Now they think cops should not shoot those threatening others.

RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.
I didn't see where "they" think cops should not shoot those threatening others. I personally think any police shooting should be investigated to make sure police are acting properly.
I didn't see where "they" think cops should not shoot those threatening others. I personally think any police shooting should be investigated to make sure police are acting properly.

They do.
RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.

Tasers aren't always effective when someone is really amped up. In this case how many more could have been stabbed if it didn't work. Had he tased and failed he would have been open to law suits by those stabbed later. I think it was a scenereo where the shooter had to be extremely careful and aim well, but apparently he did since he didn't hit a bystander. Of course he could have just been lucky and he could have been sued by a bystander he hit. I'm glad he had to make the call and not me.
RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.

Tasers aren't always effective when someone is really amped up. In this case how many more could have been stabbed if it didn't work. Had he tased and failed he would have been open to law suits by those stabbed later. I think it was a scenereo where the shooter had to be extremely careful and aim well, but apparently he did since he didn't hit a bystander. Of course he could have just been lucky and he could have been sued by a bystander he hit. I'm glad he had to make the call and not me.

Kid sure seemed surprised when he was shot.
RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.
Because a knife is a deadly weapon.
RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.
Because a knife is a deadly weapon.

Yes, well the number of missed shots in a gun battle is pretty high.
How many times did the cop miss? None. Next BS remark, please.

I am talking what normally happens in a gun fight. I understand you have little regard for the students standing all around this scene. You are simply using a ends justifies the means argument.
RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.
Because a knife is a deadly weapon.

Yes, well the number of missed shots in a gun battle is pretty high.
How many times did the cop miss? None. Next BS remark, please.

I am talking what normally happens in a gun fight. I understand you have little regard for the students standing all around this scene. You are simply using a ends justifies the means argument.
No, what you are doing is deflecting away from your ignorant remarks. You understand nothing about me, or reality. What has happened is that your stupid remark has been highlighted and now you are trying to hide from it by attacking the messenger. A failed lib tactic.
No, what you are doing is deflecting away from your ignorant remarks. You understand nothing about me, or reality. What has happened is that your stupid remark has been highlighted and now you are trying to hide from it by attacking the messenger. A failed lib tactic.

I am more conservative than you. Try to educate yourself on who you are addressing. In this case I saw a video which made the risk/reward of using a gun as lower percentage than a tazer. I'd prefer not to embarrass a fellow conservative, but that will be up to you.
If some people can't accept the fact that some times a gun has to be used, maybe it isn't the cops who are the problem.

God bless you and those who wear the uniform always!!!

RGS, I have to break ranks with you on this one. It looked to me like there as a near complete circle of kids around that incident. I kept wondering why a tazer wasn't used in the confined area.
Because a knife is a deadly weapon.

Yes, well the number of missed shots in a gun battle is pretty high.
The school officer waited a long time until he had a clear shot.

"Rule #6 - always consider your target, everything/everyone behind your target, everything/everyone in front of your target, and everything/everyone around your target before you take the shot."

It seems that the school officer thought of all this before he put his finger on the trigger to take the shot.

"Rule #2 - keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to take the shot."
Family Has ‘Many Questions’ After Teen Son Shot at School for Allegedly Attacking Others with Knives So I guess these parents think a cop should have risk getting knifed to tackle their son? The boy is lucky to be alive and everything that happened happened because he tried to cut people.

I would have done the same.

Everyone would be singing a different tune if that little POS had stabbed one of those other kids.

His parents obviously didn't have a clue what a POS their own kid was or they ignored it.

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