Now Wait A Second!,What Ever Happened To,"There's Smoke,Lots Of Smoke"??, Oops CNN/MSNBC.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:iyfyus.jpg: And how many months did the "We Got Smoke" dilemma go on for?
10? 12?. Oh yah baby, we got smoke on Trump now!, We got Trump backed into a corner, there's so much smoke with the Russians that even Joy Blowhard is coughing up cigar smoke thru every part of her body!:popcorn:
Today was an historical day in American History! Now all 300 Million Americans are finding out......."" WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED "" !!!:th_booboo:
Not a good week to be a Democrat or a Liberal. :umno:
I think it’s a very good week to be a liberal. Or a fan of government by the sane.
As an American you should be disgusted and appalled by the conduct of the prior administration, FBI, and DOJ. What they attempted to pull off, at this point, appears to be the unprecedented abuse of power at the highest levels. The irreconcilable damage inflicted is unacceptable and should not be tollerated. What Nixon pulled off is child's play in comparison. At what extent, what level, and how often this has occurred remains to be seen. So this is what politicians have evolved to become? Who do they serve? surely not those that elect them!
As of today. I have not seen any smoke coming from anyone's butt..except a few local cows
As an American you should be disgusted and appalled by the conduct of the prior administration, FBI, and DOJ. What they attempted to pull off, at this point, appears to be the unprecedented abuse of power at the highest levels. The irreconcilable damage inflicted is unacceptable and should not be tollerated. What Nixon pulled off is child's play in comparison. At what extent, what level, and how often this has occurred remains to be seen. So this is what politicians have evolved to become? Who do they serve? surely not those that elect them!
This abuse of power by Democrats is consistent with NSA spying on citizens, IRS targeting of Conservative groups, the gross misconduct of the DNC. It is indefensible.
Even FOX News is where is the beef? :47:

This was a lot of nothing about nothing...
As an American you should be disgusted and appalled by the conduct of the prior administration, FBI, and DOJ. What they attempted to pull off, at this point, appears to be the unprecedented abuse of power at the highest levels. The irreconcilable damage inflicted is unacceptable and should not be tollerated. What Nixon pulled off is child's play in comparison. At what extent, what level, and how often this has occurred remains to be seen. So this is what politicians have evolved to become? Who do they serve? surely not those that elect them!

I am utterly disgusted but not surprised.

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