Now they march with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals
Sure you do.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Black New Yorkers Explain Why They Are Attacking Jews - The Yeshiva World

SHOCKING VIDEO: Black New Yorkers Explain Why They Are Attacking Jews

They marched in Charlottesville Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us." Too disgusting for words.
There are some Jew haters on the right

such as the dozen or so neo Nazis

but I see even more Jew haters in the black community and among white liberals

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Whose defending white supremacists, douchebag?
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?

Yeah, FDR.
Why Anti-Semitism On The Left Is More Dangerous Than Anti-Semitism On The Right

For left wing racists are no less anti-Semitic than the despicable individuals who marched in the August 12 rally. Those who couch or color their anti-Semitism are no less culpable than those who publicly express their racist views (as is their right), even if those on the left manage to successfully hide their racism behind the fig leaf of one form of progressive ideal or another.

Take for example the Chicago Dyke Walk, who famously expelled individuals from its march for waving gay flags emblazoned with a Jewish star, a star that was a universal symbol of Judaism long before the rise of modern Zionism. Many on the (extreme) left were either quick to defend the actions of the Chicago Slut March or, at the very least, tolerated it. While the question of which views are considered “legitimate” in a free society is beyond the scope of this article, the exclusion of individuals or groups based on their religious beliefs or nationality is textbook racism.

How are the acts of the Chicago Dyke Walk any different than the actions of the White Nationalists in Virginia? While the organizers Chicago Slut March did not use the imagery of the alt right marchers in Charlottesville, their actions were no less anti-Semitic.

Likewise, why hasn’t Roger Waters been widely condemned for his overt displays of anti-Semitism? How can we “enlightened progressives” expect the President to condemn a group of tiki torch wielding mobs wearing quasi Nazi uniforms (as we should), but have no qualms when Roger Waters fills up stadiums wearing a similar Nazi-looking uniform and floats a balloon in the shape of a pig with an image of a Jewish star alongside a figure doing a Nazi salute on it? Is Waters’ uniform any less Nazi looking? How is the caricature of a Jewish star alongside a figure doing a Nazi salute on an inflated pig (widely known to be an “unclean” animal in Jewish tradition) not anti-Semitic imagery? Why is Roger Waters’ anti-Semitism ok?

At college campuses across America, ostensibly liberal groups are excluding Jewish students and Jewish students are increasingly feeling threatened. A recent study by Tel Aviv University researchers found that while violent attacks against Jews has dropped in the last ten years, college campuses in the U.S. have become a “hotbed of anti-Semitism.” Hiding behind the mantra of “anti-Zionism” while attempting to support their position by stating that they feel “unsafe,” these self-styled liberals are getting away with covert and even overt anti-Semitism and, unlike the racists in Charlottesville, their words and actions are becoming increasingly acceptable.

In America today, we’ve come full circle: The number one enemy of the Nazis is the same enemy as some of those standing on the opposite extreme of the political spectrum.

But left wing anti-Semitism is even more dangerous than its Nazi counterpart in some respects, for the simple fact that while Nazis are considered beyond the pale of what is accepted by civil society, left wing anti-Semitism is increasingly considered “legitimate” because it can hide behind widely accepted liberal ideas like anti-Zionism, for example.

According to Jewish law, for an animal to be kosher, it must have split hooves and chew its cud. The Midrash expounds on this and teaches that the pig symbolizes deceit because when it lies down and extends its feet it shows the passerby its split hooves as if to say, “I’m kosher,” when it is not because it does not chew its cud. Because Nazis and white supremacists are not ashamed to say they hate Jews (and black people and anyone else not deemed “white enough”), they at least do us the favor of letting us know they are the enemy. By contrast, the left-wing racists profess tolerance and acceptance and pay lip service to political correctness when in fact, they are no different than those who marched in Charlottesville.

The Disturbing Rise of Anti-Semitism Among Black Celebs
Recently, big-name Black entertainers like Ice Cube, Nick Cannon, Diddy, the Jacksons (Stephen and DeSean), and even beloved Black author Alice Walker, have spouted age-old anti-Semitic talking points—usually by quoting known bigot Louis Farrakhan—insisting that “the Jews” run everything, and locating Black liberation in anti-Jewish suspicion.

On his podcast, Cannon spoke to fellow anti-Semitic conspiracist Professor Griff, formerly of Public Enemy (he was kicked out of the group for his anti-Jewishness, specifically for calling Jews “wicked”), agreeing with Griff’s racist view that Jewish people control media and claiming that “Semitic people are Black people” so Black people cannot be anti-Semitic. After Cannon was dropped by ViacomCBS for his comments, Diddy then took to Instagram and invited Cannon to his network RevoltTV. On July 4th, Diddy’s RevoltTV broadcast a speech by Farrakhan—a man who has praised Hitler and repeatedly calls Jews “Satanic”—worldwide, and also shared a Farrakhan video on Twitter in which the Nation of Islam leader called the Jewish head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, “Satan” and claimed that “those of you that say you are the Jews, I will not even give you the honor of calling you a Jew. You are not a Jew. You are Satan, and it is my job now to pull the cover off of Satan so that every Muslim when he sees Satan, pick up a stone, as we do in Mecca.”

The rapper and actor Ice Cube, for his part, has shared a series of anti-Semitic memes, and even lobbed an anti-Semitic trope at Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for denouncing anti-Semitism in a Hollywood Reporter op-ed, accusing him of accepting “30 pieces of silver” in exchange for the column.

