Now they march with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?

an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

That's outrageous!!!!!

Only an American Communist can be “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.” \

Eh comrade?
Why do leftwingers believe they can define fascism to be whatever they want? Invariably they define it to be something resembling a Republican, but only in their twisted minds.
Remind you of anyone?
It reminds me of a lot of democrats in congress who pad their pockets while in office
Wilful blindness is the worst kind, Son.
are you saying that congress people dont pad their pockets after they get the DC taint?...
It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that. Maxine waters is one of the biggest looters in Congress.
after 4-5 years in there they all seem to be doing quite well.....cortez will be nice and wealthy if she can last a few terms....
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
They marched in Charlottesville chanting YOU will not replace us. After all, the entire purpose of the democrat immigration plan is to use illegal immigrants to replace Americans. That's not even debatable.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What violence did they commit, shit for brains?
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
They marched in Charlottesville chanting YOU will not replace us. After all, the entire purpose of the democrat immigration plan is to use illegal immigrants to replace Americans. That's not even debatable.
They also chanted, "Jews will not replace us." Those rightwingers hate Jews. Seems we're too smart and successful for them.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What violence did they commit, shit for brains?

Holyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

Fucking moron, they were charged with domestic terrorism.

You're literally defending terrorists now and idiotically claiming terrorists aren't violent.

Congrats! You just took being a fucking moron to a whole new level.

They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?

Obama. Or Bill Clinton? Wait, is it Hillary?
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What violence did they commit, shit for brains?
Thoughtcrime. Leftists believe some opinions should be punished with government violence.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What violence did they commit, shit for brains?

Holyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

Fucking moron, they were charged with domestic terrorism.

You're literally defending terrorists now and idiotically claiming terrorists aren't violent.

Congrats! You just took being a fucking moron to a whole new level.

They only talked, moron. No violence occurred. On the other hand antifa and BLM assaulted thousands of people, killed police officers, kill innocent civilians, burned down hundreds of buildings and spray painted graffiti everywhere.

So far you haven't named a single right-winger who actually committed violence.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Ya mean like with Impeached Trump?

Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?
Pretty much.
Oh? How far back in history does this apply?
Since WW II

Fucking moron.
In other words, no violence actually occurred.

Talk about a dumb fuck.
Fucking moron claims terrorists who get caught planning to kill and maim are not violent.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What violence did they commit, shit for brains?

Holyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

Fucking moron, they were charged with domestic terrorism.

You're literally defending terrorists now and idiotically claiming terrorists aren't violent.

Congrats! You just took being a fucking moron to a whole new level.

They only talked, moron. No violence occurred. On the other hand antifa and BLM assaulted thousands of people, killed police officers, kill innocent civilians, burned down hundreds of buildings and spray painted graffiti everywhere.

So far you haven't named a single right-winger who actually committed violence.
I could, but I'd rather leave you here defending terrorists as "non-violent." :lmao:
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Ya mean like with Impeached Trump?

The accusation against Trump was not credible. As you well know.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Ya mean like with Impeached Trump?

The accusation against Trump was not credible. As you well know.
Maybe, maybe not. But there's never been any such accusation levied against Biden.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Ya mean like with Impeached Trump?

Naturally, you'd throw that out. You're desperately flinging poo, hoping something sticks.

Too bad for you rational people see it for what it is.
Last edited:
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?

You. Probably. we saw your cheap shit at Charlottesville.
What is my "cheap shit?" I have never defended any "white supremacist," douchebag.

We saw the cheap shit at Charlottesville. what have you done to separate yourself? We must separate ourselves. There are people out there who want me to join them in being white separatists, being trump supporters, and being a supporter of "Christian" cults like frankie graham, just because I am white. Separate yourself.
You said "your cheap shit," asshole. Why should I do anything since I was never associated with it? Only leftwing morons like you believe human beings have to apologize simply for existing. I'm not a Christian, so I don't support "Christian cults."

Since ISIS and Hezbollah support Biden, what are you going to do to seperate yourself from them? What about pedophiles? When are you going to disavow pedophiles like Biden?
100% of Biden supporters are not pedophiles, but 100% of Biden supporters have decided pedophilia is not a deal-breaker.
Ya mean like with Impeached Trump?

Naturally, you'd throw that out. You're desperately flinging poo, hoping something sticks.

Too bad for you rational people see it for what it is.

So it's ok to call Biden a pedophile, even though he's never been accused of such; but it's not ok to call Impeached Trump a pedophile, who was?

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