Now we're talking- Wyoming to bring back the Firing Squad

Oh, horseshit.

Read the rest of the post.

I didn't put words into your mouth, I quoted your words exactly. You said "oh well, shit happens"..

You did, indeed, quote my words, exactly.

And then you went on, to construe that which a reasonable person would not have construed, namely...

...You don't care WHO gets killed for the crime, just so it's someone? They could be innocent, and killing an innocent person to revenge the death of another innocent person is "justice?"

...which is not, at all (1) what was intended, nor (2) what a reasonable person would have construed.

...If you don't want to say those words, then retract them. Otherwise, they are yours...
I stand by those words, and will not retract.

However, I reject what you construed from them, trying to read something into them that was not there.

...Killing ONE innocent person is not acceptable.

However, doing away with a tried-and-true and working system, just because of an occasional mistake, is ALSO unacceptable.

If we take better care and are more consistent, those numbers will shrink.
Here... Here.....

Hats off the fine state of Wyoming.. Next, maybe Texas can knock the dust off 'Old Sparky'


Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup
Problems With Supply of Injection Drugs Spur Lawmakers to Seek an Alternative
Updated Jan. 25, 2015 8:00 p.m. ET

Problems with the supply of lethal-injection drugs have spurred Wyoming lawmakers to consider a backup method of executing death-row inmates: the firing squad.

Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup - WSJ

Or maybe we can just get rid of Capital Punishment because it doesn't work.

But if you are going to go all out, fuck, let's bring back the Guilotine. It's quick, it's relatively painless and it satisfies the Bloodlust of people who live in JesusLand.
Nah, Roman ritualistic strangulation...
Here... Here.....

Hats off the fine state of Wyoming.. Next, maybe Texas can knock the dust off 'Old Sparky'


Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup
Problems With Supply of Injection Drugs Spur Lawmakers to Seek an Alternative
Updated Jan. 25, 2015 8:00 p.m. ET

Problems with the supply of lethal-injection drugs have spurred Wyoming lawmakers to consider a backup method of executing death-row inmates: the firing squad.

Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup - WSJ

Or maybe we can just get rid of Capital Punishment because it doesn't work.

But if you are going to go all out, fuck, let's bring back the Guilotine. It's quick, it's relatively painless and it satisfies the Bloodlust of people who live in JesusLand.

It works for me Joe. I take great joy in seeing the dregs of society ushered off to dirt naps

Do you use Vaseline during the act?
that sniper dude should volunteer to be on the firing squad. At least we'd know he wont miss. lol Just imagine the liberal out
Just like the enlightened country of China.

YOu mean the place where people like you move jobs so you don't have to pay an American a fair wage?

A fair wage equals to ones value- it's not intended to be all inclusive


:thup: If one wants better wages they'd better bring more job skills or better work habits/attitudes to the game.

And, YES to the firing squad. I would have thought the great state of Texas to be on board with that, long ago. That would be my preferred way of ending my life, given the choices the state's penal codes call for. Gracie started a thread on this a while back and I was in agreement with her. I would want my life over with as quickly as possible. And the firing squad would do that.
Liberals protested the use of lethal injection chemicals. They believed that without the chemicals the death penalty would go away. They were wrong. There is nothing wrong with the firing squad.
Aren't there free military surplus artillery pieces available to states for law enforcement purposes?

A sure way to make sure any hit is a GOOD hit. None of this half-way shit.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
The failed argument that the death penalty is a deterrent.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
You people will never admit it is all about vengence and blood lust, for you.
There is nothing wrong with rightful vengeance.
Except vengeance is the province of the Lord. Justice is the province of man.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
The failed argument that the death penalty is a deterrent.
I have had more than a few death penalty cases and never known the death penalty to be a deterrent. Life in prison isn't a deterrent. No form of punishment is a deterrent. Murderers never expect to be caught. Criminals never expect to be caught.
Here... Here.....

Hats off the fine state of Wyoming.. Next, maybe Texas can knock the dust off 'Old Sparky'


Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup
Problems With Supply of Injection Drugs Spur Lawmakers to Seek an Alternative
Updated Jan. 25, 2015 8:00 p.m. ET

Problems with the supply of lethal-injection drugs have spurred Wyoming lawmakers to consider a backup method of executing death-row inmates: the firing squad.

Wyoming Considers Firing Squad as Death-Row Backup - WSJ
The people of Wyoming must be very proud. You know what would be really cool, if they held a lottery for every excution and regular folks could be in the lottery as potential firing squad members. Boy, let the blood lust flow freely.
As long as they are compensated above the minimum wage, I'm all for it!

I hear they pay a lot for executioners.

I wonder how you get the job.

Just need to be a good citizen with a love for justice. You're good!
Well for those who favor hanging over a firing squad for whatever reasons, if hanging does get the nod let's at least do it right, like the Germans did it. None of this trap door stuff where the neck instantly snaps due to the drop. String 'em up to a hook on the wall and let 'em experience a nice slow agonizing demise.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
The failed argument that the death penalty is a deterrent.
I have had more than a few death penalty cases and never known the death penalty to be a deterrent. Life in prison isn't a deterrent. No form of punishment is a deterrent. Murderers never expect to be caught. Criminals never expect to be caught.
The death penalty will deter the recipient of that punishment from ever committing a crime again. That's all the deterrent we need -- for the moment.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
The failed argument that the death penalty is a deterrent.
I have had more than a few death penalty cases and never known the death penalty to be a deterrent. Life in prison isn't a deterrent. No form of punishment is a deterrent. Murderers never expect to be caught. Criminals never expect to be caught.
The death penalty will deter the recipient of that punishment from ever committing a crime again. That's all the deterrent we need -- for the moment.
That is the only deterrent. It's like putting a rabid dog down. No one shoots a rabid dog for vengeance. It's something that has to be done.
Conservatives hate intrusive government, unless that government kills you.

After years of sentences being commuted due to DNA evidence, after years of incompetent public defenders, after seeing the cost of capital punishment compared to life sentences, Conservatives applaud the idea of state sanctioned killing.

You figure them out.
It's blood lust and an obsession with the idea of vengence.

Justice and vengeance are two, different things. When is person's mother or child is murdered in a violent manner by some depraved, heartless criminal that person and the community deserve justice. If a depraved criminal doesn't want the death penalty then he/she shouldn't commit the crime to begin with.
You people will never admit it is all about vengence and blood lust, for you.
There is nothing wrong with rightful vengeance.
Except vengeance is the province of the Lord. Justice is the province of man.
Separation of church and state.

In the end, this is about the State exacting vengeance on behalf of the victim and his-or-her family.

That's how Criminal Courts of Law came into being in the first place.

To avoid perpetual violence in countless villages and towns throughout the world, and throughout the history of 'civilized' man.

That (taking vengeance out of the hands of individuals and vesting it in the State) continues to be the primary underlying function of Criminal Law to this very day.

Better than an endless round of Hatfields-and-McCoys, yes?
I will stop believing in the efficacy of the death penalty the very instant someone presents evidence of a convicted and executed murderer having come back from the dead to kill again.

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