now they are beheading hostages...

I've been telling everyone for over a year what we're dealing with.

I learned when I was in the Middle-East that compassion and humanity is very hard to find.

Muslims don't even get along with each other, much less with Americans and Israelis.

1937: Arabs reject the Peel Commission to create a Jewish and Arab state.
1947: Arabs reject the UN partition plan to create a Jewish and Arab state. Wage war against the new nation of Israel. Lose more land than the partition gave them.
1967: Israel wins yet another war against its Arab neighbors, conquering Gaza, the West Bank and Sinai in a defensive war. The Arab League declares the "three no's": No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel. Israel voluntarily hands control of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism back to the Islamic Waqf, and made it illegal for Jews to pray there.
1979: Israel voluntarily hands the Sinai back to Egypt, returning land conquered in a defensive war.
1993: Israel recognizes the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the Oslo Accords. Yasser Arafat uses it to support terrorism.
2000: Israel offers Yasser Arafat recognition of a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its Capital. Arafat rejects it and launches the Second Intifada.
2005: Israel pulls out of the Gaza Strip, dismantles all its settlements, and forces Jews to leave their homes. Palestinians respond by electing Hamas who turn it into a terror state.
2008: Israel offers Mahmoud Abbas once again recognition of a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its Capital and even offered to dismantle all their settlements. And once again, the Palestinians reject it.
2010-2021: Hamas launches periodic rocket attacks against the state of Israel and builds terror tunnels in order to kidnap and murder Jews while using the people of Gaza as human shields against the IDF.
2023: Hamas commits the worst act of mass murder against Jews since the Holocaust.
When these things support decapitating Jewish babies, they aren't just objecting to Israel.
To whatever extent they support the slaughter of all the innocents, I agree. I hope they (the abysmally savage subhuman Islamofascist terrorist bastards) all die in an excruciating hellfire.
Exactly. Why make it about Biden or democrats? That's obviously stupid. That's what I pointed out.
Because without Iran being coddled by our feckless president, the enemy is emboldened to do things like behead babies. One well placed tactical nuke on Tehran, and the radical Muslims would start to wonder, if America really is a paper tiger....
Is this factual?
Yes, SEAL's and Delta fucking LOVE doing operations. What people dont understand is, although SEALs do die on rare occasions, most of the time they are crushing the enemy with ease. They just win all the time. The highs of those victories are like winning the Superbowl for special operators.

As for the only thing holding them back is the Biden Admin, yes, that is also true. Its up to the president to greenlight a rescue operation like this. The CIA no doubt has leads on some of the hostage locations already. They will do an assessment of their intel and then deliver it to Joe if they are confident in it. He will either give the green light or he wont.
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You’re taking this years long victimization thing a bit far aren’t you?
I have a license to carry. I have family in Israel. If they ask me to fight. I will fight. Too few of us to turn my back on our people. Why are you back pedaling? Just admit you want to see me dead. It’s OK. Don’t wuss out now.
Worse than I had first heard, if that’s true.

There was an ancient Roman Senator, Cato the Elder, who used to constantly demand that “Carthage Must Be Destroyed.” “Carthago delenda est.”

I’m starting to wonder if “Palestine” must be destroyed.

At the very least, the entire “Palestinian” population should be relocated to some remote Pacific Islands.

Nope! Then the climate change people would claim you were trying to drown them as the seas rise!

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