherever. unless it's just a story. who knows with obama.
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Well, at least Romney's dog lived.

We don't know that.

Every time one of the Romney's talks about it, they tell a different story. Mittens said the dog died of old age, his son tweeted they 'gave him away' and Ann said they gave the dog away.

Which is it and why do they have to lie about EVERYTHING??

i thought mittens was the dog.
I see that some will abandon all sense of humor this election season.:eusa_whistle:
Well, at least Romney's dog lived. For all we know, the dog enjoyed the ride. My dog used to ride in the back of my pickup truck and would stick his head out over the side. Dogs love sticking their heads out the window in moving cars and the wind doesn't bother them a bit. I'm betting the dog was more comfortable on top of the vehicle than it would have been inside. Dogs are funny that way.

Eating them isn't at all appealing. I wonder if they prefer different breeds or if any one will do. Do poor people in those countries have to settle for lap dogs since they'd be cheaper buying by the pound?

I know it sounds strange to say eating dogs is wrong, but eating cows, pigs, fish and chickens is okay. If a cow, pig, chicken or fish can protect me from a burglar or bring me my slippers, I'll spare them from the dinner plate. Till then, pass the barbecue sauce.

A read the other day that there are places over there that raise dogs for consumption just like we raise cattle.
I have to say this.

If he ate dog meat when he was a kid, I am not going to hold that against him. It seems gross to me, but then so does eating Escargot (sp?) or other things that people in other lands eat.

I'm sure there are people who think our reliance on beef is pretty disgusting... Hindus maybe?


Here in KY, outsiders who move in think we are savages because we eat 'Bambi.' But venison is good wild game around here as is squirred, wild turkey, and a host of other things. Disney created a PC argument when he made the movie 'Bambi.'

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