Now this gets interesting.

It isn't desperation that bothers me. It is the arrogance Democrats have for the "little people" or anyone who disagrees with them which brings out a certain criminal grab to just get rid of whatever bugs them for less than an instant.

Playing nice with others does not seem to be a trait of the Democrats as their leader breaks with reality time after time after time after time and more.

Dimm's, and some Independents are fine with driving our Country straight to hell, just as long Bi-Dung doesn't make mean tweets!
I say, then to hell it is!! They forgot that their children are going there too!!!
Don't you find this question interesting??
At the least.

I know they do not fall under the Govt Employee mandate because they are not officially under the Executive Branch. Not sure why they do not fall under the mandate they are pushing for. Cannot say I really care since I do not agree with the mandate .
I know they do not fall under the Govt Employee mandate because they are not officially under the Executive Branch. Not sure why they do not fall under the mandate they are pushing for. Cannot say I really care since I do not agree with the mandate .

Whether or not you agree, the military falls under the mandate and the USPS doesn't?
True, inquiring minds should want to know.
Whether or not you agree, the military falls under the mandate and the USPS doesn't?
True, inquiring minds should want to know.

The military falls directly under the Executive Branch while the USPS does not.
Not a satisfactory answer. So you're telling us that the USPS is not a Gov't agency?

I am telling you the USPS does not fall directly under the Executive branch, while the military does.
From your source it looks like they are trying to create a boogieman
where there isn't any.

Last week, the party filed a lawsuit claiming that as many as 300,000 Virginians intend to cast their ballots in Tuesday’s critical election by mail, but local USPS branches have failed to deliver ballots in time for voters to fill them out and return them by the deadline.

“Thousands of absentee ballots currently sit at postal facilities throughout the Commonwealth, unprocessed for weeks on end,” the suit alleges, according to The Washington Times.

The USPS, for its part, insists that no such delays have occurred, and CNN reported Friday that it has agreed to provide daily election mail reports to all concerned parties.

“The Postal Service has a robust and tested process for the proper handling and timely delivery of Election Mail. Our Election Mail processes and procedures are fully operational in Virginia. We are not aware of any processing delays of any ballots within our facilities nor any ballot delivery delays, and we have fully communicated this information to election officials,” the agency’s public relations representative Martha Johnson told the Times in an email.

So let me guess the solution is to print up blank ballots and hand them out to anyone that asks for one or several hundred?
So the USPS is quasi-private but does fall under Biden's mandate for companies with over 100 employees to get vaxxed.
Which the union still says does not apply.

I say dismantle the USPS and let the private sector (UPS, FedEx, DHS, etc.) regionionally sub-contract all mail and package delivery.
The USPS is a taxpayer scam anymore!
Nobody is as stupid as you, Colon, so yeah, it's the internet, who is stupid
enough to post their real name, they would have to be a complete idiot.

But, having stated the obvious there, This is the Virginia Governor's race.
Not Trump

I might be but your just another brain dead ignorant Republican.
Trump has supported your guy so its about him as far as Im concerned.

One minute you eager for an altercation, the next your savaging my courage for displaying my name. That's terribly brave of you. Dickhead.
I say dismantle the USPS and let the private sector (UPS, FedEx, DHS, etc.) regionionally sub-contract all mail and package delivery.
The USPS is a taxpayer scam anymore!

Good luck getting the Constitution changed to make that happen

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