Now we know Trump's economic plan to enrich the rich and screw over the GOP base. Happy?

The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Real good if that was the actual number.

The real number is 9.7% which is far better than it has been but sure isn't 4.7%

And this is from CNBC a left leaner.

You're wasting your time with that one. He OD'd on the Kool Aid and is incapable of thinking for himself
Anybody notice that Hillary is campaigning against herself? Hillary is an extension of the failed Obama administration and while she whines about everything she thinks is wrong with the Country she pretends that a democrat wasn't president for the last 7 1/2 years. Trump will be a breath of fresh air.
The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Derp derp're about to go ignore, you're just too stupid to read
"about to go ignore" ROTFLMAO. rdean has you totally frazzled.

"too stupid to read", but you'll continue to read and reply to every one of rdean's post, because rdean has crawled inside your head and owns you, cottage cheese thighs.
All the fact checkers have been reviewing Trump's economic plan and what they all agree on is the middle class get screwed just like the GOP always does.

OK Trump supporters. If you win, bend over and grab your ankles.

Obama did what you accuse what trump might do.
The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Who paid for those millions more to have health care, R-Derp? I'll give you a hint...most Middle Class Americans saw an increase in their health care costs. One more example of how when Progressives promise to "take care" of the Middle Class they're not telling the truth.
The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Derp derp're about to go ignore, you're just too stupid to read
"about to go ignore" ROTFLMAO. rdean has you totally frazzled.

"too stupid to read", but you'll continue to read and reply to every one of rdean's post, because rdean has crawled inside your head and owns you, cottage cheese thighs.

Dude, I hate to break this to you but R-Derp is hands down the dumbest poster on this board...a crown which he has worn for quite some time! The day that he "owns" anyone with his cut and paste stupidity from Think Progress and Huff Po is the day that Donald Trump gets a mohawk.
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
Republicans so ignorant about Obamacare.

Trump said: One of my first acts as President will be to repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare, saving another 2 million American jobs.

2 million people who chose to work part time or retire early because they now have health care through Obamacare. By ending it, they would be forced to go to work to pay for the suddenly very expensive health care they never wanted.

I'm sure they would thank Trump if he fucks up their lives. Thanks Trump, why did you do this to me?
The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Derp derp're about to go ignore, you're just too stupid to read
"about to go ignore" ROTFLMAO. rdean has you totally frazzled.

"too stupid to read", but you'll continue to read and reply to every one of rdean's post, because rdean has crawled inside your head and owns you, cottage cheese thighs.
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
God, you sure don't know much do you?

73 months of growth can't be called stagnant.

And as far as job creation?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Plenty of jobs have been created. It's that not enough people have the skills. Probably most of the unskilled are Republican. Don't you agree?
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
God, you sure don't know much do you?

73 months of growth can't be called stagnant.

And as far as job creation?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Plenty of jobs have been created. It's that not enough people have the skills. Probably most of the unskilled are Republican. Don't you agree?

Barack Obama is about to be the first President in modern American economic history to go 8 years never achieving 3% growth in any quarter. That's the EPITOME of "stagnant"!
Where's Hillary getting the money to pay for hers....BESIDES bending tax payers over with that new tax increase of hers?
Gee, you've got a whole bunch of people who can't be bothered to learn job skills. I wonder if those are Republicans...or they're part of the Occupy Wall Street crowd that is demanding a "living wage" for everyone whether they work or not? I'm going to go with the latter, R-Derp.
The middle class hasn't been screwed under Obama? Really?
Not when unemployment is at 4.7% and there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. And millions more have health care.


Derp derp're about to go ignore, you're just too stupid to read
"about to go ignore" ROTFLMAO. rdean has you totally frazzled.

"too stupid to read", but you'll continue to read and reply to every one of rdean's post, because rdean has crawled inside your head and owns you, cottage cheese thighs.
thigh7.jpg more pictures of Bill Clinton's ass! For the love of God!!!
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
God, you sure don't know much do you?

73 months of growth can't be called stagnant.

And as far as job creation?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Plenty of jobs have been created. It's that not enough people have the skills. Probably most of the unskilled are Republican. Don't you agree?

Barack Obama is about to be the first President in modern American economic history to go 8 years never achieving 3% growth in any quarter. That's the EPITOME of "stagnant"!
But is he the first president with 73 straight months of economic expansion?
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
God, you sure don't know much do you?

73 months of growth can't be called stagnant.

And as far as job creation?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Plenty of jobs have been created. It's that not enough people have the skills. Probably most of the unskilled are Republican. Don't you agree?

Barack Obama is about to be the first President in modern American economic history to go 8 years never achieving 3% growth in any quarter. That's the EPITOME of "stagnant"!
But is he the first president with 73 straight months of economic expansion?

73 months of 1 1/2% average growth isn't something to brag about,'s a talking point that only resounds with ignorant people...which is why you think it's so great!
Hillary Clinton's "solution" to a stagnant economy is to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people. It's a populist message that corporations and the wealthy are greedy and evil and they are the reason that jobs aren't being created. It's also an utterly ridiculous message if you really DO want to stimulate the economy and create jobs because what she's proposing will escalate job flight out of the country and lessen investment in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones.

It's too bad Hillary and her crew didn't take a few economics classes along with their political science and legal studies classes!
God, you sure don't know much do you?

73 months of growth can't be called stagnant.

And as far as job creation?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Plenty of jobs have been created. It's that not enough people have the skills. Probably most of the unskilled are Republican. Don't you agree?

Barack Obama is about to be the first President in modern American economic history to go 8 years never achieving 3% growth in any quarter. That's the EPITOME of "stagnant"!
But is he the first president with 73 straight months of economic expansion?

73 months of 1 1/2% average growth isn't something to brag about,'s a talking point that only resounds with ignorant people...which is why you think it's so great!
More sour grapes. average growth rate of around 1 1/2 percent is about as "sour" as it gets, R-Derp!

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