Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Who are you to tell the 7th Day Adventist what their beliefs are?

Giving someone Sunday off you are endorsing Sunday as the Holy Day just as much as making a cake endorses gay marriage.
What's on the cake is the issue, not the cake. You queers always avoid the real issue.
LLC may stand for "Limited Liability Company", but it most certainly IS a corporation.
When you apply, the form, fee, legal ramifications, etc. are all for creating a corporation.
And no, the whole point of incorporating is to remove the personalization, so LLC are not at all people.
That is the reason why the Citizens United ruling is so very wrong, and how it allows foreign money to incorrectly influence US elections now.
Since corporations are huge, multi national, etc., they are the greatest danger the world has ever faced in terms of attacking individual rights and freedom.
Anyone who does not get that, has to have their head in the sand, or being paid off by a corporation.
We think a lot alike. I don't understand how you can be a socialist. :dunno:
That's your opinion. Thank God our founders put it in the Constitution to protect the people from tyrants like you.
No, it’s a fact about what Gorsuch wrote in the opinion. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

You can deny anyone for any reason.
I agree

I have never had one and never missed it
Conservatives have decided that it is a constitutional right to be on Twitter.

I predict you will adopt their dogma the next time this comes up, probably very soon.
Conservatives have decided that it is a constitutional right to be on Twitter.

I predict you will adopt their dogma the next time this comes up, probably very soon.
Really what constitutional amendment is that?

Your a very very bad prognisticator
What's on the cake is the issue, not the cake. You queers always avoid the real issue.

Giving someone Sunday off you are endorsing Sunday as the Holy Day just as much as decorating a cake endorses gay marriage.
Obviously bands get to pick and choose what songs to play because they can only play ones they have learned.
You can not just play any song.
Nor is it harmful to the customer to not get a particular song.
While being denied a wedding web site is very harmful.
And designing a wedding web site for a gay wedding is not at all harmful to the designer.
If they find gay sex offensive, that is irrelevant, since weddings do not have to be about sex.
Weddings can be to ensure financial security for dependents.
Designing a website for a gay wedding requires the designer to express an opinion that they do not hold and object to.

Just move on. Get someone else.
A judgment has to follow the law.

I will infer from that you do not understand what "the law" is.

Law is NOT mere legislation.
That is obvious since mere legislation can be struck down.
And to do that, there has to be a higher abstraction.
Precedent is often used to make it easier.
But it is more than just going higher up to the constitution.
It is going back to British Common Law, to understand accepted social norms.
And they are all based on the defense of inherent individual rights.
That is what Jefferson explained in the Declaration of Independence.
That the defense of inherent individual rights is supreme.
And judges are only necessary because the rights of multiple individuals can collide, conflict, etc., and a compromise between them had to be stuck with a well considered balance.

So if one could just "follow the law", there would really be no need for judges.
You can't just "follow the law" for many reasons.
One is that the law could be inherently defective, inappropriate for the particular circumstance, unnecessary in some instances and even harmful in others, etc.

If you do not get that, then consider an example, like the castle doctrine where you can shoot intruders.
Obviously it is understandable if a 70 year old frail woman shoots a large male weapon wielding intruder at 4 in the morning. But it would not be understandable for a large healthy male to shoot a teenager who simply was at the wrong address.
You can never just "follow the law".

So getting back to this case, there is no indication at all the web designer would even remotely be harmed in any way by doing a gay wedding web site.

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