It’s difficult to make sense of the smoke-and-mirrors anti-Semitism that emanates from Farrakhan, who feels he gets to decide who the real Jews are and then leverages any critique amongst Jewish-led institutions he doesn’t like on the basis of a Jewish identity he refuses to recognize. This is not too different from the “criminals” Trump claims are crossing the border from Mexico in droves—demonizing characterizations and willful erasure allow racist ideas to haphazardly take the form of concern. In the same way, Cannon denies that what he is saying is anti-Semitic because the only Semitic people he recognizes are Black people.

As Liberals Embrace Anti-Semitism, Conservatives Welcome Jews
In high contrast to the liberal dogma that Jews are victims of the MAGA movement, CPAC revealed the truth - that conservatives are people from all religions and countries of origin who join together to embrace American values and freedoms. CPAC’s Nazi symbol count was zero.

And while conservatives continued to concentrate on the shared values that bring us together, liberals continued their fall down their anti-Semitic rabbit hole. Democrat darling Ilhan Omar, a repeat offender anti-Semite, declared that it is disloyal for American Jews to support Israel. (The proposition is that non-Jews can support Israel, that is okay, but for Jews to support Israel is treasonous.) This nugget of brilliance came from a woman whose best friend in Congress, Rashida Tlaib, draped herself in a Palestinian flag when she won an American election and who replaced the country of Israel with Palestine on her map as the first course of business in US Congress. Omar has never called Tlaib disloyal to America.

Last week, Ilhan Omar, while sitting next to Rashida Tlaib, had blamed her anti-Semitism on the Jews, claiming that they don’t let her get away with saying anti-Semitic things…

This was just a few weeks after Omar was scolded by some (not all) members of her own party for repeating the anti-Semitic trope that Jewish money, and Jewish money alone, is the explanation for why Americans support Israel. Some liberals, including a number of journalists, audaciously defended Omar’s anti-Semitic comments. “Accurately describing how the Israel lobby works is not anti-Semitism,” tweeted Ashley Feinberg, a writer for the alt-left Huffington Post. Omar shared this and other tweets made in her defense in a bid to affirm her anti-Semitic tropes as true. The evermore-liberal Nancy Pelosi refused to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee after Omar made and then defended the anti-Semitic canard, sparking outrage from conservatives and Vice President Mike Pence.

Compare and contrast the Democrats’ approach to Omar with that of the Republicans when Steven King made a remark indicative of an embrace of white supremacy. Republicans immediately took action and removed King from committee assignments. Democrats, on the other hand, kept Omar on the Foreign Affairs Committee, the exact place where Omar’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic predispositions can do the most damage.

In response to Omar’s most recent anti-Semitic comments, Democrat chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Eliot Engel said that Omar’s remarks amounted to a “vile anti-Semitic slur” and called on her to apologize. But, yet again, he did not call for Omar to be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee. Pelosi has not yet commented on Omar’s most recent canards.

Omar’s anti-Semitism is nothing new. In 2012, Omar tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” During her election, conservative media blasted the then-candidate Omar for her anti-Semitic tweets while CNN, which I have previously exposed as vehemently anti-Israel, unsurprisingly made no mention of Omar's tweet. After her election, Omar defended the tweet and stated that conservatives are going after her only because she is Muslim.
He promotes white nationalism?

have any examples?
I assume your Google machine is functional. Why not look it up and decide for yourself rather than dismiss what I present. Might I suggest using.......Tucker Carlson white the search window?
All that will turn up is more lying leftists making the same claim with no evidence.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?

Surely the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left has not changed throughout the years. They were racists then, racist now and forever more racist Commies.
Speaking of minorities in Russia and China. Just how many Black Africans are allowed to live in both these countries? Then again how about all other minority groups for that matter? Democrats like Wilson, Wallace, FDR, Humphrey, LBJ including Obama were and have been racists of one kind or another.

Oh. Come on. You have to own it. These whiet supremacists are pigs, anti-Jewish, anti-woman, anti-dark skinned, anti-Muslim.These guys are for the supremacy of white, heterosexual male Christian-cult supremacist. Own up.
Only Democrats really care about you.:71:
Can't you see ?
but white nationalism......yes.
I define white nationalism as the beliefs, values and customs that America was founded on

yes the founders were white, but also Christians who believe that God loves everyone

The so-called people of color arrive in America from failed cultures seeking a better life

they should leave behind the old ways and old ideas that did them so much harm and embrace the white culture that lured them here
but white nationalism......yes.
I define white nationalism as the beliefs, values and customs that America was founded on

yes the founders were white, but also Christians who believe that God loves everyone

The so-called people of color arrive in America from failed cultures seeking a better life

they should leave behind the old ways and old ideas that did them so much harm and embrace the white culture that lured them here
According to leftwingers, if you are white and you are patriotic, then you are a white nationalist. Of course, that also implies that you are a racist.
Henry Wallace and the Fight Against American Fascism

"Wallace was expanding the definition of American fascism. He was not just talking about Fritz Julius Kuhn’s Nazi-inspired German American Bund and the Fascist League of North America that Mussolini’s agent, Paolo Ignazio Maria Thaon di Revel, had organized in New York and Boston.

This was about more than the incidents like those in which young men dressed in the SS-inspired uniforms of the American Ordnungsdienst marched into Milwaukee public meetings and beat up anyone who dared to object when the jagged thunderbolt symbol of the SS was raised beside the stars and stripes."

It's an article worthy of everyone's attention.

"Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, defining an American fascist as “one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions, or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain the fight for the soul of the democratic party his ends.”

Remind you of anyone?
Dims are the ones who use violence to attain their political goals, moron.
Are you saying the left resorts to such violence but the right doesn't?

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