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Now We Know The Truth About Accusing the Right of Being Racists

Wasn't that a Palin faux pas?

Yep...can you believe she did that? I've never made a mistake in my life. Ok...maybe once but that was a long time ago.

Can I remind you (or quote) your satire the next time some verbal faux pas by Obama gets spread all over the Internet? We're STILL seeing "reminders" of the 57-state slipup, which occurred during the campaign. In fact, Crusader Frank has it in his signature.

And so what? Obama is full of faux-pas along with being full of himself being the malignant narcissist himself...and notice the left circling the wagons to defend the idiocy exhibited by Barry.

Boo-Hoo. Cry us a river.
Jarhead, you are needle dicked crackwhore with a pimplely face and a desire for skinflute in your mouth.

Now can you adress facts instread of thinking you are scaring old ladies with nasty talk.

I am impressed with your spunk.

I addressed the facts. You simply see the facts differently than I do.

As for being a needle dicked crackwhore....what I do on my spare time is none of your business!:lol:

As for the pimply face....at the age of 52, I hate to tell you that it cleared up over 35 years ago.

The skin flute in my mouth? My sex life has nothing to do with this.
More and more, I get to a point in these threads that I'm just, like,


Some of y'all just CANNOT think critically. You can't examine the EVIDENCE, and come to some sort of logical conclusion.

What scares me the MOST about this?

You DUMBASSES are sitting on JURIES, and influencing judges AND our system of laws,

and you couldn't call something WRONG, even if it cost your brother his life.

THAT's pretty sad, but it's folks like you that make me think that perhaps it WOULD be a Good Idea to LIMIT the ability of "just anyone" to vote.

Cripes! Didn't you go to SKOOL? :lol:

I went to a CATHOLIC university, and even THEY didn't do some crap like that to their students!!!
Yes, it was gullible to believe the edited tape. But I'm talking about the Rove propaganda machine and how he can still brilliantly maneuver a conversation away from anything that might paint the right into a corner, and then they just jump right in without having a clue that they're being manipulated. I often wished in the past that the left had its own Karl Rove.

Karl Rove is still around?

I thought... hoped... he had sailed off into the sunset in shame with the rest of the Bush Admin.


Oh yeah...

Republican strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie have launched a new group that allows U.S. Republicans to give anonymously to discredit Democrats.

New GOP group allows anonymous donations - UPI.com

And you act like the Statist Left is sin-free? Really? :eusa_hand:
No ma'am. I am not. I am offering my own take on the film clip. I do not believe anyone else took it that way. Certainly no one reported it that way.
So please explain how I am regurgitating?

Because that part is exactly how pundits defending the Breitbart presentation of the tape are regurgitating.

Interesting. I realize you wont believe this, but my wife does not let me watch the "pundit" shows. She allows me to watch Fox news at 6PM and then she takes over the TV.

In the morning while having coffee, we watch the local NBC affiliate news.

My wife hates Oreilly, Hannity (so do I by the way) and she despoises Fox and Friends in the morning. And I respect her wishes as I love her more than life.

Sorry if you dont believe me, But it was my personal take. I have my own opinion.

You wimp!

You actually let her have the remote? You have no idea how much respect I have just lost for you. :lol:

And then you have the nerve to empower women to believe they can get away with that with the rest of us. You should be ashamed!

Politico is often accused of being leftist also. In fact, any news outlet that doesn't strictly tow the conservative line is accused of liberal bias.

Is it really any different going left to right?

Granted there are not as many media outlets that don't strictly tow the liberal line, but those that don't are treated no differently by the left than you indicate conservatives treat Politico and the rest.


There's no doubt the MSNBC's afternoon political lineup is left, with the exception of Dillon Radigan who seems to be MSNBC's own Lou Dobbs. I've said before that I watch CNN almost exclusively because I think they do try to be fair and balanced. The new 7PM hour with John King always includes someone from the right and someone from the left debating a specific news story (if it's debatable). One of CNN's recent contributors, and who appears on John King's America almost every day is Erick Erickson from redstate.com. His opinions mirror many conservatives, but he's able to present them in a sensible and articulate manner, and doesn't get all belligerent or sulky when he's proven wrong. I like the guy a lot.

