Now Trump is praising Saddam!

Saddam kept the Terrorist in check. So did Abbas. When we tried to unseat them the terrorist gained in power.

You can’t be serious.
Thats exactly what you and your buddies were singing while Bush was in the WH.

They were the cheerleaders for the Shrub and Dick(less).

They believed each and every lie they were told.

They loved each and every lie they told.

They needed to lied to.

They wanted to be lied to.

Mind you, they never fought, they would never put their skinny war loving ass on the line. But they sure as hell did support the war.
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Do you have any proof, evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to support absent such proof, accusations based on conjecture,contention, innuendo and supposition.

As opposed the former House Speaker and Republican Pedophile Dennis "Denny" Hastert.
Even Liberals have praised Hussein in the past. No one can deny, despite being a brutal dictator who tortured and killed his own people, that he kept Iran in check.

Mubarak in Egypt, like Hussein / Noriega / Qaddafi, was a dictator the US put in piwer and one who had his 'usefulnes' for a time.

Anyone getting the connection to all these guys? Whether it was Bush or Obama, we injected ourselves into others' business, toppled govts, installed our own toadies, and it all turned to shite eventually.

Maybe we should start minding our own business...
Not that
Oh the pain.....Oh the agony.....Oh the bullshit.

Find a new line, that one is old and worn out.

Der Trumpenfuhrer praised Saddam, saying the world would be a better place if he was still in power.

Trumpenfuhrer.....Seig Heil.....Trumpenfuhrer.....Seig Heil.....Trumpenfuhrer.....go fuck yourself.

Mr Dingle Berry

Was Iraq and Syria stable prior to the war criminal Bush II invasion?


Iraq's Hussein had been supported by the U.S. for many years. Asad and his father were and are assholes.

Hussein was a thug, but the U.S. wanted that thug in power after the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Was Iraq stable before the U.S. Invasion, yes. Now, over a decade after the invasion the current U.S.backed dictator cannot provide power or water 24/7.

The failed U.S. Military Intervention in Iraq destabilized the entire region and allowed Iran to gain power and respect.

There was no need to invade, Iraq was never involved in September 11, 2001 and there never were any W.M.D.


Whether the Assads were/are assholes is an issue for the Syrians to decide.

The Syrian "Opposition" is populated by former Baathists (Sunnis) and financed by Saudi Arabia . It is also supported by the CIA in order to allow Bibi to retain the Golan Heights. So there are folks determined to destabilize Syria for their own benefit - not the Syrians'.



Syria was never our fight. All those Cons forget that Assad joined in for Desert Stupid under Bush 41.

The U.S. is always playing dictators off one another. We used Saddam when it suited our needs and we dumped him real fast.

Another far left drone that does not know real history!

Assumed office
17 July 2000

Bashar al-Assad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how the far left does not care about history, they just run debunked far left religious narratives..

I will try to use small words for your smaller brain.

Hafez al Assad, father of Bashir was dictator for life when his father, Hafez supported the bush's military action in Kuwait.

Bashir, as the son of Hafez supported what his daddy did.

Bashir supported Poppy's intervention in Kuwait and supported his Father sending Syrian Troops to participate.

It is called thinking. It is called research.

Try thinking for yourself, I know that as a weak brained, Epsilon Plus Semi Moron you have great difficulty in getting passed 1+1. Complex equations are hard for you.

Bashir was son of Assad. Assad sent troops to join Desert Stupid. Bashir supported daddy. Bashir supported daddy's military policy. It is called linkage.

Such a complex thought process might be more than you are capable of, but try.

If you want to know what an Epsilon Slus semi Moron is, read the book (books have pages that have words that form sentences you can eventually comprehend) "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. In your case, being called an Epsilon Plus Semi Moron is an insult to Epsilon Plus Semi Morons everywhere.
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Even Liberals have praised Hussein in the past.
I didn't have much of an issue with Saddam, compared to other dictators, or even his own sons, who were evil pieces of shit.

I have always believed that Saddam could have been turned, and WANTED to be turned. Ronald Reagan supported him with weapons and the gas he used against Iran, and later, the Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld went to Iraq to shake his hand. The Iraqi ambassador April Glaspie signaled to Saddam that invading Kuwait wouldn't be something the U.S. would object strongly to.

The man was given mixed signals for 10 years. I have always felt he wanted a good relationship with the U.S., but he knew he had to keep up his image as a strongman.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.
Did I use to many big word for you sly?

Bashir, son of Hafez supported his Father sending Syrian Troops to Iraq.

I know that the complex belief system called the truth is difficult for you, being a ConJob/Neo-Fascist/Neo-Nazi/Neo-Nut/RePug you are averse to the truth.

