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Now We Know The Truth About Accusing the Right of Being Racists

What makes this thread most delightfully retarded is that President Obama himself repudiated Jeremiah Wright.

What makes me laugh is the fact that you did not see the fact that he called him his mentor for 20 years and only tossed him aside when it was necessary for poliotical expediency.

And you accepted his "If I had known" excuse.

Well, guess what. If he did not kow about Wright after 20 years, then he certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.

You need to be somewhat aware of what is going on around you to be qualified as President.

So either he lied for political expediency or he had his head up his ass.

Which one is it?

Since he not actually done a single thing that would support a claim that he is acting out what he heard Wright say in the past makes your point, such as it is, moot.

I am sure you would say the same thing about a man who sat at KKK meetings for 20 years, ran for president and won and did not lynch a single black man while in office.

Oh yeah. And by the way. I disagree.

He did EXACTLY what Wright preaches the day he said:

"The Police acted stupidly" without knowing the facts.

He made a judgement call based on his own personal bias.

Sorry. You lose with that one.
Foxnews reported and commented on the dishonestly edited tape as fact. You agree then that Foxnews should not be accepted as a credible source of news?

WHO "dishonestly edited the tape"?!?

You want to keep blathering on about this, without EVER coming to grips with the FACT that the ONLY people that COULD have Edited it was the NAACP,

AS WELL AS completely ignoring the fact that Obama's WH should CERTAINLY have had access to the entire thing,

PRIOR to their actions.

That's a King-Sized Fail...
Watch and listen the entire 40 minute clip as I did last night. The claim that this woman was explaining her "moment of clarity" is nonsense. Listen to the audience as well. Is this woman a racist? I don't know. Seems the Obama admin sure deemed her one!

The bigger message is that she is a Class Warfare-ist. Her claim to have overcome her racism looks pretty disingenuous after her Racist accusations yesterday.
Foxnews reported and commented on the dishonestly edited tape as fact. You agree then that Foxnews should not be accepted as a credible source of news?

WHO "dishonestly edited the tape"?!?

You want to keep blathering on about this, without EVER coming to grips with the FACT that the ONLY people that COULD have Edited it was the NAACP,

AS WELL AS completely ignoring the fact that Obama's WH should CERTAINLY have had access to the entire thing,

PRIOR to their actions.

That's a King-Sized Fail...

No news program ever shows an entire 40 minute speech - they always show clips. If it's dishonest to show the bits of her racist past with the NAACP laughing and nodding approval, then showing clips of any speech is dishonest.
Oh, and BTW left.... the $100,000 reward for providing evidence of racist teaparty activity still remains unclaimed.

Quite interest, ain't it?

25% of the U.S. adult population self identifies as tea party sympathizers. If racism were rampant, there would be plenty of evidence among the 70M or so "targets". As it is, ThinkProgress had to cook up fake evidence consisting of four people, none of whom were proven to be both a Tea Partier and a racist.
Oh, and BTW left.... the $100,000 reward for providing evidence of racist teaparty activity still remains unclaimed.

Quite interest, ain't it?

25% of the U.S. adult population self identifies as tea party sympathizers. If racism were rampant, there would be plenty of evidence among the 70M or so "targets". As it is, ThinkProgress had to cook up fake evidence consisting of four people, none of whom were proven to be both a Tea Partier and a racist.

And you know damn well that if someone had offered info, and the reward was denied, you'd have heard about it ad nauseum. Bottom line, it is all lies.
reems and reems of republiKlansman whining about the racism of blacks on whites, yet none about real racism. LOFL
Ride this horse thru Nov till 12 righties please.
reems and reems of republiKlansman whining about the racism of blacks on whites, yet none about real racism. LOFL
Ride this horse thru Nov till 12 righties please.

and reems and reems of democrats whining about the racist tea partyers without any shred of evidence that shows there is a higher ratio of racists in that group than in any given group of people in the US.

Ride that horse until Nov. 2012 lefties please
Why do you people on the right keep saying Van Jones is a communist?

Its the same damned thing as saying Sherrrod is a racist.

Seeing as later in the film clip Sherrod refers to a white attorney as "one of his kind" I would say she IS a racist. She was NOT relaying how she said it back then...she was explaining the attorney TO THE PRESENT AUDIENCE as "one of his kind."

She may not abuse her power acting as a racist....but I have no doubt she still is a racist.

As for Van Jones. Seeing as you are referring to his communist thinkjing when he was a "young man" it is quite obvious that your left wing blogs and left wing media outlets have neglected to present to you more RECENT words of Van Jones.

They use people like you TM. They know yoiu will believe3 anything they say and do no researech on your own.

You, TM are a pathetic lonely woman with nothing to be proud of except your ability to regurgitate what you read on left wing blogs.

And you would be saying the same thing about Sherrod if she had not protested so loud to the media.
The fact that sherrod said it at all or thought like that is what is disturbing.

I would never think that way. Wouldn't even enter my mind.

I would never take race or wealth into consideration when divvying up money, if I were in her position.

She is 44 years old, how old was she 24 years ago?