Many, many years ago, I used to enjoy Crossfire on CNN simply because it gave both sides of the story. Hannity and Colmes never achieved that distinction when I started watching it, probably because Hannity was so over-bearing and Colmes was a mouse.

me and My hubby kindly share the remote

Of course you do. Between the two of you, you just might have the equivalent of one functioning lower brain stem.

Do you work the gas pedal while he works the brakes, too?
The fact that sherrod said it at all or thought like that is what is disturbing.

I would never think that way. Wouldn't even enter my mind.

I would never take race or wealth into consideration when divvying up money, if I were in her position.

At the time of the tape, she represented the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund, the purpose of which was forming, aiding and developing co-ops for black farmers and landowners. She was not working for the federal agency, USDA, at the time. The audience was there to hear her speak as a representative of that advocacy group.
Watch and listen the entire 40 minute clip as I did last night. The claim that this woman was explaining her "moment of clarity" is nonsense. Listen to the audience as well. Is this woman a racist? I don't know. Seems the Obama admin sure deemed her one!

Bottom line here is, Breitbart gave the NAACP a dose of what they and the left have been doing to the right for years; parsing snippits. And they don't like it. The same left who routinely dismissed a Klansman amongst their ranks, numerous truly racist comments by their own members, the trashing of minorities and the racial slurs used against same minorities who strayed from the Democrat plantation, their own support of policies that enslave minorities in lives of poverty, etc.

More feigned outrage and righteous indignation that means zip.

Bullshit. Elephant shit. Then explain why the white farmers, the Spooners, rallied to her defense; explain that through that same advocacy group Sherrod went on to help many other WHITE farmers.


Despite admitting in the edited version of the taping that she once withheld help to the couple on the basis of race, Sherrod was defended Tuesday by the wife of a white Georgia farmer.

Sherrod, "kept us out of bankruptcy," said Eloise Spooner, 82, of Iron City in southwest Georgia. Spooner, in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, added she considers Sherrod a "friend for life." She and her husband, Roger Spooner, approached Sherrod for help in 1986 when Sherrod worked for a nonprofit that assisted farmers.

Sherrod, who is African-American, was asked to resign Monday night by a USDA official after videotaped comments she made in March at a local NAACP banquet surfaced on the Web.

Recounting her dealings with the Spooners, Sherrod said she didn't help them as much as she could because of their race.

"When I made that commitment (at age 17 years old to remain in Georgia and help people), I was making that commitment to black people, and to black people only," Sherrod said nearly 15 minutes into the recording, just seconds before the segment that brought her trouble. "But you know, God will ... put things in your path so that you realize that the struggle was really about poor people."

"[The white farmer] was trying to show me he was superior to me," she said, recalling the day some 24 years ago. "I knew what he was doing, but he had to come to me for help."

Sherrod told the crowd that she discovered the white lawyer she had referred the Spooners to took their money for six months, but did nothing to help them.

"This lawyer told them, ‘ya'll are getting old ... why don't you just let go of the farm,'" she said. "I could not believe he said that to them."

Eloise Spooner said as far as she's concerned Sherrod worked tirelessly to help the couple hold onto their land as they faced bankruptcy. Spooner said she spoke to Sherrod by phone Tuesday morning after the story hit cable news.

"She's very sad about it," Spooner said. "She told me she was so glad we talked. I just can't believe this is happening to her."

The Sherrod video surfaced a week after the NAACP issued a resolution calling some elements of the National Tea Party racist for comments allegedly made against President Obama and African-American congressmen during the health care debate.

Sherrod said it wouldn't have made any sense for her to espouse racist comments before the NAACP audience.

"There were some white people there. The mayor [of Douglas] was there," Sherrod recalled. "Why would I do something racist if they were there?"

