Now That's One Big Ass Rino

Glenn Beck is the dumb fuck who started the meme that nazis are left wing which was quickly taken up by the more retarded members of the Gnu Right.

Now he's saying Donald Trump is Saul Alinksky? :lol:
The Nazis WERE left wing.
the "German workers party"? Noolo thats
not left wing at all.
Nope. That proves nothing. You idiots are hilarious. You think a word somehow proves left or right. You clearly know ZERO about Hitler and never read Mein Kampf.

All you have is "Duuuuh...nashnul SOSHULISM".

Just about every political party in Germany of that era, both Left and Right, had the word "socialist" or "workers" in their name, dumbass. Hitler deliberately used words and even the color red to provoke the left into confrontation so he could defeat them in both rhetorical and physical combat on the streets and thus win converts.
You are a pedestrian intellect.
Glenn Beck is the dumb fuck who started the meme that nazis are left wing which was quickly taken up by the more retarded members of the Gnu Right.

Now he's saying Donald Trump is Saul Alinksky? :lol:
The Nazis WERE left wing.
the "German workers party"? Noolo thats
not left wing at all.
Nope. That proves nothing. You idiots are hilarious. You think a word somehow proves left or right. You clearly know ZERO about Hitler and never read Mein Kampf.

All you have is "Duuuuh...nashnul SOSHULISM".

Just about every political party in Germany of that era, both Left and Right, had the word "socialist" or "workers" in their name, dumbass. Hitler deliberately used words and even the color red to provoke the left into confrontation so he could defeat them in both rhetorical and physical combat on the streets and thus win converts.
You are a pedestrian intellect.
You have described yourself.
Glenn is fun to watch: an ultimate pitch man.

And very, very rich.
Cleaning the Rino's out of the GOP has its advantages but a fat one got nailed. It may well be the biggest Rino taken this season bagged by none other then "Wild Bill". This fat slob of a Rino has made millions from conservatives and Christians only to sell out to the DNC.

This fat slobs misuse and abuse of party is on a par with Hillary or more local g5000. This low life back water gravel road gutter trash is a bigger sell out then the pro islamic drivel brained Megan Kelly.

I truly DO hope this sell out spends the rest of his life in hell sucking islamic ass.
Here is the story....

What percentage of the party do you think would remain if you got rid of all the RINO's?

I stopped watching at "Saul Alinksy". I think the fact that Mr. Alinksy's book, Rules For Radicals, is a how-to manual for grassroots/community organizing goes over the heads of a lot of these Tea Party groups/characters even as they employ his methods for their own political ends. Or they do understand this but still want to use him as a bogeyman. Either way, they will never admit to it.
I wholeheartedly agree. If all of these so called RINOs are not actually Republicans and don't represent them, then Republicans make up a tiny irrelevant portion of the United States.
Glenn is a good guy I have know him for a long time. If he is calling out supposed conservative, better listen to him. DarkFury is one of the traitors on the far right pretending to something he is not, a faithful American.
Yeah, sure. Glen hangs out with you gay guys all the time.
I am not gay, I knew Glenn when he was a drunken radio jock in the northwest, I am not LDS but give the church's influence to get him to change his life. That you don't believe it is immaterial. Glenn is kooky on far right regressive JBS and Mormon constitutionalism, you bet. And he knows a pretend conservative when he sees one. If you guys are supporting Trump, it is only because you want to win not because he upholds your supposed regressive values.
Poach more Rinos, beck is a member of a cult and a POS.
Cleaning the Rino's out of the GOP has its advantages but a fat one got nailed. It may well be the biggest Rino taken this season bagged by none other then "Wild Bill". This fat slob of a Rino has made millions from conservatives and Christians only to sell out to the DNC.

This fat slobs misuse and abuse of party is on a par with Hillary or more local g5000. This low life back water gravel road gutter trash is a bigger sell out then the pro islamic drivel brained Megan Kelly.

I truly DO hope this sell out spends the rest of his life in hell sucking islamic ass.
Here is the story....

wow such butt hurt, he was your hero just short time ago
Will Bill threw DarkFury and his ilk out of the conservative movement with their betrayal of conservative principles.
Cleaning the Rino's out of the GOP has its advantages but a fat one got nailed. It may well be the biggest Rino taken this season bagged by none other then "Wild Bill". This fat slob of a Rino has made millions from conservatives and Christians only to sell out to the DNC.

This fat slobs misuse and abuse of party is on a par with Hillary or more local g5000. This low life back water gravel road gutter trash is a bigger sell out then the pro islamic drivel brained Megan Kelly.

I truly DO hope this sell out spends the rest of his life in hell sucking islamic ass.
Here is the story....

What percentage of the party do you think would remain if you got rid of all the RINO's?

I stopped watching at "Saul Alinksy". I think the fact that Mr. Alinksy's book, Rules For Radicals, is a how-to manual for grassroots/community organizing goes over the heads of a lot of these Tea Party groups/characters even as they employ his methods for their own political ends. Or they do understand this but still want to use him as a bogeyman. Either way, they will never admit to it.
I wholeheartedly agree. If all of these so called RINOs are not actually Republicans and don't represent them, then Republicans make up a tiny irrelevant portion of the United States.

Yeah, my guess is that those called RINOs represent a pretty strong majority of the party. What I keep seeing is an ideological purity test that could only be passed by a very, very small number of people in the party. So who would remain?

There are certainly elements of this in the Democratic party as well - a relatively small portion with most of the energy, volume and influence - but the way the GOP attacks itself with so much passion is on another level.
The far right is not the base.

The mainstream republicans are the base, as Trump is going to find out.

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