Bashir supported his Father. Bashir supported what his Father did.

Try thinking for yourself, it can be scary at first, but maybe with time you will learn how.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.

How many casino's has Ms. Clinton bankrupted?

Does Ms. Clinton have the support Neo-Nazis?

Does Ms. Clinton have the support of Klu Klux Klan?

Does Ms. Clinton have the support of former Imperial Grand Dragon David Duke?

Does Ms. Clinton have the endorsement of Kim Jung Un, dictator of Communist North Korea?

der Trumpenfuhrer wants to fuck his Daughter.

der Trumpenfuhrer is a serial Womanizer.

With der Dummy at the top of the ticket, RePuBliKlans will go down in the ignominious defeat they will have richly.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.

How many casino's has Ms. Clinton bankrupted?
How many successful businesses has Hillary led? Trump has created 550 successful businesses.

Does Ms. Clinton have the support Neo-Nazis?
Robert Byrd ex member of the KKK supports Hillary Clinton so Yes she does.
So does Al Gore son of the guy who tried to filibuster giving the blacks their civil rights.

Does Ms. Clinton have the support of Klu Klux Klan?
She does have the support of the racist New Blank Panther Party. Does Trump? She also has support from the racist organization La Raza. Does Trump?

Does Ms. Clinton have the support of former Imperial Grand Dragon David Duke?

Does Ms. Clinton have the endorsement of Kim Jung Un, dictator of Communist North Korea?
repetitive points should I repeat the ones I already made?
der Trumpenfuhrer wants to fuck his Daughter.
Trump said he wants to date his daughter. You are the one using bad psychic powers and interpreting it to mean fuck.
der Trumpenfuhrer is a serial Womanizer.
Hillary Clinton is a serial womanizer enabler. Hillary Clinton is a Paedophile enabler.
With der Dummy at the top of the ticket, RePuBliKlans will go down in the ignominious defeat they will have richly.
You wish.
Oh Dear......Oh My......Oh Shit.

der Donald is supported by Neo-Nazi's - True.

der Donald is supported by the Klu Klux Klan - True.

der Donald is supported by former Imperial Grand Dragon David Duke - True.

der Donald is supported by Kim Jong Un, Dictator of the Democratic People's Republic of (Communist) Korea - True.

der Donald bankrupted 4-Casinos - True.

der Donald has over 1,200 lawsuits filed against for not paying his bills - True.

der Donald wants to fuck his daughter - True.

der Donald used an Anti-Semitic image, lifted from a White Supremacist against Democrat Hillary Clinton - True.

der Donald is Anti-Semitic - True.

der Donald is a Bigot - True.

der Donald is Anti-Hispanic - True.

der Donald is Homophobic - True.

der Donald is Islamophobic - True.

der Donald is Misognistic - True.

der Donald is Racist - True.

der Donald is underwater with African-American Voters - True.

der Donald is underwater with Asian-American Voters - True.

der Donald is underwater with Hispanic-American Voters - True.

der Donald is underwater with Jewish-American Voters - True.

der Donald is underwater with Female Voters - True.

der Donald is losing to Hillary Clinton by 55.9% - True.

It's not that I'm impressed with you sly - I'm not.

It's you continued delusional state, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.
Based on what factual evidence?
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.
Based on what factual evidence?

Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.
All they have left, after 25-Years+of attacks on Hillary Clinton is nothing but air and half assed assumptions made conjecture, contention and supposition.
There is WAY MORE proven dirt on Republicans like Newt, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, et al than they have EVER found on Hillary. Or Bill!

Yeah, but the operative word in your post is "Republicans". Republicans can accept bribes, bugger high school students, hand out in Men's Restrooms to solicit blowjobs, lie to Congress, attempt to impeach a sitting President for having oral sex while engaging in affair with female staffer and nothing happens.

Republicans have no morals, no ethics. They are so damn it in their pants, piss in their pants scared of Hillary Clinton that they have wasted over $7,000,000.00 in U.S. Taxpayer Money in an increasingly desperate game of throwing shit against the wall and hoping against hope something sticks against Hillary Clinton.

They ignore the millions emails that Karl Rover erased, but hot shit and holy there has to be something.....anything on Hillary Clinton.

Why must there but something.....anything on Hillary Clinton?

Because Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton has to be guilty of Goddamn something.....Goddamn Anything because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton she is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn something Goddammit.
You're either blind or stupid not to see that Hillary is the most corrupt, immoral, unethical, person to ever be in the White House.
Based on what factual evidence?
Where there's smoke there's fire and there is a lot of smoke.

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