Her father was killed by a KKK guy and then the KKK burned a cross on her lawn right in front of her family which consisted at the time of a mother, sisters and a 4 month old son who was born after her father was Murdered.

The woman overcame so much and you people continue to spew hate for her.
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It's also pretty clear that the reason the Left thinks there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is because they have has their own Vast Leftwing version going on:

When I'm talking to people from outside Washington, one question inevitably comes up: Why is the media so liberal? The question often reflects a suspicion that members of the press get together and decide on a story line that favors liberals and Democrats and denigrates conservatives and Republicans.

My response has usually been to say, yes, there's liberal bias in the media, but there's no conspiracy. The liberal tilt is an accident of nature. The media disproportionately attracts people from a liberal arts background who tend, quite innocently, to be politically liberal. If they came from West Point or engineering school, this wouldn't be the case.

Now, after learning I'd been targeted for a smear attack by a member of an online clique of liberal journalists, I'm inclined to amend my response. Not to say there's a media conspiracy, but at least to note that hundreds of journalists have gotten together, on an online listserv called JournoList, to promote liberalism and liberal politicians at the expense of traditional journalism.

My guess is that this and other revelations about JournoList will deepen the distrust of the national press. True, participants in the online clubhouse appear to hail chiefly from the media's self-identified left wing. But its founder, Ezra Klein, is a prominent writer for the Washington Post. Mr. Klein shut down JournoList last month—a wise decision....

Fred Barnes: The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy - WSJ.com

Now that JournoList is dead, there is no doubt a big flurry underway to find a new communication and coordination mechanism for their control and fabrication of the news.

Thanks for posting that.
Yes, the Left projects its own thoughts on to the Right. So the Left is the party of racists. They are the party of misogynists like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy. They are the party of failed inner city schools and single parent households.
And above all, the Democrats are the Party of Fuck You.
Seeing as later in the film clip Sherrod refers to a white attorney as "one of his kind" I would say she IS a racist. She was NOT relaying how she said it back then...she was explaining the attorney TO THE PRESENT AUDIENCE as "one of his kind."

She may not abuse her power acting as a racist....but I have no doubt she still is a racist.

Sorry to have to do this, but it was the times she grew up in, and in Georgia? She knew she was black, every second of each and every day, and you don't get over that.

Is it racist? I suppose it is, but she was talking about past times, and it's real hard not to let the feelings from those times shine through any anecdote a person is going to share. This IS how she FELT, and does not necessarily reflect how she NOW feels. In fact, her entire speech pretty much put paid to that, imho.
The fact that sherrod said it at all or thought like that is what is disturbing.

I would never think that way. Wouldn't even enter my mind.

I would never take race or wealth into consideration when divvying up money, if I were in her position.

She is 44 years old, how old was she 24 years ago?

Her father was killed by a KKK guy and then the KKK burned a cross on her lawn right in front of her family which consisted at the time of a mother, sisters and a 4 month old son who was born after her father was Murdered.

The woman overcame so much and you people continue to spew hate for her.

How is discussing the whole situation, having opinions, spewing hate for her? You are discussing her also, so are you spewing hate for her?
Pretty strong accusation there.:eusa_shhh:
because this person says she would never think that way.

The woman had MANY reasons to think white people hated her.
because this person says she would never think that way.

The woman had MANY reasons to think white people hated her.

Is this reply to me and my questions to you? If so I don't get your reply and how it pertains to what I asked you.
You can pretend this person isnt saying Sherrod is flawed for THINKING this at 20 years old when her father had been murdered for race hate when she was 16 but it is pretty dishonest of you.
because this person says she would never think that way.

The woman had MANY reasons to think white people hated her.

Perhaps she did.
But that does not mean our discussing her means we hate her.

If she is a racist becuase white people had killed her father becuase he was black, then I would undersatand. I would hope she would learn to realize not all white people are monsters, but I certainly can understand her sentiments.

Hey, the way I see it, she and YOU should not be chastising Fox for reporting on the story of her suddenly resigning. It was newswoirthy as it would be with any appointee suddenly resigning....but becuase it was a Fox story, the truth about her came out and she got her job back (or one similar).

Querstion is, why did no other news source see it as newsworthy that an administeration appointee suddenly resigned under allegations of racism? Whether the allegations were true or not, the WH made it clear that they believed them toi be true...yet no one bothered to report the story.

Makes you wonder what else the MSM is hiding from the masses.
Chris revealed the truth about accusing the right of being racists months ago (By the way, where is he? Miss seeing him around).

They call us racists because they've changed the definition of racist. Racist to them simply means Republican. If you are a Republican, you are a racist by definition.

That's why they excuse the geniune and deep seeded racism on the left. Because they are Republicans and therefore cannot, by definition, be racists.

I think this redefinition has alot to do with Liberation Theology. The Republicans are the oppressors (Despite the Democrats having complete and total power). Therefore they are always wrong. Democrats are the liberators/oppressed/victims, so they can't be racist. They have no power. They can do no wrong, because any thing they do is to overthrow the opporessors.

The fact that this stuff has spread so far and wide is simply astounding. We need to keep shining the light on it though.

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