Now that we know the GOP platform for this election, there is once again no good reason to vote R

Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.
You have nothing specific to say about the platform yet you want "cons" to jump up and defend it? What is your point, dear? Do you have a point, little boy?
My point is pretty obvious. Give me specific reasons WHY anyone should vote republican. Give me specific policies.


Less taxes


Strong military

Job growth has been historically better under democratic presidents.

Republicans ONLY cut taxes for the top earners which does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. How many times must that be proven to you people? Bush's tax cuts were enormous yet job growth under him was pathetic and the Great Recession happened anyway.
How hard is this? Either answer my question or explain why my premise is wrong. What are you waiting for?

I will vote for the party that is pro America....that leaves you assholes out. Question answered now go babble your BS to someone else
And yet you can't give specific policy examples of what makes them "pro-America"

Anything anti Democrat. Like I said, go blabber to someone else, you're essentially to stupid to deal with
This coming from a woman who votes republican for no apparent reason.

I've stated why I will vote for Trump, I've voted for democrats in the past, I'd bet you've never voted for anything other than a straight democrat ticket....pull that lever like a partisan drone
Oh great. You're voting for an insecure little girl that comes up with policy ideas that a little girl easily could like building a goddamn wall as an immigration policy. Little girls don't know anything about actual policy making.
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.

The ONLY single issue that I care about is to continue our BASIC and PRIMORDIAL right to bear arms.

All other issues are secondary.

Don't you see how miserable that is? Your entire reason for voting is one issue that by itself really isn't all that big of a deal.

Yes, it is miserable since I support freedom across the board : LIBERTARIANISM

But what can you do?

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

I'm not questioning the right of Americans owning fire arms. It's just a stupid right to be constantly harping on. It's so one dimensional in comparison to problems in this country that actually matter.
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.
You have nothing specific to say about the platform yet you want "cons" to jump up and defend it? What is your point, dear? Do you have a point, little boy?
My point is pretty obvious. Give me specific reasons WHY anyone should vote republican. Give me specific policies.


Less taxes


Strong military

Job growth has been historically better under democratic presidents.

Republicans ONLY cut taxes for the top earners which does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. How many times must that be proven to you people? Bush's tax cuts were enormous yet job growth under him was pathetic and the Great Recession happened anyway.
Again, pay attention, people who don't pay taxes will never get a tax cut. Never.
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.
Then don't vote for a Republican , why do you have such a hard time with that,piss and blubber ,but you keep posting like you can't keep it straight.
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.
You have nothing specific to say about the platform yet you want "cons" to jump up and defend it? What is your point, dear? Do you have a point, little boy?
My point is pretty obvious. Give me specific reasons WHY anyone should vote republican. Give me specific policies.


Less taxes


Strong military

Job growth has been historically better under democratic presidents.

Republicans ONLY cut taxes for the top earners which does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. How many times must that be proven to you people? Bush's tax cuts were enormous yet job growth under him was pathetic and the Great Recession happened anyway.

I only care about today...

I live in South Carolina now instead of chicago because of the good paying jobs a plenty and cost of living is so low...

I love my cheap smokes and low taxes.
They're anti-science, Anti-education, anti-freedom and backwards as all hell.

.@stephenmoore on @foxbusiness: Trump’s tax plan will include major cuts in spending.

Oh I really really hope so....

I know where I would start first....
I..... Infra.....

I don't want to upset some people here....

And there would be major cuts if I had anything to say about it....
We are almost $20 trillion in debt and we have folks here wanting us to spend more....

I would cut everything....
Increase spending for the military....
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Meanwhile , at Democratic National Committee HQ:

"Dammit! The Republicans claimed to be 'Pro America'! They beat us to it, and now we have to be the 'Anti America' party!"
Trump's flip-flopping must be driving those poor platform writers crazy.

Plank 1: Ban Muslims. TBD.

Plank 2: Deport all wetbacks. TBD.

Plank 3: Put mothers who abort their babies in jail. TBD

Plank 4: Oppose minimum wage hike. TBD
"Now that we know the GOP platform for this election, there is once again no good reason to vote R"

...coming from a Liberal who wasn't going to vote for a Republican anyway... :p
It doesn't matter what I do. This is about republican voters coming to reality and realizing it is pointless to vote republican.
Since your premise isn't true, there is nothing to address.

true, there isnt a platform, just a slogan

I'm continually amazed - but not surprised - at the ignorance of the left.

I find the Republican platform, by and large, to be acceptable and appropriate. Of course, there are a few areas where I personally think they went too far, and some areas where I think they didn't go far enough, but that's to be expected.

As for the leftists who don't like the platform -- frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.
You have nothing specific to say about the platform yet you want "cons" to jump up and defend it? What is your point, dear? Do you have a point, little boy?
My point is pretty obvious. Give me specific reasons WHY anyone should vote republican. Give me specific policies.


Less taxes


Strong military

Job growth has been historically better under democratic presidents.

Republicans ONLY cut taxes for the top earners which does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. How many times must that be proven to you people? Bush's tax cuts were enormous yet job growth under him was pathetic and the Great Recession happened anyway.
Again, pay attention, people who don't pay taxes will never get a tax cut. Never.
Oh really? There's no tax burden on the middle class?
Come on, USMB cons. Try to defend the platform. WHY should anyone vote republican?

I bet none of you can answer this question without deflecting to bitching about democrats. Why is it so hard for you people just to admit that voting republican does NOTHING to benefit the nation as a whole.

Tax cuts for corporations...
Hopefully we can do away with many crippling regulations.
Cuts in spending....Hopefully big cuts in Infrastructure spending,Science and education....
Increase in border security....
Increased scrutiny in who we let in from Muslim countries.....

I'm starting to see some merit in this.
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