'Now, which guy is a hero again?’ Wife of soldier left paralyzed and unable to speak

Let's get this straight liberals. Bush did not start the Afghan war. It was a response to the attack on 9/11 and there were victims in those towers from all over the world.

And their countries joined America in the fight against AQ in Afghanistan. I'm spitting bullets over left wingers trying to rewrite history and blame Bush and Bush only for this war.

It is absolutely revolting . You've truly hit a new low. Shame on you.

There is no debate about the legality of the war.

SG/ SM/ 7985 AFG/149 8 October 2001


Following is the text of a statement made today by Secretary ? General Kofi Annan on military strikes in Afghanistan:

Immediately after the 11 September attacks on the United States, the Security Council expressed its determination to combat, by all means, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.

The Council also reaffirmed the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. The States concerned have set their current military action in Afghanistan in that context.

To defeat terrorism, we need a sustained effort and a broad strategy to unite all nations, and address all aspects of the scourge we face. The cause must be pursued by all the States of the world, working together and using many different means including political, legal, diplomatic and financial means.

The people of Afghanistan, who cannot be held responsible for the acts of the Taliban regime, are now in desperate need of aid. The United Nations has long played a vital role in providing humanitarian assistance to them, and it is my hope that we will be able to step up our humanitarian work as soon as possible.

UN and the war in Afghanistan

um....Bush did start it. Showing that the U.N was against the 9-11 attacks and wanted to confront The Taliban as well, proves nothing.

Rewrite history lol...
ugly thread based on politics....Sad you use these soldiers as footballs TD. You should be ashamed.

There are two sides to every story. Obama and his Administration trotted out a Disney land fairy tale with Bergdahl who Rice in her lalalala land of lies portrayed as a soldier who had served with honor and distinction.

The other story is more like the Grimm Brothers with a hint of Stephen King nightmare. Heroes who while trying to find a brother in arms died or suffered horrible injuries.
Let's get this straight liberals. Bush did not start the Afghan war. It was a response to the attack on 9/11 and there were victims in those towers from all over the world.

And their countries joined America in the fight against AQ in Afghanistan. I'm spitting bullets over left wingers trying to rewrite history and blame Bush and Bush only for this war.

It is absolutely revolting . You've truly hit a new low. Shame on you.

There is no debate about the legality of the war.

SG/ SM/ 7985 AFG/149 8 October 2001


Following is the text of a statement made today by Secretary ? General Kofi Annan on military strikes in Afghanistan:

Immediately after the 11 September attacks on the United States, the Security Council expressed its determination to combat, by all means, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.

The Council also reaffirmed the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. The States concerned have set their current military action in Afghanistan in that context.

To defeat terrorism, we need a sustained effort and a broad strategy to unite all nations, and address all aspects of the scourge we face. The cause must be pursued by all the States of the world, working together and using many different means including political, legal, diplomatic and financial means.

The people of Afghanistan, who cannot be held responsible for the acts of the Taliban regime, are now in desperate need of aid. The United Nations has long played a vital role in providing humanitarian assistance to them, and it is my hope that we will be able to step up our humanitarian work as soon as possible.

UN and the war in Afghanistan

um....Bush did start it. Showing that the U.N was against the 9-11 attacks and wanted to confront The Taliban as well, proves nothing.

Rewrite history lol...

All those countries that I listed came on board to Operation Enduring Freedom wanting to decimate AQ as much as the US did.

If you want to blame Bush for starting this war on terror be my guest. But you look the fool.
great they came aboard....that doesnt prove anything beyond they wanted help us. You are seriously a fucking moron.
AWOL is not necessarily desertion.

It would be nice if folks would allow the military to get the facts out rather than assassinating this man's character and attacking his family ahead of any actual evidence.

It might be true. It might not be. Or it might be something in the middle.

But regardless - we have a duty to our military to leave no one behind.

When one leaves their post in a war situation and goes "AWOL" that is Desertion.

AWOL and Desertion in the US Military

Desertion -- UCMJ Article 85 -- Court-Martial

Article 85 provides:

Any member of the armed forces who:

(1) without authority, goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently; or

(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service

The charge of desertion is more aggravated if it is committed in time of war or to avoid hazardous service.

He left his unit on the battlefield and DESERTED HIS POST.

He is a Deserter from his own actions and from the quotes of those serving with him. While he is innocent until proven guilty, this is an opinionated board and my opinion leans to Desertion in the face of the enemy.

It also led to a rescue operation where men were killed and wounded, giving their lives and future lives to attempt to bring back one of their own. To leave no one behind. We now DISHONOR their memory by trading high level Taliban for his exchange and quite possibly millions of dollars which is unconfirmed at this time.

Even had he been Audie Murphy, this exchange was wrong. As a Honorable Man would rather die than cause the possible deaths of other military personnel due to the release.

Israel has paid a heavy price for prisoner exchanges as those released started killing again. It's bad policy, and the end result will more than likely be written in blood.

PLEASE tell me the why, dumbass. If you don't mention Operation Ajax and the last 5 decades of its consequences then you don't have any idea what the fuck this is about.

You think this war started on 9/11/2001? No. It was long before that.

This thread is about Afghanistan in the here and now. Don't drag it back to the fucking Crusades you idiot.
This isn't ancient history, douchemonger. 1979-1989, Operation Cyclone, CIA training and providing weapons to the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was a young terrorist recruit then. Do you understand? During the Reagan administration, Osama bin Laden was considered an ALLY.

Do you understand? Reagan + Jihad = Shut the fuck up.

Bullshit. Jihad has been forever in Islam. I can go back to Jimmy Carter and the hostage crisis in Iran when radical Islamists wanted to punish America for the Shah.

Grand Mufti siding with Hitler and providing him with soldiers to fight the evil west.

I can dance with you anytime but not in this thread. This thread is about the here and now dealing with two very different sides of a story.
I can't imagine the rage this woman feels knowing that this administration tried to pass off Bergdahl as a hero.

I just don't have the words. So here are hers.

'Now, which guy is a hero again?’ Wife of soldier left paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save ‘deserter’ Bowe Bergdahl vents her fury on social media

Shannon Allen, husband of injured Afghanistan war vet Mark Allen, referred to Bergdahl as a 'traitor', while questioning 'which guy is a "hero" again?'

Mark Allen was rendered paralyzed after a sniper bullet passed through his armored helmet and through the frontal lobe of his brain

Allen had been in Afghanistan for only one month before being shot


Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online
So...if Bergdahl hadn't been grabbed, this man would not have had to go out on dangerous patrols at all...this is what you are telling us?

Yes this man is a hero...but unless his wife...or YOU for this matter...are prepared to testify at Bergdahl's GCM....you've got nothing.

Bergdahl wasn't "grabbed." He walked away of his own volition.

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