Now the president wants to delay the vote

Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Putin just played him like a finely tuned violin. You missed that one too?

Man, the desperation wafting from that spin is ripe.

Do you think Syria and Russia suddenly offered up the chemical weapons out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think Syria has been denying for years that it even had chemical weapons and suddenly decided to come clean to punk Obama?

Jesus, you people are beyond retarded.

Your naiveté is deafening. Russia offered that up for their own interests. Syria is on board because they know Russia is pulling the strings on their assets. They know O isn't going to do anything.
First the president insisted that congress approve a military strike on Syria and now he wants to delay the vote. What an incoherent administration. Can we expect the president to call Russia every time we need to make a foreign policy decision? Maybe Barry Hussein needs to go off and play golf for the next three years.

Barry wants to be the tough guy.
In a hurry to launch.Then he puts it on hold.
Kerry says the attack wont be all that much.
Barry says if he decides to attack it will be something much more
then not all that much...

Can these 2 jack offs get on the same friggin page.
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

how dare anyone criticize Commisar Barry!!!!

Yours truly,

Comrade Jackov Starkiev
Maybe it's the fact that a former community agitator has been in charge or Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness" but it seems that left wingers don't have any idea of what diplomacy really entails. Foreign policy is in a shambles because of fools like Hillary and Kerry and the lack of leadership by Obama. What we are seeing now regarding Syria isn't diplomacy, it's reactionary dodging and weaving by a desperate administration. Barry Hussein has achieved what no other president has been able to do. He made a Russian thug look like a statesman while diminishing America's influence in the world. We may never recover from this administration.
Once again, common sense evades those stricken with ODS.

The use of military force authorization on the table is for a 90 day period. If it were approved today, the clock would run out before an agreement could be negotiated and it be determined if Syria is following the agreement to remove its chemical weapons from the country.

Assad's options were running out. If the US were to strike he would probably lose far more than just his chemical weapons capacity. He would lose his air defense and strike capabilities too. Without those he loses his air supremecy over the rebels. That would greatly level the playing field. Then there is the matter of morale. Not being able to defend Syria against a US strike would be a great loss of face and that could result in more military defections within the ranks and dissaffection amongst the civilian population. Handing over the chemical weapons is the lessor of two evils as far as he is concerned if he wants to retain any hope of "winning".
Maybe it's the fact that a former community agitator has been in charge or Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness" but it seems that left wingers don't have any idea of what diplomacy really entails. Foreign policy is in a shambles because of fools like Hillary and Kerry and the lack of leadership by Obama. What we are seeing now regarding Syria isn't diplomacy, it's reactionary dodging and weaving by a desperate administration. Barry Hussein has achieved what no other president has been able to do. He made a Russian thug look like a statesman while diminishing America's influence in the world. We may never recover from this administration.

Care to remind us all again of how the Bush/Cheney Pre-Emptive Warmongering Doctrine was such a resounding diplomatic success?

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