Now THIS is an energy bill!

Mr. H.

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2009
A warm place with no memory.
Check it out...

RIGZONE - UK Energy Bill Outlines 'Diverse Mix' to Ensure Energy Security

The government said it intends to work to maximize economic production of UK oil and gas resources through further licensing rounds and by providing a fiscal regime that encourages further investment and innovation in the North Sea, while ensuring a fair return for UK taxpayers.

"In an era of rising global energy prices, by shifting to more home-grown sources of power and by becoming more energy efficient, we can cushion our economy and households from the fluctuations of world gas markets."

Too bad we've got to deal with the Moron Monkey in the White House...
The only clap-trap we've ever heard from Obama is how we need to get back at our oil and gas industries, retrieve the "millions in taxpayer dollars" that have been "given" the industries, and then he puts $40 billion in oil and gas taxes in his budget.

Damn! What an idiot.
And where the fuck is Obama's "all of the above" energy policy? He could take a lesson from the Brits.

Instead, he brow-beats the job creating oil and gas industries. One of the few sector economies that's truly making a difference in this country. Mommy, make the bad man stop!
RIGZONE - UK Chancellor Plans Dash for Gas

The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer announced Wednesday plans to better exploit the UK's gas resources as part of his Autumn Statement.

The UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change added that it will establish an Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil to help streamline regulation of such practices as shale gas fracking as well as provide a single point of contact for investors in the development of unconventional hydrocarbon projects.

Chancellor George Osborne told the UK Parliament's House of Commons that H.M. Treasury is "consulting on new tax incentives for shale gas". Meanwhile, the government expects that between 26 GW and 37 GW of new gas capacity could be required by 2030 – which means that new gas-fired power stations that emit half the carbon dioxide of coal plants will need to be built.

"New tax incentives". While our President is simply eyeing "new taxes" on oil and natural gas.

What a chump.
RIGZONE - UK Chancellor Plans Dash for Gas

The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer announced Wednesday plans to better exploit the UK's gas resources as part of his Autumn Statement.

The UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change added that it will establish an Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil to help streamline regulation of such practices as shale gas fracking as well as provide a single point of contact for investors in the development of unconventional hydrocarbon projects.

Chancellor George Osborne told the UK Parliament's House of Commons that H.M. Treasury is "consulting on new tax incentives for shale gas". Meanwhile, the government expects that between 26 GW and 37 GW of new gas capacity could be required by 2030 – which means that new gas-fired power stations that emit half the carbon dioxide of coal plants will need to be built.

"New tax incentives". While our President is simply eyeing "new taxes" on oil and natural gas.

What a chump.

See Mr H. ???? This is the advantage to "letting the Europeans beat us to renewables and alternatives". They've wasted MORE time and money that we have and they are ready to sober up and give the heavy lifting BACK to the folks who can and WILL produce the required energy to keep ALL the BBC stations on the air -- all day, and all night.

Their experience with biomass was a total economic and environmental disaster. The wind program hasn't produced. And any tidal energy they will see is years away and fraught with SEVERE environmental consequences. Good thing we let them "lead us" eh?
RIGZONE - UK Energy Secretary Expects 28 New Fields on UKCS in 2013

"Oil and gas will form an integral part of the UK energy mix for decades to come. Over 70 percent of the UK's primary energy demand may still be filled by oil and gas into the 2040s. With 20 billion barrels or more still to be drawn from the UK’s North Sea fields, having an indigenous source helps prevent overreliance on imports from more volatile parts of the world," Mr Davey said.
RIGZONE - UK Chancellor Plans Dash for Gas

The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer announced Wednesday plans to better exploit the UK's gas resources as part of his Autumn Statement.

The UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change added that it will establish an Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil to help streamline regulation of such practices as shale gas fracking as well as provide a single point of contact for investors in the development of unconventional hydrocarbon projects.

Chancellor George Osborne told the UK Parliament's House of Commons that H.M. Treasury is "consulting on new tax incentives for shale gas". Meanwhile, the government expects that between 26 GW and 37 GW of new gas capacity could be required by 2030 – which means that new gas-fired power stations that emit half the carbon dioxide of coal plants will need to be built.

"New tax incentives". While our President is simply eyeing "new taxes" on oil and natural gas.

What a chump.

See Mr H. ???? This is the advantage to "letting the Europeans beat us to renewables and alternatives". They've wasted MORE time and money that we have and they are ready to sober up and give the heavy lifting BACK to the folks who can and WILL produce the required energy to keep ALL the BBC stations on the air -- all day, and all night.

Their experience with biomass was a total economic and environmental disaster. The wind program hasn't produced. And any tidal energy they will see is years away and fraught with SEVERE environmental consequences. Good thing we let them "lead us" eh?

The left doesn't learn. I wouldn't go less then 50% nuclear for our energy needs.

That would lessen the co2 emissions too. So I don't understand what the problem is.
RIGZONE - UK Chancellor Plans Dash for Gas

The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer announced Wednesday plans to better exploit the UK's gas resources as part of his Autumn Statement.

The UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change added that it will establish an Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil to help streamline regulation of such practices as shale gas fracking as well as provide a single point of contact for investors in the development of unconventional hydrocarbon projects.

Chancellor George Osborne told the UK Parliament's House of Commons that H.M. Treasury is "consulting on new tax incentives for shale gas". Meanwhile, the government expects that between 26 GW and 37 GW of new gas capacity could be required by 2030 – which means that new gas-fired power stations that emit half the carbon dioxide of coal plants will need to be built.

"New tax incentives". While our President is simply eyeing "new taxes" on oil and natural gas.

What a chump.

See Mr H. ???? This is the advantage to "letting the Europeans beat us to renewables and alternatives". They've wasted MORE time and money that we have and they are ready to sober up and give the heavy lifting BACK to the folks who can and WILL produce the required energy to keep ALL the BBC stations on the air -- all day, and all night.

Their experience with biomass was a total economic and environmental disaster. The wind program hasn't produced. And any tidal energy they will see is years away and fraught with SEVERE environmental consequences. Good thing we let them "lead us" eh?

The left doesn't learn. I wouldn't go less then 50% nuclear for our energy needs.

That would lessen the co2 emissions too. So I don't understand what the problem is.

Quite simple -- the left harbors most of the Luddite anti-technology crowd.. Strange as it seems, Biblical teachings don't preclude engineering and science, but crystal worship kinda goes along with the "Precautionary Principal" where anything useful HAS to be judged and determined to be 100% "safe".
The impetus of this thread is the fact that the United Kingdom has adopted crude oil and natural gas as a viable and necessary part of their energy future. Unlike our own country... the United States. The UK has embraced hydrocarbons, The U.S. (under Obama) has shunned them.

Let's stay on point, shall we?

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