Find this article at:
USDA reconsiders firing of Ga. official over speech on race | ajc.com
Amazingly, this has become the Right's new source of pride...

...We lied, but because some Democrats temporarily fell for it...

...We win!!!

Wow. You just TRULY don't "Get It," do you?

It wasn't "some dems" ~ it was the White House, putting pressure on her boss, and forcing HIM to do something about it, which I would imagine they Oh! SO helpfully suggested the remedy for.

Why can't you see that? ARE you that Partisan?

If you are?

You ain't gonna last long, pal. Not here, at least.

You're doing exactly what I described. Cheering the fact that a CONSERVATIVE LIE was able to temporarily fool some Democrats.

That is what you people have sunk to. Lies are new Truth in Conservatopia.
I blame him for firing a woman over a video tape he didn't bother to see without getting her side of the story or anyone else involved. Is there any reason he shouldn't be blamed for that?

I blame himm for that too, I also blame Brietbart and Fox fro acting like the republican party activists instead of journalists and causing this whole mess.

How did Fox cause this whole mess by telling the world the News that the White House forced her to resign?

Fox, an alleged 'news' organization, presented the edited tape as fact, then attacked the administration for temporarily interpreting the edited tape as the whole truth.
Pretty sad huh?

They scambled to post this news and cackled about her being a racist and then blamed Obama because he was tricked just like they were by this right wing hack.
What makes me laugh is the fact that you did not see the fact that he called him his mentor for 20 years and only tossed him aside when it was necessary for poliotical expediency.

And you accepted his "If I had known" excuse.

Well, guess what. If he did not kow about Wright after 20 years, then he certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.

You need to be somewhat aware of what is going on around you to be qualified as President.

So either he lied for political expediency or he had his head up his ass.

Which one is it?

Since he not actually done a single thing that would support a claim that he is acting out what he heard Wright say in the past makes your point, such as it is, moot.

I am sure you would say the same thing about a man who sat at KKK meetings for 20 years, ran for president and won and did not lynch a single black man while in office.

Oh yeah. And by the way. I disagree.

He did EXACTLY what Wright preaches the day he said:

"The Police acted stupidly" without knowing the facts.

He made a judgement call based on his own personal bias.

Sorry. You lose with that one.

Oh gawd...now you're digging at the bottom of the barrel. The irony of your misperceived analogy is that the police DID act stupidly, but it was politically incorrect to say so. Therefore, the soft-pedaling and appeasement of the whining right began.

Although Professor Gates totally overreated as well, acting "stupidly," it's up to uniformed officers to set the tone of an arrest, and as I recall Gates was first surprised by having police meet him on his porch first, then they all went inside the home, then back outside on the porch where the cuffs were slapped on him. I mean what the hell was THAT all about?
Pretty sad huh?

They scambled to post this news and cackled about her being a racist and then blamed Obama because he was tricked just like they were by this right wing hack.

And now they are demented enough to think this translates as a glorious victory for conservative 'journalism'.

Yes and while they blame Obama they defend the right wing hack "news" people who created this fraud.
You're doing exactly what I described. Cheering the fact that a CONSERVATIVE LIE was able to temporarily fool some Democrats.

That is what you people have sunk to. Lies are new Truth in Conservatopia.

You can try to turn it around on me,

but YOU still smell like what you've been wallowing in.

LINK, fuktard, to the "conservative lie" that YOU <gasp> keep LYING about!
Foxnews reported and commented on the dishonestly edited tape as fact. You agree then that Foxnews should not be accepted as a credible source of news?

WHO "dishonestly edited the tape"?!?

You want to keep blathering on about this, without EVER coming to grips with the FACT that the ONLY people that COULD have Edited it was the NAACP,

AS WELL AS completely ignoring the fact that Obama's WH should CERTAINLY have had access to the entire thing,

PRIOR to their actions.

That's a King-Sized Fail...

Surely you jest. So now you're proposing this whole thing was a conspiracy by the NAACP? And Andrew Brietbart fell for it? :disbelief:

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